Password Spraying Attacks: What They Are & How to Avoid Them

Digital security is more important than ever, so understanding and mitigating cyber threats is crucial for individuals and organizations alike. And password spraying attacks stand out as a significant concern. They can subtly bypass security measures, posing a serious risk to online assets and personal information.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the intricacies of password spraying attacks, exploring their nature, how they operate, and their prevalence. We’ll also examine the motivations behind these attacks, the common targets they exploit, and the wide-ranging consequences they can have.

This post will not only highlight the risks, but also offer practical, actionable advice on how to identify and prevent such attacks to safeguard your digital footprint.

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Feel Good Friday: 15 Fun Social Media Post Ideas for Fridays

Fridays are a special day of the week, full of anticipation for the weekend. They present a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience in fun and creative ways. 

Whether it’s through flash sales, fun facts, or feel-good stories, Friday posts can boost your brand’s visibility and interaction on social media. In this article, we’ll explore fifteen engaging social media post ideas specifically for Fridays, designed to make your audience smile and your brand shine.

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Social Media Marketing for Doctors: Benefits, Strategies, and Best Practices

For doctors and medical practices, social media platforms offer a unique opportunity to communicate directly with current and potential patients. However, managing social media effectively requires understanding its benefits, addressing its challenges, and employing strategic practices to ensure a beneficial presence online that complies with industry and regulatory standards and guidelines. 

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New Jetpack Features: UTM Builder, Paid Subscriber Stats, Unlimited Social Shares, Share on Threads, And More

Welcome to another What’s New with Jetpack, which covers what we’ve been doing across the Jetpack suite of plugins. This month, we released great new features and continued improving existing ones.

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Jetpack Social: Unlimited Sharing, Threads Support and More

Sharing your content on social media helps more people discover you. Posting regular content reminds people who you are and what your message is about.

Jetpack Social has long been a trusted tool for automating the sharing of your WordPress content to various social media platforms. Now, we’ve removed sharing limits so you can continue to create content without worrying about hitting sharing quotas.

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Password Reuse: A Major Vulnerability You Need to Avoid

Safeguarding personal and business information is more crucial than ever. One common, yet often overlooked, vulnerability that can compromise this safety is password reuse. What seems like a simple solution for individuals using the same password across multiple accounts exposes people, and the companies and organizations connected with them, to significant risks.

This article explores the aspects of password reuse, why it remains prevalent, and effective strategies to mitigate the risk. We’ll discuss why it’s so vital to avoid reusing passwords and how adopting better security practices can protect us.

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Fourteen 4th of July Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses

Across the world, patriotism unifies citizens in a celebration of culture and family history. And in the United States, there’s no bigger patriotic event than the 4th of July. 

Also known as Independence Day, the 4th of July is a major U.S. holiday that celebrates the country’s freedom of self-governance. For businesses or organizations that operate in the U.S., or that reach U.S. citizens, it’s an opportunity to show support and connect with consumers in a meaningful way. 

In this article, we’ll explore fourteen engaging social media post ideas to help your business celebrate Independence Day and boost customer interaction.

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All About AI – Live Webinar Recap

On June 27th, I ran a live webinar All About AI. This post shares the video and the supporting slides for people who couldn’t attend live or didn’t register in time.

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Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: Benefits, Strategies, and Best Practices

Social media is a marketing cornerstone across many industries — including the restaurant industry. Leveraging social media platforms offers restaurants a dynamic way to connect with customers, enhance their brand visibility, and increase foot traffic.

However, to craft an effective social media strategy, you need to understand the potential benefits, navigate a number of common challenges, and employ best practices tailored for the food service industry. This comprehensive guide aims to equip restaurant owners and marketers with insights and tools to optimize their social media presence and drive business success.

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What is the Layered Security Model in Cybersecurity

When you think about keeping things safe — whether it’s your home, personal information, or website — the idea of using just one lock and key doesn’t cut it anymore. Threats can come from anywhere and take any form, and a single line of defense is not enough to keep the criminals out.

This is where the concept of layered security comes into play in the cybersecurity world. It’s a bit like having locks, alarm systems, and a guard dog. Each layer adds a new level of protection. 

Today, we’re diving into what layered security means, especially for those running websites, and how an approach that uses multiple layers of defense can provide stronger protection against cyber threats.

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