Jetpack Blocks: Tools for Creating Engaging Content

According to Hosting Tribunal, 70 million new posts are published on WordPress blogs alone every month. And though the average post is 1,150 words long, the average time visitors spend on a page is only 16 seconds.

To beat the average, it’s more important than ever to create quality posts that hook website visitors. Engaging, top-notch content requires more than just a text editor — you need tools that allow you to build visual, interactive, multimedia experiences.

The WordPress block editor (and additional Jetpack blocks) give you the power to deliver that without needing to hire a developer or learn a single line of code.

What are blocks?

In the WordPress editor, blocks are the elements that make up a page or post — paragraphs, headings, quotes, images, videos, buttons, and more. Each item on a page is its own block and you can edit and move each one independently to create totally custom layouts.

Jetpack’s advanced blocks extend the default functionality of the WordPress block editor, giving you provide elements for building engaging pages and posts. Here are just a few of the best Jetpack content blocks:

1. GIF block

A GIF is an animated photo that you can use to convey humor or personality. Here’s an example:

People love GIFs! They’re funny, shareable, and attention-grabbing. They’re also a great way to express emotion when you just can’t quite find the words.

With the GIF block, you can search for and embed an image from GIF search website Giphy on a post or page on your WordPress site — no more fumbling with embed codes to showcase your favorite scene from The Office.

2. Podcast Player block

50% of all U.S. homes contain podcast fans. And it’s no wonder — they’re fun, informative, and easy to listen to while driving to work, doing chores, or cooking breakfast. They’re also another way to encourage engagement: if someone doesn’t have time to read a long blog post, they can listen to it.  

If you have a podcast or want to share someone else’s podcast, do it with the Podcast Player block. Embed a list of recent episodes, and visitors will be able to play them right on your website.

Episode 30: The Magic of Meetups Distributed, with Matt Mullenweg

On this episode of the Distributed podcast, we dig into the good, the bad, and the history of Automattic meetups. More

3. Pinterest block

People perform more than two billion searches on Pinterest each month — it’s the third-largest social network in the world. That means it’s an excellent opportunity to get your content in front of a huge audience, especially if you blog about Pinterest-friendly topics like fashion, home decor, or food.

Use the Pinterest block to embed boards and pins from your Pinterest account into a post or page. You might add individual pins of your favorite appetizers to a blog post titled 

“Ten-Minute Apps for Dinner Parties,” or you add a Pinterest board full of blogging tips to a “Resource” page on your site.

There are endless ways to add helpful, visual pins to your site and gain more followers for your website and your Pinterest account.

4. Map block

If you have a physical storefront or location, make it as easy as possible for potential customers to find you. With the Map block, you can add a visual, interactive map to any page or post. Add one address to your sidebar, or highlight multiple addresses on a “Locations” page.

Or be creative! Add maps to a blog post that lists the best California beaches, highlight all the places you went on your summer vacation, or show exactly which boutiques carry your products. 

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5. Tiled Gallery block

Want to quickly create a visual portfolio of your work or display a collection of images in an artistic layout? Use the Tiled Galleries block to create image galleries. There are four styles to choose from: tiled mosaic, circular grid, square tiles, and tiled columns. 

Jetpack automatically crops each image, so you don’t have to resize anything to fit, and you can add additional information or descriptions with captions.

See interactive previews of each gallery type.

tiled gallery

6. Slideshow block

There are lots of slideshow plugins to choose from, but many of them are bulky and add extra functionality that you don’t need, slowing down your site unnecessarily.

Use the Slideshow block to insert image sliders anywhere on your site. Select your images, drag and drop to reorder them, add captions if you’d like, and click Insert Gallery. You can even preview your slideshow right in the block editor.

7. Video block 

Jetpack’s Video block, available with paid plans, enhances the existing WordPress block, enabling you to upload videos and host them on rather than your server. This speeds up your site, and your videos won’t have the ads and distractions that typically come with third-party video services like YouTube and Vimeo. If you do want to share a YouTube video, simply paste the URL into the video block and it will transform into a YouTube block.

8. Subscription block

If you’re creating great content, you’ll inevitably have site visitors that want more from you on a regular basis. With the Subscription Form block, you can add a simple sign-up form to any post or page. Visitors can enter their email address and, once confirmed, will get a notification whenever you publish a new post. Easy-to-use settings let you customize the design of your subscription form — change the color, text, border, spacing, and more — to match your site and brand.

As with all these blocks, there are no complicated embed codes like with other providers. Just add the block to your page or post and Jetpack takes care of the rest.

9. Related Posts Block

If a site visitor likes what they’re reading and wants more information, they should be able to find it fast. For the Related Posts block, Jetpack scans and filters all of your content and displays relevant posts that visitors may be interested in.

If your post is about the best outdoor toys for kids between the ages of five and seven, Jetpack might display a related post about STEM toys for the same age group. If you publish a recipe for slow cooker chili, it might show another slow cooker recipe. And it all happens automatically — no work needed on your end.

10. Image Compare block

Do you restore furniture, remodel houses, or style hair? Use the Image Compare block to show off your work! Choose two images, like a before and after, and let site visitors compare them by dragging a slider. Make your content interactive, and share real proof of your results without sending people to another page.

Create more engaging content

More engaging content means more readers, more subscribers, and more customers. Jetpack makes blocks specifically for content creators. Use the block editor that you’re already familiar with, and add everything from videos and GIFs to galleries and slideshows.

This post only covers a few of the available Jetpack blocks — there are also great solutions for calendars, social media integrations, reservations, payments, and more! See the full list of Jetpack blocks.

Already have Jetpack installed on your website? 

Open a a page or post, click the + icon to add a new block, and open up the Jetpack tab to see all of the options.

Not a Jetpack user yet? 

Install the plugin today and start taking advantage of these tools to help you create better WordPress content.

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Rob Pugh profile
Rob Pugh

Rob is the Marketing Lead for Jetpack. He has worked in marketing and product development for more than 15 years, primarily at Automattic, Mailchimp, and UPS. Since studying marketing at Penn State and Johns Hopkins University, he’s focused on delivering products that delight people and solve real problems.

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  1. Valentina says:

    Gif blocks are way too cute! The problem is that to be verified on Giphy is not an easy task…


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