Recently I have been watching the World Cup, I wanted to know how to say Nutmeg (as in kicking it through the other players legs) in Japanese. I figure it's not ナツメグ...

1 Answer 1


The answer was in the dictionary - but it's like the 100th entry. I had to scroll down really far. To express the idea of a nutmeg you say 股抜{またぬ}き.

The Kanji 股 means "the leg from the knee up" and 抜く means... well There a lot of uses of this word. It basically means "to remove from". It makes sense to use it here, but not if I try to define it in my own words. If you are curious check this out https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/169219/meaning/m0u/

  • The answer was in the dictionary - but it's like the 100th entry. I had to scroll down really far. -- 「サッカー nutmeg」でググったらすぐ見つかります→google.co.uk/…
    – chocolate
    Commented Jul 10, 2018 at 22:58

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