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Report di Sostenibilità 2023: continua la green transformation del Gruppo Talanx Anche lo scorso anno in Talanx tanti piccoli semi sono stati piantati per dare vita ad un futuro più sostenibile. Risultati che condividiamo con soddisfazione proprio oggi, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Ambiente. 🌿 Dal 2019, riduzione del 34% della carbon intensity nel portafoglio di investimenti 💼 Aumento degli investimenti sostenibili a 11,3 miliardi di euro 💪 Raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di diminuzione delle carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) del 25% entro il 2025 🛢 Aggiornamento delle esclusioni degli investimenti, tra cui il settore produzione e trasporto Oil & Gas 🌍 Collaborazione nei progetti di trasformazione energetica attraverso assicurazioni per energie rinnovabili 🤝 Analisi approfondita degli attuali fornitori globali per garantire il rispetto dei diritti umani e dell'ambiente 📈 Potenziamento della governance della sostenibilità all'interno del Gruppo ➡️ Approfondisci tutto il report: #sostenibilità #talanx #sustainablefinance #together

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+++ Talanx Sustainability Report 2023: systematic implementation of sustainability strategy, new exclusions, focus on social and governance topics +++ As a global insurance group and investor, Talanx underlines its aim of helping industry and economy in their sustainable transformation. We again underscored our ambitions in 2023: ➡ We already achieved our 2025 goal of cutting the carbon intensity of our liquid investment portfolio by 30% compared to the 2019 baseline in 2023, with a reduction of 34%. ➡ We also hit our target of increasing our sustainable investment volume to EUR 8 billion by 2025: the figure at the end of the reporting period was EUR 11.3 billion.   ➡ We reached our 2025 goal of a 25% cut in carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) for our German operations compared with the 2019 baseline, with a reduction of 38%. Emissions from global primary insurance operations have been cut by 34% since 2019. ➡ New exclusions for the liquid investment portfolio: No new investments in issuers who generate 25% or more of their revenues from oil production or transportation (upstream/midstream), or from fracking of shale gas and/or oil; sharpened restrictions for investments in the thermal coal industry. ➡ The Talanx Group no longer offers insurance for any new projects if it receives knowledge in advance that these projects did not obtain the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of impacted indigenous peoples; in addition, existing oil sands risks will be reduced to zero by the end of 2025. ➡ ESG governance strengthened: a third Supervisory Board member was appointed as a sustainability expert in the reporting period. In addition, the Group is reinforcing the topic of sustainability by expanding/establishing ESG teams in its divisions and central functions. ➡ As part of its implementation of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the Group performed the first risk analysis of its own operations and its global supplier base in 2023 so as to identify human rights and environmental risks and take appropriate measures. ➡ Global social commitment by Talanx Group companies including a wide range of assistance following the earthquake in Türkiye, and education and advice on ensuring financial security in old age by neue leben Versicherungen in Germany. Both we and our environment are being impacted by growing geopolitical crises and persistent inflation. Our strategy has proved its worth in this challenging market environment: we have demonstrated our resilience and exceeded our financial and sustainability targets. Thanks to all our 28,000 staff around the world for this #TogetherTalanx! Talanx #SustainabilityReport 2023: #ESG #Sustainability #SustainableFinance #Talanx

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