Ufo Plast Italy srl

Ufo Plast Italy srl

Fabbricazione di articoli sportivi

Bientina, Tuscany 235 follower

Supporting those who seriously explore their passions.

Chi siamo

Ufo Plast was founded in 1977 in Tuscany-Italy and immediately became part of the social imaginary as a true icon of the off-road world Thanks to the unmistakable design and a meticulous attention to detail and quality, the brand won over fans of all ages, from the most demanding amateurs to professional athletes. The UFO Plast plastic parts, accessories, caps, helmets and clothing for Motocross, Enduro and many other sports, are recognized and appreciated thanks to their durability, in line with the best Made in Italy tradition. Checks on every production process and every single material allow the company to achieve high quality standards, and offer sportsmen the satisfaction of always choosing the best, in the Made in UFO style. A style born to carry out a very specific mission on this planet.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di articoli sportivi
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bientina, Tuscany
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza


Dipendenti presso Ufo Plast Italy srl

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