

Settore alberghiero

Turin, Piedmont 8.536 follower

Rooms, bar, restaurant, radio, music, art, combined. In Venice, Milan, Turin and Bologna.

Chi siamo

Combo is a bar, an event and art space, a radio station, a place where to spend your night, in private and shared rooms or apartments. But it is much more than this: it is a place for curious hunters to discover, create and celebrate sharing. Settled within the frame of historical Italian buildings in vibrant and dynamic neighborhoods, Combo is a meeting place for travelers and locals in search of a space to unwind, treat yourself, and get inspired. The project started in Venice, followed by Milan, Turin, Bologna. It will continue with an extensive and capillary expansion in the Italian territory.

Sito Web
Settore alberghiero
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Turin, Piedmont
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Cultural events, Radio, Music, Art, hospitality, International food, Drinks, Private rooms, Shared rooms, Workshop, Urban regeneration, regeneration, Web Radio, Live music e Dj set


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