Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A.

Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A.

Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali

Bassano del Grappa, Veneto 20.362 follower

We are the Mitsubishi Electric Group company specializing in hydronic systems for air conditioning and IT Cooling.

Chi siamo

Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A. è la società Mitsubishi Electric specializzata nei sistemi idronici per la climatizzazione e l’IT Cooling. Grazie alla vasta esperienza dei suoi marchi Climaveneta e RC, progetta, produce e distribuisce in tutto il mondo soluzioni altamente efficienti, economicamente vantaggiose, eco-sostenibili e in grado di generare valore aggiunto, in particolare utilizzando le risorse rinnovabili. Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A ha sede in Italia e produce in 12 stabilimenti in Europa, Cina e India. Climaveneta Climaveneta, marchio leader europeo nei sistemi di climatizzazione centralizzati con 45 anni di esperienza, integra una gamma completa di soluzioni HVAC con dispositivi di ottimizzazione e servizi che contribuiscono al successo dei progetti più prestigiosi in tutto il mondo. RC RC è un marchio leader nelle soluzioni IT Cooling con 50 anni di comprovata esperienza in innovazione, alta qualità e progetti di successo in tutto il mondo.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bassano del Grappa, Veneto
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Comfort, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Innovation, Industrial Process Cooling Applications e IT Cooling Applications


Dipendenti presso Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems S.p.A.


  • Upgrading of existing malls, combined with the continuous increase in energy costs, also brings with it the modernisation of technological systems, first and foremost HVAC ones. MEHITS' vast experience in the applied HVAC business, combined with the continuous innovation of its roof top and AHU units and controllers, and above all the strength of its pre- and after-sales services, result in our old units often being replaced with our new units! We are convinced that the best proof of our customers' satisfaction is the confirmation of their choice, and that the numerous replacements of old units with our best performing machines proves the quality of our applied HVAC offer for malls. Read the full story to learn more about it: #malls #appliedhvac#mehits

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  • Cooling plays a crucial role in the automotive production process and is used for many purposes from preservation of sensitive materials such as paint, batteries, and breaking systems to keeping of components, like plastics and glues in optimal conditions during production. Furthermore punctual cooling of some production phases helps to maintain heavy machinery in optimal temperature for their functioning, optimising their operation and increasing their lifetime. Want to learn more about our solutions for automotive factories? Read the full story now! #automotive #oursolutions #mehits

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  • MEHITS’ Full Inverter ranges apply variable speed technology to all major components; compressors, fans, and hydronic modules, thus obtaining unbeatable performance in all load conditions, and ensuring high energy savings. This solution continuously adjusts the rotational speed of the compressors allowing the unit to adapt perfectly to the demand of the system, in all conditions. Learn more about our full inverter technology: #fullinverter #appliedhvac#mehits

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  • New shopping centres are often used as a lever to regenerate abandoned, disused or dismissed urban locations and their construction is often accompanied by urban transformations of the surroundings or the entire neighborhood. In parallel, existing shopping centers have had to adapt to the new needs of their customers, on one hand by offering, in addition to shopping, a wide range of activities such as food, cinema and entertainment, and on the other hand by expanding both their surface areas and their opening hours, in line with new consumer shopping behaviors. Read the full story to understand what contribution MEHITS can make above all in adapting existing shopping centers: #malls #appliedhvac #mehits

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  • The fiscal year that has just ended provided very positive outcomes for MEHITS, which were the result of the commitment of all of us and the strong investments made in recent years. This allowed the achievement of the result bonus targets, which ended with an average value across all plants of more than EUR 2,800. Furthermore, in addition to the adjustment of the minimum wage of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the Metalworking Industry of 6.9%, our Company management wanted to give a further sign of appreciation for the results, commitment and dedication of all MEHITS workers, by adding an extra 0.5% increase. In addition to the several work-life balance, welfare and team building activities already in place, MEHITS also recognises and rewards its human capital in a concrete way by financially supporting its employees and their families. 

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  • The global mall market has faced significant challenges in recent years, particularly in the US. In contrast, the Italian market has shown a strong resilience, with 96% of the population still going to traditional shops. Asia is home to the world's largest shopping centres, and is now the continent with the largest number of new openings. New shopping centres are often used as a lever to regenerate abandoned, disused or dismissed urban locations, while existing shopping centers have to adapt to the new needs of their customers expanding offered activities, surface areas and opening hours, in line with new consumer shopping behaviors. Are you more interested in new shopping centres or renovated ones? Read the full story to learn more about this topic: #malls #appliedhvac #mehits

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  • MEHITS has adopted the Mitsubishi Electric approach to quality and applies it to the peculiarities of highly configurable and customizable applied units, to constantly improve the quality of its solutions thus reshaping the standards of the applied HVAC industry. So whether it is a new residential development, a building refurbishment for commercial purposes, a modern data center, a district heating system to be decarbonized, a modern logistics hub or an industrial process to be cooled down -while potentially recovering heat waste-, MEHITS can always offer the most reliable, efficient, and sustainable applied HVAC solution. Want to learn more about it? Read the full story: #specificunits #appliedhvac #mehits

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  • This week we wanted to dedicate a full day to the induction training of new hires at MEHITS: the Welcome on Board. The session was an opportunity not only to have a better understanding of the company structure and organisation, but also and above all, to bring together colleagues from different functions and plants, through games and team building activities. Thanks to those who participated enthusiastically, contributing to the success of the day! 👍 #welcomeonboard #mehits #employeeadvocacy

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  • Which are the main features of the w-AIRME? Mainly designed for comfort applications, the new w-AIRME is based on a focused design and on the use of standard components : the innovative structure based on self-supporting sandwich panels with a thickness of 60 mm eliminates the effects of thermal bridges; the flat prefilters and high-efficiency rigid bag filters ensure complete purification from even the finest and most harmful particles, the plug fan fans with brushless EC motors guarantee the best efficiency and maximum energy savings. Read the full story now! #mitsubishielectric #AHU #AIRME

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  • At ICA2, the new building at ICA HQs, the air conditioning plant is divided into two parts. The first one is composed of 2 Climaveneta branded NECS-Q 804, polyvalent units that simultaneously produce hot and cold water. In the second part there are 8 Climaveneta branded Air Handling Units (AHU), two of which are dual zone. All of them are equipped with cross flow heat recovery with a free heating and cooling system to grant the maximum safety and efficiency to the HVAC plant. Watch the video interview to learn more about this challenging project!   #CHEMICALINDUSTRY #OURSOLUTIONS #MEHITS

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