Dr. Schär

Dr. Schär

Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande

Miglioriamo la vita delle persone con specifiche esigenze alimentari.

Chi siamo

La nostra storia inizia nel 1922 in Alto Adige, nel cuore delle Alpi, con una visione: migliorare la vita delle persone con specifiche esigenze alimentari. Fin dalla sua fondazione, la prossimità al consumatore ha costituito la base del pensiero imprenditoriale della nostra azienda la nostra competenza chiave è la ricetta del nostro successo: conciliare un’alimentazione speciale con la gioia e il piacere di vivere. I nostri valori - responsabilità, progresso e prossimità - conferiscono all’azienda stabilità ed orientamento. Siamo un’azienda familiare con portata globale. Al gruppo Dr. Schär fanno capo 18 sedi in 11 paesi, con più di 1.500 dipendenti. I nostri prodotti sono disponibili in più di 100 paesi.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Burgstall / Postal
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
gluten-free products, low protein products, ketogenic diet, production, research and development, quality, sales and marketing e administration and finance


Dipendenti presso Dr. Schär


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    33.037 follower

    Yesterday we inaugurated a new production line at our plant in Alagón, Zaragoza, Spain. This facility is dedicated to Master Baker, our most popular Schär sliced bread. An #investment of €17 million represents a strategic milestone for the future of our business. With the establishment of this new production line, the #workforce has increased by 30 people, and we continue to recruit production staff to strengthen the line. We are thrilled to have reached this important goal, which improves our production capabilities and reaffirms our #commitment to maintaining close ties with our consumers. Once again, the mission to meet the needs of those who rely on us with the utmost speed and efficiency is always at the heart of every decision we make. #DrSchaer #newproductionline #globalcommunity Mar Vaquero Perianez, Gobierno de Aragón - Government of Aragon, Aragón Exterior (Gobierno de Aragón), Pablo Bazco Zarza, Peter Hintner, ALBERTO SOLER, Mar Gracia Pueyo

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    The #climate crisis affects people worldwide, and we’re committed to taking action for a better future. At Dr. Schär, we’re integrating #renewable #energy #sources and optimizing processes in our plants and logistics to cut #CO₂ emissions and safeguard the climate significantly. We're actively reducing our environmental footprint from installing solar panels to using green electricity and implementing heat recovery systems. Recognizing our responsibility to lead by example, we remain steadfast in minimizing our impact and accelerating the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Peter Hintner #DrSchaer #seedingabetterworld

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    Our Schär brand has won the cereal flour category at the #TopMarke 2024 awards! This prestigious award, presented annually by #LebensmittelZeitung, rewards the top 100 brands that excel in sustainable brand advocacy within their respective product groups. The analysis, based on around 5,000 product brands, reflects the purchases of 30,000 households in Germany. The official announcement will be made on 28 June in Lebensmittel Zeitung. Special thanks to Lisa Heckelsmüller & Freek de Heijde from the Development Team! #DrSchaer

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    The 1990s marked a significant turning point for Dr. Schär. As we expanded into new markets, experienced remarkable growth in turnover, and welcomed more talented employees into our team, the need for a new location became apparent. This whirlwind of success led us to relocate from Merano to Postal, and open a new headquarters that could accommodate our team and our desire to always do more. In November 1996, we proudly opened our new headquarters, which we called home until, twenty years later, we evolved again. This special milestone reflects not only our evolution as a company but also our enduring dedication to excellence. #DrSchaer #heritage

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    Quality means tasty and nutritionally balanced recipes, starting with carefully selecting excellent raw materials. We are committed to guaranteeing products that meet these guidelines. That’s why our dietitians and food technologists play a key role in developing mouthwatering products that support our consumers’ lifestyles. Every day, our unwavering commitment to enhancing the well-being of our consumers drives our relentless pursuit of excellence. #DrSchaer #madewiththebestofrecipes #quality

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    “For me, culture has always been a source of inspiration.” Our president Ulrich Ladurner's guiding philosophy, resonates deeply with our company. On 23 May, we were thrilled to join an inspiring Art gathering featuring renowned artist Eduard #Habicher in dialogue with art critic Marco #Tonelli. The protagonists were Eduard’s sculptures, a unique mix of cultural heritage and international outlook. The event was organised by the Anton Schär #Foundation, born in 2023, which aims to strengthen the link between the company and the arts by supporting local organisations that promote culture. The initiative was made possible by the support of our local partner #Mairania857, the #00Aassociation, and our Public Affairs and Communication department.

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    33.037 follower

    During National Coeliac Week, a dedicated task force of the Italian Senate organised a meeting on “Coeliac disease, food allergies and Foods for special medical needs”, initiated by Senator Elena Murelli. The aim of this group is to increase #awareness of the #challenges of coeliac citizens and their caregivers, targeting political parties, institutions, scientific organisations and media. Dr. Schär was invited to speak at this event, which included prestigious stakeholders such as the Italian and European consumer associations, representatives of major healthcare professional groups, and other important industry and distribution players. Some of the main topics discussed were:   👉 The execution of a new #law requiring a nationwide #paediatric #screening on Coeliac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes on the Italian territory, to be carried out within October 2024. 👉 Initiatives to increase awareness of coeliac disease amongst the general population through dedicated content on public broadcasting services, amongst HCPs through compulsory content modules in medical/paediatric faculties of the main Italian universities, and towards foodservice operators through compulsory content modules in hospitality training institutes.   We are honoured to have been invited to join this working group with a delegation of colleagues, accompanied by Dr. Helga Thaler Ausserhofer, who excellently represented our company during the event.   In the picture, Senator Elena Murelli is in the middle, along with Jacqueline Pante and William Galletti.

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    #Crop #diversity lies at the heart of our existence, yet it’s rapidly disappearing. In the face of pressing challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity, safeguarding it is of paramount importance. At Schär, we are #protecting biodiversity for future generations. Together with our esteemed partner Crop Trust, we have made sure that up to 500 varieties of 5 different crops - beans, lentils, peas, pearl millet and sorghum - are properly protected for at least the next 100 years. #DrSchaer #seedingabetterworld #InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity

    Schär | Plant Your Wish

    Schär | Plant Your Wish


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    Once considered as a rare childhood condition, coeliac disease is now recognised as a common intolerance worldwide, affecting up to 1% of the population in some countries. Currently, a strict gluten-free diet is the only viable treatment. Yet for us, it’s more than a necessity: it’s also about trust and taste. Dr Schär also supports research and scientific studies through the Anton Schär #Foundation, set up in line with Dr. Schär’s mission: to find solutions for people with special nutritional needs. The first project funded by the foundation supports the #clinical #activities of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The financial support was used to purchase a device that facilitates the detection of refractory coeliac disease and enteropathies. These diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are associated with stress and restrictions, are often not diagnosed correctly and therefore not treated accordingly, with a significant impact on patients’ #quality of #life. #DrSchaer #inclusivenutrition #WorldCoeliacDiseaseAwarenessDay

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