COpAPS Cooperativa Agricola e Sociale

COpAPS Cooperativa Agricola e Sociale

Fabbricazione di macchinari per l'agricoltura, l'edilizia e l'industria mineraria

Sasso Marconi, BO 46 follower

We cultivate Inclusion since 1979

Chi siamo

Our mission is "to achieve the social inclusion of people with disabilities and in difficulty through personalized paths, where work is both a source of well-being and self-esteem, and a means of social integration, in a sustainable agricultural environment and in a welcoming relational context and integration". We are an agricultural (productive, today type B) and social (type A) cooperative. We have been operating in the Bologna area for 40 years and we are considered among the pioneers of social agriculture in Italy. Since 1979 when we were established, we have been dealing with the inclusion of people in difficulty. At the time of our constitution, the laws to which we are subject today, such as Law 381/91, weren't even in the pipeline, but our name already said who we are today. For 40 years we have been involved in accompanying young people with disabilities in education and training courses, in protected work and job placement, inside and outside the company, in agricultural, social and artisanal activities. Our headquarters are in Sasso Marconi, in the structures and funds of Cà del Bosco e del Monte, owned by the ASP City of Bologna.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di macchinari per l'agricoltura, l'edilizia e l'industria mineraria
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Sasso Marconi, BO
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso COpAPS Cooperativa Agricola e Sociale

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