
  • [GORA-81] - Replace CassandraStore#addOrUpdateField with TypeInferringSerializer to take advantage of when the value is already of type ByteBuffer.


  • [GORA-63] - bin/ does not work
  • [GORA-127] - Result objects are not closed properly from GoraRecordReader
  • [GORA-130] - gora-accumulo caches tablet locations between map reduce jobs
  • [GORA-131] - gora-cassandra should support other key types than String
  • [GORA-133] - GoraCompiler cannot compile array type.
  • [GORA-134] - ListGenericArray's hashCode causes StackOverflowError
  • [GORA-143] - GoraCompiler needs to add "import FixedSize" statement for FIXED type
  • [GORA-148] - CassandraMapping supports only (first) keyspace and class in gora-cassandra-mapping.xml
  • [GORA-151] - CassandraStore's schemaExists() method always returns false
  • [GORA-152] - gora-core test incorrectly uses ByteBuffer's array() method to get its byte array
  • [GORA-153] - gora-cassandra does not correctly handle DELETED State for MAP

New Feature

  • [GORA-138] - gora-cassandra array type support


  • [GORA-53] - Add Gora-Cassandra tests
  • [GORA-124] - Support Cassandra v1.1
  • [GORA-132] - Uses ByteBufferSerializer for column value to support various data types rather than StringSerializer
  • [GORA-139] - Creates Cassandra column family with BytesType for column value validator (and comparators), instead of UTF8Type
  • [GORA-140] - Requires some adjustments on dependency at gora-cassandra
  • [GORA-142] - Creates org.apache.gora.cassandra.serializers package in order to clean the code of store and query packages and to support additional types in future.
  • [GORA-149] - new serializer of MAP for single column implementation
  • [GORA-150] - Introduce Configuration property schema.prefix
  • [GORA-156] - Properly implement getSchemaName in CassandraStore


  • [GORA-110] - Address Incubator clutch issues

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