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Unanswered Questions

1,683 questions with no answers
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Do I have to say this dua before every salah?

Inni wajjahtu wajhiya lillahi fatiri s-mawaati wal ard hanii-fa-n wamaa ana minal mushrikeen. For example, let's say I want to pray Maghrib (3 raka'a fard and 2 raka'a sunnah). So, I first recite ...
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Can people with disability use computers to pray in their locality?

I have an idea of developing a social network where people who can't go to the mosque for a valid reason can use a computer to virtually pray together in their locality. Is is right in Islam to do so? ...
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Attending a baptism: Haram or shirk?

I've read that it is haram to attend non-Muslim rituals like the Hindu diwali and Christian baptisms. That sounds pretty logical to me. However, some scholars say that it is shirk. They say that it is ...
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Is it acceptable to pray any number of rakahs in Sunnah prayer?

I am a self-taught Muslim. It is my understanding that the number of rakahs in Sunnah prayer (any Sunnah prayer) should be 2. If you want to pray 4, then you break it up (2 + 2). Even in taraweeh, we ...
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Are there any copyright restrictions on reproducing English translations of the Quran?

I am planning to build a simple mobile app that provide the user with extracts from the Holy Koran, collection of the Ahadith and the Sunnah. I will be providing the Arabic text as well as the ...
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Are 'vocals only' nasheeds of Maher Zain permissible to listen to?

I recently learned that a nasheed is haram to listen to if it has sound effects which sound like musical instruments even if they are 'vocals only' (source). However, I don't have much idea about ...
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Which translation of 41:24 is correct according to Hilali-Khan

In my dead tree copy (Sixteenth Revised Edition, Darussalam Publishing 1997) of Hilali-Khan's Noble Qur'an, 41:24 is translated as follows: Then, if they bear the torment patiently, then the Fire ...
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Is the money in a minor's s saving account part of his wealth and therefore counted in his nisab?

My parents have put money in a child's saving account for me, but obviously I don't have access to yet until I turn 18 years old. So should I count it among my wealth. I'm worried about this since if ...
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Does Islam allow my father to

My aunt gifted me, a baaligh teenager a phone. My father has decided to not let me use it until I finish highschool/become an adult (aka 18). Does Islam allow this?
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Virtues of Surahs based on weak hadiths

Asscalamualikum. So I'm kinda confused about using weak hadiths. I looked into it and I understand that you can use weak hadiths for virtues of deeds and stuff to motivate and encourage people to do ...
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Can sunnah reports explain other sunnah reports?

Couple of modern day scholars like ibn utheymeen and albani say the aal of Muhammad (saw) includes the righteous scholars and sincere muslims. When we say aal of prophet muhammad (saw) it means ahlul ...
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Is there a Muslim equivalent of Christian Science?

Christian Science is a sect encouraging medical neglect, and lobbying for laws making faith-healing exceptions to laws against medical neglect. I am interested, is there something similar in Islam?
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How can something be created from fire?

Al-A'raf 7:12 قَالَ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَلَّا تَسْجُدَ إِذْ أَمَرْتُكَۖ قَالَ أَنَا۠ خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِى مِن نَّارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُۥ مِن طِينٍ English - Sahih International [Allāh] said, "What ...
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how to repent after cursing one of your parents

today I made mistake by cursing my dad and saying harsh words. I definitely know how bad the situation is. but he is a bad dad and has abandoned 7 kids including me. I've been filling his place since ...
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Trustworthy traders with the martyrs and the prophets on the say of judgment

In the Hadith a truthful trustworthy trader will be amongst the martyrs and prophets on the day of judgment. So how are the traders being categorised as shaheed in this hadith and why ?

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