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Can Muslims Break Fast at the Totality of the Eclipse on Monday, April 8 (Ramadan 29, 1445 AH)

Can Muslims break fast at the totality of the lunar eclipse on Monday, April 8 (Ramadan 29, 1445 AH)? The Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) says: صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ “Observe fast on ...
baqaayya's user avatar
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What has been the traditional practice and advise to prevent dehydration during fasting?

As people of the desert, early muslims must have been very familiar with dehydration. Did prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or his successors and later religious leaders offer any advice on how to prevent ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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Why did Imam Bukhaari consider the hadith on fasting on the day of Arafat expiating 2 years worth of sins to be weak?

I've heard that imam Bukhaari did not consider the hadith in sahih Muslim on fasting on the day of Arafat expiating 2 years worth of sins to be authentic.
Student's user avatar
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Is there anything like lessening the fasting in terms of strong fasting / reward besides invalidation of the fasting?

In my locality, people have the belief that besides some actions that invalidates fasting there are some other actions too that makes someone's fasting weak or lessen in reward or if the fast without ...
Mehedi Hasan 's user avatar
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If a person breaks his or her fast by having intercourse while fasting, then what really is the compensation?

According to Sahih Al-Bukhari 1936, the compensation for breaking the fast by having intercourse is to manumit a slave. If a person is not able to do so, then he or she must fast for two consecutive ...
Ren's user avatar
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What to do when fasting doesn't lessen the desire for masturbation and pornography? [duplicate]

Our prophet says that if younger people can not afford marriage, they should fast for sexual desire or lust. question is.. What to do if these desires come during fasting or at night even if I am not ...
Hasan Mahmud's user avatar
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Does brushing hamper my fasting? [duplicate]

Will tasting toothpaste while brushing teeth break my fast?
user11226042's user avatar
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Can posting bond for someone in jail count as 'freeing a slave' for purpose of making up for missed days of fasting?

I live in the USA and the federal constitution here forbids slavery with the exception of those being punished for a crime. There are thousands of people in jail who cannot afford the bail money to ...
0tyranny0poverty's user avatar
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Did the prophet say this regarding fasting in the day of Ashura?

I have heard that when the prophet met the people of the book, he asked them why they were fasting in the day of Ashura. They replied that it was a good day. The prophet then said he would fast that ...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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Forgot I am fasting and realized after eat almost a meal

I started my first day of shawal's 6 days fasting, alhamdulaylah, but in the middle of the morning I totally forgot that I was fasting because I was so busy in the work that I ate at least two bananas,...
Adam's user avatar
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Does female need to make up her menstruation fasts?

Salam I am looking for hadiths that say a female has to make up for her missed fasts if she menstruates during Ramadan. I could not find it in the Quran.
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Can I use a miswaak while fasting?

Some brothers told me not to use miswaak after Zuhar up to Ifthar. But, some brothers told that it is permissible to use. Can I use a miswaak while fasting?
Call to Islam's user avatar