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Questions tagged [jamaat]

صلاة الجماعة Questions regarding congregational prayer.

2 votes
2 answers

prayer in group is it mandatory?

i live in a Westren non-islamic country, where masjids are far away from me and i cannot travel long distance to do my prayers in Jama'aat . according to the verse of Holy Quran "WARKUU MA'RAKEEN" ...
Nasser's user avatar
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When Jamaah of Masjid is audible from my home and I pray in my home, does that make my Salah a Jamaah Salaah?

My home is nearer to Masjid (mosque). All conducted Jamat in Masjid are clearly audible from my home. I have the following questions (please answer in both gender's view): Shall I do Salah by using ...
Dhasneem's user avatar
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Can an Imam interrupt a prayer for some reason?

I would like to know if it is possible for an Imam in congregation to interrupt the prayer for some reasons. For example some of the praying believers have been attacked or a he's hearing murmur or ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Can I perform Prayer (Salah) at home without looking the jammath in the masjid?

While I am at home can I pray Salah at home when the jammat timing is not over. And also I can't reach the Mosque on time to attend the jammat. So is there any problem if I pray alone at home?
abdul's user avatar
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Is it possible to pray Jamat with just myself and my wife?

There are situation I cannot go to mosque for jamat (congregational prayer), but my wife is at home. Is it possible that I become imam and my wife is my mukim (I not sure this exact term). What is the ...
T M's user avatar
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Is a congregational prayer valid if the Imam isn't in his own row?

In our mosque, there isn't enough space to make two complete rows, so the Imam prays just one step in front of us (almost beside us), as in the following diagram: Is this sort of congregational ...
user11902's user avatar
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Under what conditions does Allah accept a jama'at prayer?

It is said that if you pray in Jama'at, Allah will accept your prayer so long as one person in the jama'at prayed a valid prayer. But if nobody among the jama'at prayed a valid prayer, does Allah ...
Hussein's user avatar
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How to act in Mosque in Friday Prayer?

I begin praying in Mosque next Friday (InshaAllah). I never did a prayer in a Mosque (except when i was very young i think) and i need some tips how i should act to not look like a lost person... Can ...
user3098's user avatar
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Can one pray Tahajjud later in the night after they have prayed 20 rakah Taraweeh

In almost all of the mosques here, Witr is prayed in congregation after the 20 rakah Taraweeh prayer. But as far as I know, Witr is to be prayed after Tahajjud if someone wishes to pray Tahajjud. So I ...
user4150's user avatar
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Where to stand in jamaat when we came late

Some one came late to jamaat ,Imam and only one maamoom are performing the last rakaat of pray(in atahiyyath).maumoom stand at the very right side,then where should the second maumoom stand?(left side ...
FAISAL's user avatar
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When imam forgets in prayer?

What should a person do if the imam forgets a sujood in prayer and the mamoom (the one(s) who prayers behind the imam, as following him) indicates, but the imam continues and does not do Sajdatu Sahu. ...
pckabeer's user avatar
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Where to start in Prayer? If someone enters in Prayer with a group of people praying together. [duplicate]

I want to ask question related to Prayer. It is considered more valuable if group of muslims pray "Faraz" together in the leadership of "imam". And one want to join them, while they have completed "2 ...
Umar Farooq's user avatar
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Should darood be recited along with the congregational prayers if one joins it in the second. third or forth rakath? [duplicate]

If I join the congregational prayers/Jamaat in the second Rakat and said my prayer along with the imam through second, third and forth Rakat, should I also recite the Darood-e-Ibrahim along with the ...
user4467's user avatar
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What is the minimum number of people required to form a jamaat?

What is the minimum number of people required to form a jamaath? (Any farz namaz)
mtk's user avatar
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To what extent is movement permissible in order to silent the phone if it starts ringing during the prayer?

While saying the prayers if someones phone (while in the pocket or kept on the ground) starts to ring, is it allowed to silent it through some minimal movement? If so, what minimal movement in ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar

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