September 9-10, 2024
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IP Solutions, Services & Platforms Expo 2024

Join us for the First Annual IPWatchdog IP Solutions, Services & Platforms Expo.

Having trouble mustering the energy for weeks or months of what will be a never-ending series of virtual pitches from service providers? You know you need help, but you can’t stomach the idea of dozens of virtual pitches? Join us for this 2-day program where you can witness and compare a dozen service options side-by-side.

If you are a decision maker or team leader trying to determine which of the many available solutions, services, and platforms you should be considering for adoption you won’t want to miss this event!  We will feature up to 12 different vendors each of whom will have an exhibitor booth, but who will also lead their own 60-minute panel discussion, explaining their tools and solutions, and of course answering your questions.

During the two days of this Expo, you will be able to see each vendor’s presentation, visit their booths for a product demo, compare and contrast the different vendors, ask any questions you may have, and gather information to help you in your decision-making process.  You can also learn from other similarly situated attendees. And the tickets to attend are free for most law firm decision-makers and department leaders.

Do you have an IP Solution, Service, or Platform? 

Click on our Sponsor link above to see how you can be a part of this program.

Interested in Attending the EXPO?

Tickets to attend are free for most law firm decision-makers and department leaders. If you fall within this category and would like to attend, please:

Program Speakers

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Meet Our Vendors