Understanding IP Matters


Recent Episodes

May 8, 2024 Understanding IP Matters: How AI and IP Are Making a Difference in Early Cancer Detection

Huge datasets and limitless computing power are converging to upend the practice of healthcare, especially the speed and accuracy of detecting major diseases. “We can manage terabytes of data in seconds, then move and store it in the cloud,” explains pioneering physicist, bioengineer, and serial entrepreneur Alan C. Nelson in a new conversation with Bruce Berman on his podcast ‘Understanding IP Matters.’ This capacity is markedly different than thirty years ago when Nelson began using AI to invent new tools to improve health outcomes.

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March 20, 2024 Understanding IP Matters: Create, Invent, Track — Managing Digital Rights for IP and AI Value

If you don’t know how your intellectual property is being used, when, or by whom, you have little control over it — and are less likely to be paid. The field of digital rights management evolved from the need to track and protect how intangible property, specifically data and software, is accessed at scale. Today, innovative companies like Intertrust Technologies are using the technology to authenticate access and create digital value chains for copyrights, especially audio and visual content, and other assets.

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March 6, 2024 Understanding IP Matters – IP and AI: Lessons for Students, Businesses and Governments

The use of generative and other forms of artificial intelligence is fueling challenging questions about AI’s relationship to IP rights. Businesses, investors, governments, lawyers and students all are learning as they go. What AI means to IP and how it can be regulated should be a part of every educator’s syllabus. How will students use AI to help them learn? Will the datasets that are being used to train popular AI tools be transparent and accessible? Will these datasets continue to use copyrighted works without compensating copyright owners? If that is the case, copyrights may never be the same, nor trade secrets nor patents, for that matter.

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February 21, 2024 Understanding IP Matters: AI Beyond ChatGPT — How a Healthcare Investor and INDYCAR Engineer are Taming Big Data

OpenAI shocked the world when it released its spectacularly helpful, free generative AI platform, ChatGPT, on November 30, 2022. AI has existed in various forms for decades but it has never been so widely accessible or boldly efficient. No one can deny that we’ve been living in an AI world ever since. But ChatGPT is just one example of how AI is being used by businesses. To unpack why and how different forms of artificial intelligence are being adopted by businesses and their impact on intellectual property rights, Bruce Berman hosts two innovative exponents of AI on the seventh episode of the third season of his podcast “Understanding IP Matters.”

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February 7, 2024 Understanding IP Matters: The Mysteries of Design Patents – Preventing Abuse Before It Happens

The number of granted design patents has tripled over the past 10 years. To find out why — and how design patents are being used to secure value for innovative products — Bruce Berman interviews IP attorney and design patent litigator Elizabeth Ferrill and Brian Hinman, former Chief IP Officer at Philips, on Episode 6 of Season 3 of his Top 2- ranked podcast, “Understanding IP Matters.”

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December 13, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: Special Guest — Tech Pioneer Marshall Phelps, Who Established IP Businesses at Microsoft and IBM

IP legend Marshall Phelps joins host Bruce Berman to deliver a masterclass on IP strategy from a business perspective on Episode 5 of Season 3 of the podcast “Understanding IP Matters.” In the 1990s, as vice-president of IP business and licensing at IBM, Phelps’ group generated as much as $2 billion annually by establishing partnerships and focusing on R&D (IBM rarely sued). In 2003, he was personally recruited by Bill Gates to head Microsoft’s IP business, where he was instrumental in helping it become one of the most profitable IP focused businesses ever. He has taught IP strategy at Cornell, USC, Duke, UC Berkeley, and in Japan.

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November 29, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: Piracy or Policy? Maintaining U.S. Technology Leadership in the Digital Age

Patents are supposed to provide the right to exclude others from practicing an invention. In the United States, this has become extremely challenging for smaller businesses. For independent inventors, who pour their time, energy, and resources into commercializing a new idea, patents are personal. They need and rely on the leverage that patents have historically offered. For large companies, the decision to forge ahead irrespective of who “owns” an idea is just business. The consequences of efficient infringement are few and far between. The challenges faced by U.S. inventors who rely on the legal system are well-documented. Suing for patent infringement is not a reliable business strategy, even when willful infringement is found to have occurred, which is rare. What’s an innovator to do?

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November 20, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: How a Unique Influencer-Educator is Attracting Diverse Audiences to IP Awareness and Ethics

Helping audiences understand what intellectual property is, why it’s valuable, and how to use it is an ongoing challenge. The perception that intellectual property is only for attorneys and big companies is widespread. Of course, while that impression is grounded in reality, it’s also inaccurate. At its best, IP helps level the playing field for smaller entities. What can be done to make IP education more relevant and interesting to more people? One solution is to have educators who are not practicing attorneys teach about intellectual property. They are generally able to speak more freely and with less concern for the technical aspects of the law.

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November 1, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: Making Innovation Pay: Ex-Microsoft and IBM IP Heads Talk About ROI

What are ways of making money from patents without suing for patent infringement? In the not-so-distant past, technology companies like Microsoft and IBM signed hundreds of mutually beneficial licensing agreements with a wide range of businesses without resorting to lawsuits. Today, we are more likely to read about tech companies suing one another for patent infringement than negotiating win-win deals. What happened, and how are innovators being affected?

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October 18, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: Tech Partnerships — From Government to University to Consumer

How does the research that takes place at universities turn into products and services? Before the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, recipients of federal funding for early-stage research, such as universities and federal labs, were not permitted to own the intellectual property they created. Instead, the patents filed on inventions related to federally funded research stayed with the government.

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May 31, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: AI Bots, Creators, and Copyright — Learning to Live Together

In Episode 10, Season 2 of his podcast “Understanding IP Matters,” Bruce Berman asks questions about what generative AI means for business, creators, and society. Is the content produced by new tools like Microsoft-owned ChatGPT ownable? Is it ownable via copyright? If it is, who owns it? The human who entered the prompt, or the company that owns the tool? What about the rights of copyright owners whose works were used to train these new tools — sometimes without their consent and often without compensation? To explore how artists and inventors can continue use intellectual property to get paid for their original ideas in an AI-world, Berman hosts Keith Kupferschmid and Lana Love.

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April 12, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: IP in the Classroom — What Entrepreneurs and Students Need to Learn Today

Many people do not understand what intellectual property rights mean, let alone how to use them. This is at least partly due to the absence of intellectual property rights in the classroom. Few undergraduate students learn about IP as part of their required or elective coursework. When IP is taught, it is typically approached from a legal as opposed to business or entrepreneurial perspective — think case law. IP strategy, on the other hand, is largely absent from university departments that are likely to generate new ideas, including engineering, business, art, and medicine. As a result, many creators are unaware that they can use the intellectual property system to help capture the value of what they create — and in the process, benefit themselves, their affiliation and others. To learn about the current state of IP education, Bruce Berman interviewed two longtime university IP educators for Episode 9, Season 2 of his podcast “Understanding IP Matters.” They explore how IP education has evolved, who is doing it, and the tension between the business and the legal side of teaching IP.

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February 2, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: IP Investing — What Is It? Who Does It? Why It Matters

Intellectual property is the primary reason most companies are valuable today, but making investments in inventions and patents isn’t well-understood. As creators develop a roadmap for profiting from their output, understanding the mechanisms for valuing and monetizing intellectual property is crucial. To tease out the intersection of startup funding, intellectual property and litigation, in Episode 8 of Season 2 of his podcast “Understanding IP Matters,” Bruce Berman interviews Efrat Kasznik, president of Foresight Valuation Group, and Adam Gill, founder and managing director of Chicago-based GLS Capital, who are leaders in the field of IP valuation, monetization and litigation funding.

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January 11, 2023 Understanding IP Matters: Inventor and Author Arlyne Simon Wants to Change the World — and How Children View It

Inventor, author, and entrepreneur Arlyne Simon believes creative problem solving should be the foundation of every child’s early education. The Intel Corporation biomedical engineer says that failure is a part of every invention’s success, and that we need to learn how to fail to succeed. She is the creator of Abby Invents, a highly regarded series of children’s books about perseverance, the power of learning, and the invention process told from the perspective of a young black girl.  In Episode 7 of Season 2 of his podcast “Understanding IP Matters,” Bruce Berman interviews Simon about the importance of representation, her motivations as an invention educator, and her career as a professional inventor.

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December 8, 2022 Understanding IP Matters: Rising to the China Challenge – Why the United States Must Capture Value, Not Just Create It

In the United States, our ability to innovate drives our economic advantage. Have policymakers taken that for granted? To find out, Bruce Berman, founder of the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, interviewed renowned professor David Teece and Patrick Kilbride of the Global Innovation Policy Center of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Episode 6, Season 2 of “Understanding IP Matters.” Their wide-ranging conversation explores the relationship between intellectual property rights, investment, and the rule of law.

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About This Podcast

Understanding IP Matters’ explores the intellectual property story of people who have succeeded in the world of invention, creative expression, and brand – some with the scars to prove it. ‘Understanding IP Matters’ looks at the journey from creator to entrepreneur. It is the first podcast series of its kind to convey the experience of high-performing creators, executives and investors in their own words. Each episode features a different guest who shares with host Bruce Berman, their view on how IP rights impact success. ‘Understanding IP Matters’ is brought to you by the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, an independent non-profit that provides outreach to improve IP literacy and promote sharing.

For more Understanding IP Matters Episodes, click HERE.

A written transcript of each UIPM episode is available.
Go to Apple Podcasts on your computer or phone; tap the title of the episode you want to read; tap “Listen on Apple Podcasts;” then “Transcript.”

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