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Steve Brachmann

Steve Brachmann is a graduate of the University at Buffalo School of Law, having earned his Juris Doctor in May 2022 and served as the President of the Intellectual Property Law Society during the 2021-22 school year. He currently works as a freelancer on research projects, blogging and media consulting and is accepting offers to work. Steve has written on intellectual property topics since January 2013. Other than IPWatchdog, Steve’s work has also been published by the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, and he has worked as a ghostwriter on IP topics for several entities. Currently living in Buffalo, NY, Steve also works as a stage actor and pet sitter.

Recent Articles by Steve Brachmann

CAFC Affirms Preliminary Injunction Against RaDaR Cancer Assay in Precedential Decision

On July 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in Natera, Inc. v. NeoGenomics Laboratories, Inc. affirming a grant of preliminary injunction that prevents NeoGenomics from making or selling its RaDaR oncology testing assay. The Federal Circuit’s opinion, authored by Chief Judge Kimberly Moore, found no legal error in the district court conducting an infringement analysis without claim construction, and no clear error in finding that NeoGenomics failed to raise a substantial question of patent validity.

Preliminary Injunction Against FTC’s Non-Compete Ban Marks Narrow But Key Victory for Opponents

Last week, just before the holiday weekend, U.S. District Judge Ada Brown of the Northern District of Texas issued a memorandum opinion supporting the entry of a preliminary injunction against the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) final rule banning non-compete provisions from U.S. employment contracts. While the requested relief is limited to the plaintiffs named in the action, the ruling marks an important victory for business interests opposing the rule and intellectual property advocates warning about likely harms to trade secret protection within the United States.