
The plugin offers all maps available in the amcharts library. Each map comes in two different ‘flavours’. A low quality map where the region shapes where simplified and therefore the maps are lighter and load faster and a high quality map, where the region shapes will have more definition, which will make the map file bigger and will be slower than the low quality version. Some maps are also available in Ultra High Definition.

Choose a map in the dropdown or the list below the map to see how it looks like.

World Map Preview

Below is the full list of more than 200 maps available.

World, Regions & Continents





Portugal Maps

  • Portugal - Freguesias Lisboa [Default]
  • Portugal - Freguesias Porto [Default]
  • Portugal - Districts Viewport [Default]
  • Portugal - Municipios Viewport - Incomplete [Default]
  • Portugal - Concelhos Viewport [Default | Low]