insideAI News Special Reports

The editors of insideAI News, working with other industry experts, have created these free big data reports and guides on the following topics.

Guide to Data Analytics in Government

The insideAI News Guide to Data Analytics in Government provides an in-depth overview of the use of data analytics technology in the public sector. Focus is given to how data analytics is being used in the government setting with a number of high-profile use case examples, how the Internet-of-Things is taking a firm hold in helping government agencies collect and find insights in a broadening number of data sources, how  government sponsored healthcare and life sciences are expanding, as well as how cybersecurity and data analytics are helping to secure government  applications. The guide includes the following sections:

  • Data Analytics for Government: An Overview
  • Government Applications of IoT
  • Government Sponsored Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Government Use of Big Data for Cybersecurity
  • Case Studies: Dell EMC Focused Customer Use Cases
  • Summary

Click here to download the insideAI News Guide to Data Analytics in Government


Guide to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

The insideAI News Guide to Guide to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence is a useful new resource directed toward enterprise thought leaders who wish to gain strategic insights into this exciting area of technology. In this guide, we take a high-level view of AI and deep learning in terms of how it’s being used and what technological advances have made it possible. We also explain the difference between AI, machine learning and deep learning, and examine the intersection of AI and HPC. We also present the results of a recent insideAI News survey to explore how well these new technologies are being received. Finally, we take a look at a number of high-profile use case examples showing the effective use of AI in a variety of problem domains. The guide includes the following sections:

Click here to download the insideAI News Guide to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Guide to Retail

Dell_intel_RetailThe insideAI News Guide to Retail is directed toward line of business leaders in conjunction with enterprise technologists on how to leverage big data technologies for growing sales and competitive advantage. The guide also serves as a resource for retailers that are farther along the big data path and have more  advanced technology requirements. This article is the first in a series that explores a high-level view of how the retail industry has been influenced by big data technologies. Other sections include:

Click here to download the insideAI News Guide to Retail


Guide to Scientific Research

insideAI News_Guide_ResearchWith the insideAI News Guide to Scientific Research, the goal is to provide a road map for scientific researchers wishing to capitalize on the rapid growth of big data technology for collecting, transforming, analyzing, and visualizing large scientific data sets.

  • Big Data for Scientific Research – An Overview
  • Primary Motivators of Big Data vis-à-vis Scientific Research
  • Big Data Technology for Scientific Research
  • Big Data and Open Science Data
  • Case Studies: Big Data and Scientific Research

Click here to read the article series

Click here to download the insideAI News Guide to Scientific Research


insideAI News_Guide_MfgGuide to Manufacturing

In this new insideAI News Guide to Manufacturing, the goal is to provide enterprise thought leaders in the manufacturing sector ways to obtain greater value from their company’s data assets through use of big data technology.

  • Big Data for Manufacturing – An Overview
  • Common Big Data Pain Points for Manufacturers
  • Big Data Technology for Manufacturing
  • Adopting Big Data for Manufacturing
  • Case Study: Omneo

Click here to read the article series

Click here to download the insideAI News Guide to Manufacturing
