Educational Articles

What is Safer Internet Day?

Safer Internet Day (SID) is a worldwide annual campaign promoting a safe digital environment for children and young people. Each year SID raises awareness on emerging online safety issues such as cyberbullying, hate speech, misuse of data and exposure to harmful content.

On Tuesday, 8 February 2022, we will celebrate the 19th edition of Safer Internet Day with actions taking place from the community around the world. The theme is once again, "Together for a better internet" where millions of people from government, international organisations, industry, and education will unite for this movement to draw attention to online safety and inspire positive changes online.

What is the goal of Safer Internet Day?

The goal of SID is to raise awareness while simultaneously taking solid measures to provide protection for young people and children online. This is a joint community-led approach, which means it requires all players to do their part to foster a better and safer internet for all. Young people have a substantial presence online, however, the digital world presents serious risks and dangers that cause them to fall victim to internet crimes, impacting their health and well-being. Subsequently, young people are the primary focus of SID. Parents, carers, and guardians play a critical role in supporting young people’s best possible use of digital technology safely and positively.

SID started as an initiative by the European Commission and since 2004 has been coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network of Safer Inter Centres.

Why do we need to promote Safer Internet Centres?

A Safer Internet Centre (SIC) provides information, advice and resources to children, parents, carers and teachers about safety in the digital environment, including harmful or illegal content online.

This is why it is such an important service as it provides awareness centres, helplines, and hotlines. These are the benefits.

  • The aim of an awareness centre is to raise awareness and understanding of online safety issues, internet trends and potential risks.
  • Helplines provide confidential advice and assistance to young people, adults, and carers.
    When it comes to harmful content found online, a helpline's primary focus is on children so they can support them through what they've encountered. This can also include issues such as harmful content, harmful contact and conduct such as cyberbullying.
  • Hotlines are run by INHOPE and allow the public a way to anonymously report online material that they suspect to be illegal.

European Schoolnet (EUN) coordinates the Insafe network of awareness centres, helplines, and youth panels, in partnership with INHOPE which coordinates the network of hotlines. These combined elements are commonly referred to as Safer Internet Centres (SICs), operating in all European Member States, Iceland, and Norway in the drive to keep children and all people safe online.

As a partner of SID, each year hotline members rise to the occasion and organise a range of events and activities from conferences to social media campaigns for this community-led approach. We are proud to support Safer Internet Day and contribute to all efforts that raise online safety awareness.

Support SID by getting to know your local Safer Internet Centre.

What is Safer Internet Day?

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