Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Puzzle #648 - Choco Banana

Lately, when I can't fall asleep, I tend to either do some reading, or make a puzzle. Last night was the latter, so I took a stab at making a Choco Banana with a theme I'd thought of a couple days prior but hadn't gotten around to trying to make yet. I like how this one came out quite a bit, and decided to crosspost it to puzsq since I think it's a puzzle the regulars there will really appreciate.

I've got another 20 or so unpublished puzzles I haven't gotten around to posting yet - had a lot going on and haven't really found the time to queue things up. Hopefully I get to it soon? This space isn't dead, you hear!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Puzzle #647 - Four One (Tapa)

This is the best puzzle I've ever made. GMPuzzles wishes they could have Tapa puzzles as incredible as this one. Toketa would be jealous of the sheer beauty of this construction.

...what do you mean, it's bashy?

I'd wish you good luck, but solving this puzzle will never happen. It's literally impossible. A lie, a myth, a farce propagated by the government to mislead the ignorant. Anyone who thinks it's possible is stupid and should feel ashamed, and can wallow in their own lack of intelligence. This is an irreversible fact of logic puzzling and simply cannot be challenged. Go cry about it, nerds.

I'm not late for publishing this, it's still April 1st in my time zone!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Puzzle #646 - Numbers are Overrated (Nurimisaki)

Someone in Puzzlers Club mentioned a Nurimisaki pattern that would force a deduction, which put me in the mood to make one. So I did, finding my own neat pattern that somehow managed to finish without needing any clue numbers. This is such a fun genre.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Puzzle #645 - S is for... (Slitherlink)

I completely forgot I had this old Slitherlink lying around until recently. It was originally intended for PuzzleDuel until I made a puzzle I liked better for that role, and then this one just say in my spreadsheet for months and months, forgotten. There's not even anything really wrong with this puzzle either, it's just a bit plain.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Puzzle #644 - Two Good (Akari)

I don't have a witty comment for this Akari puzzle. The reason I made it was I linked a friend pzprrt, messed around and made a bashy puzzle afterwards, and felt bad and wanted to make a legit puzzle. So I made this one, which I like quite a bit.

I then made something even worse than the other bashy puzzle. Look at it. Just look at it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Puzzles #641, #642 & #643 - Almost Symmetric (Masyu)

About 3 months ago at this point, I got a bit obsessed with trying to make a non-trivial Masyu that was almost symmetric in its clue layout, but didn't solve symmetrically. The second puzzle I made was a small one based on a simple yet somewhat advanced idea.

Another interpretation of the theme would be to have a symmetric clue layout with only a minor "blemish" from being fully symmetric. My third attempt - still posting out of order - ended up with two such pearls and a fill that got a little bit insane in the end.

Ultimately though, I think my first attempt at this theme was the best. Definitely the hardest break-in of the three, and though the later stages are easier than the prior puzzle that's not really saying much.

Thus concludes my backlog of unposted puzzles. With any luck, I'll have more queued and ready to go by the time you're reading this, but no promises!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Puzzle #640 - Fourced (Light and Shadow)

Light and Shadow is still such a good puzzle type. I spent a while toying with this layout of 4s and trying to find any good solution for several white layouts, with all white clues being question marks, before finally finding one. The first version was super bashy and I wasn't going to share the puzzle widely, but something compelled me to keep tweaking it and before long I actually did find a fair, albeit hard variant.

Also, these rules could potentially appear in Islands of Insight, which should launch about a week ago (I'm writing this on January 25th and may not update this space before it goes live). I've worked really hard on that game, especially the puzzle content for the past 3 years and I'm really, really excited for it to be out there for anyone to see.

Sometime around my birthday, I might post a collection of my favorite puzzles from the game. Regardless of your puzzle experience level, you won't be disappointed!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Puzzle #639 - Chained Again (Yajilin)

A few years after the first Yajilin chains on Puzzlers Club (apparently about 4.5 years), the old spreadsheet was rediscovered. Somebody noted that the amount of givens would always be an even number, so... I made a starting point with an odd number, which also served as a way of unsticking the chain, as it must be constructed linearly.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Puzzle #638 - Too Many Questions (Chained Block)

Some people on Puzzlers Club were making Chained Block puzzles. I realized I hadn't made one before. So I made one.

Yeah, I don't know either.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Puzzles #636 & #637 - Monkey Madness (Compass Galaxies)

Before WPC 2023, I ran a Puzzle Getchu!, a contest themed on Ape Escape. I had intended to queue these puzzles for posting before WPC, but didn't have the time. Better late than never!

Monkey Madness is the final level of Ape Escape, taking place first in an amusement park, and ending up in a castle floating in space. The level has 24 monkeys - 11 in the first (bottom) half, and 13 in the second (top) half. It's also huge, taking up 20% of a speedrun, so for the contest puzzle I had to go big. 14x14 was where I started, but was actually too small, so I bumped it up to 16x16. Oh right, the genre choice: I really liked the "one X per region" rule from the Pentominous in So Many Bees, so I brought that back with monkeys instead of bees. It ended up at 40 points, which on finishing pace would be 16 minutes for this puzzle. Interestingly, Ken Endo got here with more time than that and did not solve in time, similar to his performance in Puzzle Zodiac - also arriving at the final puzzle with plenty of time and coming up short. My contests always seem to have a "boss puzzle" at the end that really kicks people around, but it's always a standout and this was no exception: in the feedback I got afterwards, this was the most mentioned puzzle by far.

Rules: Divide the grid into regions along cell boundaries so that each region contains exactly one monkey (shown as a monkey inside a hexagon) and exactly one other clue. A white circle (Spiral Galaxies clue) indicates that the region has 180 degree rotational symmetry centered on the clue. A number in an X (Compass) clue, if given, indicates the number of cells inside that region that are further than the clue in the direction of the number.

Oh right I also had to make an example puzzle. So I did - it's pretty uninspired, but meh. I needed an example and this was the last one I made, and I knocked out all the examples over 2 days to rush the contest out before WPC. But also, I didn't want to re-use ideas from the main puzzle!