L Wira Satria Mahendra

Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Informasi Kontak
607 pengikut 500+ koneksi

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I've created a lot of Android and iOS apps for the big company such as Badan Agraria dan…


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Pengalaman & Pendidikan

  • KlikDokter

Lihat semua pengalaman L Wira

Lihat posisi, masa jabatan, dan lainnya.


Dengan mengklik Lanjutkan untuk bergabung atau login, Anda menyetujui Perjanjian Pengguna, Kebijakan Privasi, dan Kebijakan Cookie LinkedIn.

Pengalaman Sukarela

  • Event Volunteer

    Asian African Conference

    - 1 bulan

    Civil Rights and Social Action


  • Mobile Application of Sasak Language


    Sasak Translater
    - Indonesia - Sasak
    - Sasak - Indonesia

    Other Feature
    - Bahasa sehari-hari
    - Tebak Kata
    - Kamus Gambar
    - Suara Pengucapan Bahasa


  • English



  • KlikMedis V2(Rebranding)

  • KlikDokter V2 (Rebranding)

    Coding with MVVM architecture, Epoxy, Hilt, Kotlin, Coroutine, Unit test help with mockk, Handle user with 1 Million+ User

    Lihat proyek
  • HappyFresh(Android)


    Coding still mix java and kotlin, use MVVM architecture inspired by netflix usecases, unit test using with powermock and robolectric, git trunkbased development, apps with 1 million+ user in 3 country(Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia)

    Lihat proyek
  • D-Laundry


    Help company to create apps from scratch with kotlin and MVVM architecture

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  • PJT2News (iOS)


    PJT2 News Portal Apps for iOS Using Swift

  • SND(ShopperNDriver)


    Develop and revamping some feature(kotlin)

    Lihat proyek
  • WMS (Workforce Management System)


    Mobile Application for the record of employee daily attendance

    - Code using kotlin and MVP architecture

    Lihat proyek
  • Mobile Attendance (iOS)


    Create from scratch with swift

    Lihat proyek
  • RMS Mobile


    Resource Management System for Mobile Android
    - Attendance
    - Overtime
    - Timesheet
    - Travel Bussiness
    - Claim Report
    - etc

    Lihat proyek
  • Bluepay


    Resource monitoring for bluepay's employee

  • Profiling Apps for HRD, Sales, or Related with Psychology business


    Filling the short form and you can see the detail of people profile, based on MIT research .

    MIT researchers even creates an algorithm that replaces human intuition that outperforms 615 of 906
    human teams. This is clearly the way to advance in the future.

    “I think what they’ve done is going to become the standard quickly — very quickly.”

    – Margo Seltzer Ph.D., Harvard University

    Source: http://news.mit.edu/2015/automating-big-data-analysis-1016

  • KKP for Surveyor (Android Native - Badan Pertanahan Nasional)


    Surveying apps android

  • Monas (Monitoring application assistant - Telkomsel Mobile)


    Branding, Sales, Market, Shopping monitoring data by outlet in google map


  • English

    Tingkat profesional

  • Indonesian

    Tingkat profesional


  • CCI (Central Computer Improvement) in Campus

    Member and head of commitee of web design training

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