PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk.

PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk.


Penjaringan, Jakarta 169.628 pengikut


Tentang kami

Established in 1996, PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. (“Erajaya”) has grown beyond an integrated mobile telecommunication device importer, distributor and retailer, where the Company is also acknowledged as the largest and most trusted companies in its business in Indonesia. Erajaya engages in the distribution and retail of mobile telecommunication devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, subscriber identity module card (SIM Card), mobile network operator voucher top-up, accessories, and gadgets such as computers and other electronic devices. By the end of 2011, Erajaya executed initial public offering (IPO) corporate action by offering 31.7% of its shares. With ERAA ticker code, Erajaya is officially listed as Issuer at Indonesia Stock Exchange. In September 2012, PT Eralink International, one of Erajaya’s majority shareholders released another 8.3% shares ownership to public that brought final shares ownership owned by public to 40.03% as end of 2012. Erajaya has built strategic partnership with various distinguished global brands, in addition, the Company also ditributes Venera, a product of Erajaya. The Company, further, also cooperates with credible network operators in Indonesia for their products distribution.

Ukuran perusahaan
10.001+ karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Penjaringan, Jakarta
Perusahaan Publik
Tahun Pendirian
Technology, Retail, Distribution, Food and Beverages, Beauty and Wellness, Gadget, Lifestyle


Karyawan di PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk.


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    169.628 pengikut

    Good news #ERAngers! The first Bacha Coffee in Indonesia has officially opened at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta! ☕✨ Bacha Coffee is one of our brands under Erajaya Food and Nourishment, boasting a collection of over 200 coffees in four different varieties. This new brand addition marks wider career prospects for the F&B industry in Erajaya. Are you a coffee enthusiast? Let’s come and try Bacha Coffee! Interested in joining us? Check out many career opportunities at #ErajayaFoodNourishment! . . #Erajaya #BachaCoffee #grandopening #event #retail #company #career #lowongankerja #loker #lokerjakarta #lokerindonesia #infokerja #jobvacancy #hiring

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    169.628 pengikut

    Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas untuk berkarir di Erajaya melalui Program Wellings Academy! 💊 Akan ada banyak benefit loh yang bisa kalian dapatkan dari program ini! Tunggu apalagi? Yuk, segera daftarkan dirimu di ➡️ untuk berkarir di industri farmasi bersama Erajaya Group of Companies! #ErajayaBeautyandWellness #Erajaya #ErajayaCareer #CareerOpportunities #LifeatErajaya #retailcompany #hiring #apotekwellings #lowongankerja #loker #lokerjakarta #lokerindonesia #infokerja

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  • PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Arif Wahyu Siswanto S.Psi, CPS, grafis

    Learning & People Development Specialist | Trainer - Coach

    Bertumbuh merupakan proses yang tak akan pernah lepas dari kehidupan manusia, ia bagai atribut yang akan dibawa kemanapun hingga manusia tidak lagi mendiami ruang dan waktu. Secara harfiah bertumbuh dapat dipahami sebagai Perubahan pada nilai, kemampuan ataupun keyakinan dalam diri manusia. Menarik ketika berbicara Perubahan, karena dalam sudut pandang Teori Psikoanalisis menyebutkan tingkat kesadaran manusia hanya berkisar -+ 12% (kesadaran rata-rata manusia jenius -+ 6%) yang berarti begitu banyak aktifitas sehari-hari dilakukan dalam pengaruh "ketidaksadaran". Contohnya pernahkah kita berfikir tentang cara mandi? cara makan? cara mengendarai kendaraan? cara berbicara? cara tertawa karir? cara menghindari colekan atasan? wkwk. Tentu poin terakhir menjadi momen yang membuat kita sadar, sadar melakukan Perubahan untuk menyusun prioritas, sadar untuk merubah cara lama yang tak lagi efektif dan lain sebagainya. Lalu, jika banyak aktifitas kita dalam keseharian banyak dipengaruhi oleh ketidaksadaran, bagaimana sebenarnya kita dapat melakukan Perubahan yang sangat dipengaruhi kesadaran? Maka salah satu upaya saya melakukan Perubahan adalah dengan mempelajari ilmu Neuro Linguistic Programming atau akrab disebut NLP. Singkatnya NLP merupakan pendekatan komunikasi, pengembangan pribadi, dan psikoterapi yang berfokus pada hubungan antara bahasa, pikiran, dan perilaku. Yap percaya atau tidak bahwa koneksi antara bahasa dan pikiran akan membentuk perilaku tertentu. Yang paling saya sukai dalam NLP, bahwa tersedianya kerangka berpikir yang sering disebut dengan Presuposisi atau cara berpikir orang NLP. Salah satu favorit saya adalah Mind and Body Are One System and inescapably affect each other. Sederhananya bahwa Mind/ Pikiran yang ada dalam diri kita, akan otomatis terkoneksi dengan tubuh kita. Diantara kita pasti ketika mengalami hari yang buruk, maka secara tanpa sadar tubuh kita akan berperilaku sesuai pikiran kita. Itu sebabnya perasaan duka/ sedih memiliki asosiasi perilaku spesifik seperti posisi badan menunduk, menelungkupkan kepala kemeja dan lain sebagainya. Melalui Presuposisi tersebut, saya berupaya memicu Perubahan melalui proses pemaknaan melalui bahasa atau kalimat spesifik yang akan mempengaruhi Mind/ pikiran sehingga mampu menghasilkan respon perilaku tertentu sesuai Perubahan yang saya inginkan. Maka melalui kesempatan di event Sharing Knowledge, bersama dengan Kawan saya Orlando Oloan Hidari Tan kami ingin sedikit membagi keajaiban ilmu NLP dalam menciptakan Perubahan dalam diri kita. Melalui sebuah puisi dengan judul Aku Ingin Menjadi Gagal oleh Orlando Oloan Hidari Tan, kami juga ingin membuktikan bahwa sejatinya tidak ada istilah gagal, melainkan sebuah umpan balik. Atau jika dalam Presuposisi dikatakan sebagai There’s No Such thing as failure only feedback. Jika Gagal sama dengan membuka pintu baru (Perubahan) dalam hidup, Aku mau menjadi Gagal. :)

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk., grafis

    169.628 pengikut

    Bonjour, #ERAngers! Welcome to Paris Baguette Indonesia . 🥐🥖 In this edition of #MeetUpVerticals, we had the chance to get a glimpse into the kitchen of Paris Baguette, the number one bakery café in South Korea, which has been in Indonesia for two years under Erajaya Food and Nourishment. Curious? Watch this video and discover #LifeatErajaya!✨ Visit our career portal for more opportunities! . . #Erajaya #ErajayaCareer #retail #company #career #lowongankerja #loker #lokerjakarta #lokerindonesia #infokerja #jobvacancy #hiring

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    169.628 pengikut

    🌟 Internship Opportunity at Paris Baguette Indonesia! 🌟 Are you a student in Hotel Management, Culinary Arts, or Hospitality Studies?  📚 Seize this golden opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a dynamic, professional environment as an F&B Operations Intern at Paris Baguette! 🌐 What We Need: ✅ Commitment and dedication ✅ Good communication skills ✅ Positive attitude ✅ Team player and flexible with shifts Scan the QR code or visit to apply! Don't hesitate to ask any questions in the comment section below. Follow us for updates: 📸 Instagram: @erajaya_career 📱 TikTok: @erajaya_career 🔗 LinkedIn: Erajaya Swasembada

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk., grafis

    169.628 pengikut

    📢 Calling all #Jobseekers around Indonesia! This is the opportunity to embark on exciting retail career with Erajaya Group! 🙌 We are hiring for exciting career opportunities! Swipe to discover the positions! 🤩 Be the first to discover our latest vacancy ➡️ Visit our career portal ➡️ for more opportunities! Meet our recruiter for Apple Business Development Manager & SITAC & Project Manager Positions ➡️ Agustina (Tina) See you at Erajaya! #CareerOpportunities #LifeatErajaya . . #erajaya #lowongankerja #loker #lokerjakarta #retailcompany #lokerindonesia #infokerja #career #jobvacancy #hiring #positions

  • PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Obix Bertrand Alsyah Baskara, grafis

    Ex-SEO Content Writer Intern at PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk │ SEO Enthusiast │ Undergraduate Public Administration at Universitas Brawijaya

    My Journey of 5 Month Internship at PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk.🎉🚀 The internship period organized by Kampus Merdeka X PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. has flown by, and I've successfully completed it. During the internship, I was tasked with reporting and analyzing organic traffic for one of Erajaya's websites, JD Sports, using tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and GT Metrix. Additionally, conducted monthly keyword research with various types of keywords such as Top Keywords, Competitor Keywords, and Rising Keywords, utilizing tools like Ahrefs and Google Trends. Moreover, I performed weekly reporting on technical issues on the JD Sports website to ensure maintenance and improvement when necessary. These tasks honed my skills in applying various SEO theories to real-case projects and provided insights into using different SEO tools commonly used in the industry. At the end of this program, I was given an individual project to search for and determine potential improvement ideas for the business unit relevant to my role. The topic I analyzed was related to technical SEO, specifically the page load speed of the website. To implement this idea, I conducted a website audit, compared the website's performance with competitors, and provided improvement recommendations along with the expected impact on awareness and conversion rate. Learning and experiences during this internship were also supported by the guidance of my mentor and teammates. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my mentor, Ka Farid Arkan, who shared a wealth of knowledge, guided each task effectively, and always made time for discussions and brainstorming sessions. Also appreciate my teammates Latief Al Amien, Salsabila Fitri Suteja, and Nesti Magdalena who supported each other in all given tasks. I hope this valuable experience adds to my personal value and develops new technical and professional skills in SEO. Thank you, Erajaya for providing this memorable internship opportunity!✨️ #msib6 #internship #seo

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  • PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Stephen W., grafis

    Head of VM, Brand Communication & Visibility - Erajaya Digital

    iBox Indonesia, bagian dari Erajaya Digital, meresmikan iBox Apple Premium Partner pertama di luar Jabodetabek, yaitu di Summarecon Mall Bandung, pada tanggal 24 Mei 2024. iBox Apple Premium Partner ini diharapkan akan menjadi destinasi segala kebutuhan produk Apple dan ekosistemnya, untuk para pengguna Apple pada khususnya dan konsumen pada umumnya, terutama di daerah Bandung Timur dan sekitarnya. PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. #iBoxIndonesia

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  • PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Rima Fitrianti Azahra, grafis

    Third Year Statictics Student

    Wrapping up an unforgettable internship at PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. X Kampus Merdeka as a Market Researcher! This journey has been a whirlwind of learning, growth, and collaboration. Gathering insights from information has been a hard thing to do. This experience helped me to shape my way of thinking to create a valuable market insights to the team. Other than that, during this internship, I had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in market research methodologies especially desk research. It is amazing to know that being in one place wouldnt limit us to gain as much information as possible. It also helped me sharpen my analytical and problem-solving skills by contributing to real-world market research projects that directly impact the company. Speaking of projects, I'm incredibly proud to share that I made it to the final round of the company-wide project ideas competition for all interns. Although i didnt win, reaching the top 6 out of hundreds of proposals is a huge accomplishment for me. My project focused on a new way of gathering customers information using gamified survey vending machine, and the experience of presenting it to the company's leads was truly invaluable. A heartfelt thank you to my phenomenal mentor, Ratnaganadi Paramita. Her guidance wasn't just insightful; it was empowering. Her unwavering belief in my potential pushed me to tackle challenging projects and truly grow as a researcher. I also want to express immense gratitude to my amazing teammate, Yasmin Darin Setiadi, Vieri Kennedy, Umar Baluwel, Syifa Nadhira Maharani, Salsabilla Ayundha, Shiva Riana, and especially Adawia Ananda who has helped me a lot during my project brain storming. We formed a fantastic partnership throughout the internship. Their creativity constantly sparked new ideas, and their positive attitude made every workday enjoyable. Together, we tackled projects with a collaborative spirit, pushing each other to develop innovative solutions. This internship has solidified my passion for market research and equipped me with a strong foundation for my future. I'm incredibly excited for what's next! And I'm actively seeking new internship opportunities to continue honing my skills and contributing to impactful projects. Feel free to reach out if you have any leads! #msib #marketresearch #intern

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  • PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Salsabila Fitri Suteja, grafis

    Ex-SEO Content Writer Intern at PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk | French Studies Student at University of Indonesia

    [MSIB Kampus Merdeka Batch 6 X PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk.] I'm excited to share that I've successfully completed a 4.5-month internship with the MSIB Kampus Merdeka program as an Intern SEO Content Writer at PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. This experience has been incredibly rewarding, allowing me to explore digital marketing, SEO strategy, performance marketing, and keyword research in depth and develop practical skills that will be invaluable in my career. As I transition into my role as an SEO Content Writer Intern at Erajaya, I’m eager to apply everything I’ve learned. This opportunity marks a significant milestone in my career journey and I'm grateful to everyone who has been a part of making this experience meaningful. I owe a huge thanks to my mentor, Farid Arkan, who has provided guidance and support throughout this journey. I’m also thankful to my teammates, Nesti Magdalena, Obix Bertrand Alsyah Baskara, Latief Al Amien for making this experience both memorable and impactful. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in this dynamic field. Thank you once again to all who have supported me along the way! #MSIBBatch6 #KampusMerdeka #Internship #Erajaya

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