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Towards an Inclusive, Safe, and Innovative Digital Europe: IAB Europe’s Guiding Principles for the New EU Institutional Mandate

Jun 26,2024
Lauren Wakefield

As the European Parliament and the College of Commissioners look to commence new terms, IAB Europe’s Guiding Principles paper outlines the vision and commitments of IAB Europe and its members, towards shaping a sustainable and responsible digital advertising ecosystem for the future.

This new term presents a significant opportunity for the digital advertising industry to influence the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the Internet, and to build on previous rules to ensure the growth of the EU’s digital economy. Something that requires collaboration between the industry, policymakers, regulators, and civil society to foster a fully informed dialogue and renewed trust.

The paper highlights the importance of improving dialogue with policymakers and regulators on current and future digital advertising policies. It calls on policymakers to encourage further innovation and growth in digital advertising while aligning with EU values such as inclusivity, sustainability, and privacy. 

The Key Commitments

In the paper, IAB Europe commits to developing responsible digital advertising practices with its members, ensuring transparency and consumer trust. 

The Guiding Principles

The principles shared in the paper highlight the importance of consumer benefits from advertising and its role in economic growth. IAB Europe encourages policymakers to support innovation in privacy protection, coordinate on ad-related policies, engage with all ecosystem players, and increase opportunities for collaborative industry initiatives.

Check out the press release here.

Download your copy of the paper below.

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IAB Europe is the European-level association for the digital marketing and advertising ecosystem

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