Interactive Advertising Bureau
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 International Knowledge Exchange  - Audience Measurement, Currency, Metrics & Data

9th July | 15:00 CET - Register here

The International Knowledge Exchange (IKE) provides an opportunity for the international media and advertising industries to share insights about the latest measurement innovations, initiatives and solutions in the US and European markets during twice-yearly programmed events. Curated by the teams at CIMM, egta, EACA, IAB Europe and WFA, the Exchange helps to stimulate collaboration and better understanding in an increasingly international, interconnected marketplace through a series of virtual events.

Join us on the 9th July for the next IKE virtual event where we will host a series of panel discussions and a keynote presentation on measurement and currency, metrics and data. One of the sessions, hosted by IAB Europe, will look at data strategies in a post cookie-less future.

Moderated by Pete Danks, VP of Market Activation, Magnite & Lead of IAB Europe's Post Third-Party Cookie WG, he will joined by Phil Tolliday, Global Head of Marketing Science at GroupM, Irin Rahman – Chief Data and Technology Officer at Wavemaker and Maria Kristalinskaya, Head of Retail Media at Kleinanzeigen

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