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For questions about those who did mathematics

8 votes

Are Arthur C. Clarke and Arthur A. Clarke the same?

MathSciNet has Arthur Albert Clarke, Ph.D. 1964 at Yeshiva University I think that rules out the Sci Fi writer Arthur Charles Clarke Arthur A. Clarke's translation of Disquisitiones arithmeticae …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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3 votes

Who were some mathematicians who have had a musical background?

Per Enflo (see Wikipedia for a longer summary) concert pianist, mathematician (solutions for the basis problem, the approximation problem, the invariant subspace problem in Banach space theory ) At a …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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9 votes

What are some famous mathematicians that disappeared?

Ted Kazynski Ph.D. Univ. Michigan, 1967 specialty: complex analysis Prize-winning dissertation, his advisor Alan Shields called it the best thesis he had ever directed. 1968, appointed Assistant Profe …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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5 votes

Source of Laurent Schwartz's quote about lobster and math

Here it is in the original language « pourquoi faire des mathématiques ? ». La première médaille Fields française affirmait alors : « Parce que les mathématiques, ça sert à faire de la physique. L …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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20 votes

Mathematical results that became known long after their authors passed away

Bolzano. Here is a copy of an answer of mine from MathOverflow: Bernhard Bolzano .... ( interesting reading ) Much of his work was unpublished until much later (for reasons see the link), thus remain …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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10 votes

Who coined the term random variable?

The interesting material from mathwords Random variable is found in 1914 in Biometrika: “nDx and nDy are now random variables independent of time.” [OED] Variabile casuale is found in 1916 in F. P. C …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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25 votes

Which mathematicians died very young or in a tragic way?

Mikhail Yakovlevich Suslin (1894-1919). Known for "Suslin sets" and the "Suslin hypothesis". He died of typhus following the Russian Revolution. He was 25. LINK I recently read a very interesting bo …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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7 votes

Which mathematicians died very young or in a tragic way?

Felix Hausdorff LINK This is not "very young" but it is still tragic. Hausdorff was a German Jewish mathematician. He is also known for his work in astronomy, philosohy, and even literature (under …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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17 votes

Are there any anonymous contributions to mathematics that had a great impact?

LINK The t-statistic was introduced in 1908 by William Sealy Gosset, a chemist working for the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland... The t-test work was submitted to and accepted in the journal B …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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7 votes

Who is John B. Walsh?

Yes, that is the one. More information HERE (If your library subscribes to MathSciNet, and you go to that page from your library, then you will be able to get links to Walsh's 70 or so publications, r …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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11 votes

Where did John Wallis get the idea for $\infty$?

from "Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols" Infinity. The $\infty$ symbol was introduced by John Wallis (1616-1703) in 1655 in his De sectionibus conicis (On Conic Sections) as follows: Su …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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1 vote

History of the word "scales" in graphing

Scale 3. a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something From Latin scala, ladder For example, in Chaucer, 1391: Next the forseide cercle of the …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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0 votes

What is the international standing of Italian mathematics?

The very top of the mathematics profession is shown by the Fields Medal. The Italian mathematician Enrico Bombieri received the Fields Medal in 1974. So there is an Italian in that august list. ( …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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7 votes

From which university did Riemann acquired Ph.D?

Math genealogy says Bernhard Riemann received the Dr. phil. degree in 1851 from Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. His advisor was C. F. Gauß . Dissertation title: "Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Th …
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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5 votes

Did John von Neumann solve any unsolved problem in mathematics?

One guess: There was a question from physics on how to formulate quantum mechanics. Von Neumann proposed doing it using operators on Hilbert space. (1927-1929)
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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