Lady Jane: The 9 Days’ Queen

The Streatham Portrait of Jane Grey

Frances and Henry Grey were married in 1533, at her parent’s residence of Suffolk Place in Southwark. As the eldest surviving child of Mary Tudor, dowager Queen of France and Duchess of Suffolk, Frances was fourth in line to the throne after the children of Henry VIII, Edward, Mary and Elizabeth. When settling the succession, the king had instructed that his younger sister Mary’s line should be preferred over that of his older sister, Margaret. As a consequence, Frances was frequently at court.

The couple’s first child, a son, died young. They had three surviving daughters. The eldest, Jane, was born in October 1537, about the same time as her cousin Edward, the future King Edward VI; with the birth of the longed-for heir to the throne, Jane’s own birth went almost unnoticed. Jane would have been named after Henry VIII’s tragic queen, Jane Seymour, who died within two weeks of Edward’s birth.

Jane Grey would be known to history as the Nine Days’ Queen.

 She was raised at the family home of Bradgate Park, near Leicester. Frances and Henry Grey are said to have been very strict parents who were not prone to expressions of love and affection; the children were used to sarcasm, cuffs and criticism. In her teenage years, Jane herself is said to have complained to the visiting scholar Roger Ascham:

‘When I am in the presence either of father or mother, whether I speak, keep silence, sit, stand or go, eat, drink, be merry or sad, be sewing, playing, dancing, or doing anything else, I must do it as it were in such weight, measure and number, even so perfectly as God made the world; or else I am so sharply taunted, so cruelly threatened, yea presently sometimes with pinches, nips and bobs and other ways (which I will not name for the honour I bear them) … that I think myself in hell.’1

Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon, Jane’s maternal grandparents

Jane enjoyed study and excelled in all fields, including Greek and philosophy. She was afforded a first-class education and from 1545 her tutor was John Aylmer. Aylmer had been sponsored through his studies at Cambridge by Jane’s father, the Marquess of Dorset, and was a brilliant academic. As a future courtier, Jane was given lessons in dance and music; probably including the popular instruments, the lute, spinet and virginal. In religion, Jane and her sisters were raised as ‘evangelicals’, the common word in the first half of the sixteenth century for Protestants. From the age of nine, Jane’s mother would have taken her to court from time to time, to familiarise her daughter with the court and her future duties as a Maid of Honour. Frances was at the time serving as a Lady of the Privy Chamber to the king’s sixth wife, Kateryn Parr, Henry VIII’s 6th and final wife.

In January 1547, King Henry VIII died and was succeeded by his 9-year-old son, Edward VI. Jane and Edward were first cousins, once removed,and it is entirely possible – even likely – that Frances and Henry harboured hopes that Jane would marry the young king. It was Henry VIII’s will that shaped and dominated Jane’s future. More than ten years before his death, Parliament had granted Henry the right to bequeath the crown where he desired, rather than by strict primogeniture. In his final will, dated 26 December 1546, Henry excluded the Stuart line of his elder sister Margaret and settled the succession, should his children die without heirs, on the descendants of his younger sister, Mary, Duchess of Suffolk. Should Edward, Mary and Elizabeth all die without producing a child of their own, Jane would be queen; although Henry probably still held out hope that Frances would produce a son who could inherit ahead of the sisters.

Henry Grey, Marquess of Dorset

The government of England was now in the hands of the boy-king’s uncle Edward Seymour, Earl of Somerset – soon to become duke of Somerset. Somerset and Henry Grey did not get along well and Grey, though he was the only marquess in England he was not appointed to the new king’s privy council. The younger brother of Somerset, Thomas Seymour, the Lord High Admiral of England and first Baron Seymour of Sudeley, having recently – and rather scandalously – married the king’s widow, proposed that he take on the wardship of Lady Jane. Henry Grey was reluctant, given the scandal attached to the hasty marriage of Queen Kateryn and Seymour just four months after the king’s death. However, Princess Elizabeth had already joined the dowager queen’s household and Seymour hinted at arranging a marriage between Jane and the young king when they were old enough, sweetening the deal with the offer of a payment of £2,000 for Jane’s wardship.

Joining the household of the dowager queen was a great opportunity for Jane, which would provide her with connections that would benefit herself and her family. And so, at ten years-old, Jane was given into the custody of Thomas Seymour and from then on was frequently in the household of Kateryn Parr, at Chelsea and later at Sudeley Castle. This was one of the happiest periods of Jane’s short life.

During her time in the dowager queen’s household, Jane got to know her cousin, Princess Elizabeth, better, though they never grew close. At thirteen, Elizabeth was too old to pay much attention to ten-year-old Jane. And despite her tender years, Elizabeth was rather self-contained and distant; she had already experienced the highs and lows of royal life, from being lauded as her father’s heir to being declared a bastard and knowing her mother was executed as a traitor. The princess had learned not to trust easily and to keep her own counsel. That Jane was, technically, Elizabeth’s heir, must have made the relationship more fractious in a world where one’s inheritance could be erased by an act of parliament.

Frances Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk

Jane must have enjoyed living in a household of well educated, inquisitive women. One wonders, though, if she was aware of other goings-on in the household, as Thomas Seymour paid excessive attention to Princess Elizabeth. This caused tensions within the household, especially after the queen fell pregnant and began to fear that Seymour saw Elizabeth as a suitable replacement should she die in childbirth. Fearful for the princess’s reputation – and of her husband’s intentions – Elizabeth was sent away by Kateryn. Jane was now the most senior lady in the queen dowager’s household. And when Kateryn died a week after giving birth to her only child, Lady Mary Seymour, it was 11-year-old Jane who acted as chief mourner at her funeral, walking behind the queen’s coffin from the house to the chapel at Sudeley.

After the funeral, the queen’s household was broken up and Jane sent home to her parents. Within a few weeks, however, Thomas Seymour, now over the first stages of grief at losing his wife, given the blow to his finances and status the queen’s death had caused, realised that he could yet regain some standing if he resumed his guardianship of Jane. It took some persuading, but Seymour assured Henry and Frances that Jane would be well cared for and under the supervision of his mother. Although the late dowager queen’s women were still in Seymour’s household, the atmosphere had changed; and as Seymour’s ambitions came under suspicion from the Privy Council, it must have been an uncomfortable place for Jane to be. Amid rumours that Thomas Seymour was intending to marry Princess Elizabeth, he was arrested, as were Elizabeth’s servants. Elizabeth herself continued to insist that she would never agree to marry anyone without the Council’s permission.

Seymour was condemned for high treason by Act of Attainder and executed on 20 March 1549. On Seymour’s arrest, Jane had returned to Dorset House, her family’s London residence. Henry Grey may have seen his own hopes of advancement and Jane’s marriage to Edward VI disappear at Seymour’s arrest, but he must have been relieved that at least he had survived the affair with his head still on his shoulders. Besides, the wheel of fortune was about to turn his way. People were becoming increasingly disenchanted with Somerset’s rule and in the wake of Kett’s Rebellion in Norfolk, by 14 October it was Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, who was lodged in the Tower under arrest. John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and future Duke of Northumberland, took the reins of government. Henry Grey was finally appointed to the Privy Council and received numerous rewards of office and grants of lands and lordships.

King Edward VI

Jane’s marriage was never far from the minds of those in power. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset had wanted to marry Jane to his oldest son and heir, the earl of Hertford, also called Edward. Nothing had come of this plan by the time of Somerset’s fall. Before that, as early as 1541, the French Ambassador had proposed that she marry Charles, Duke of Orléans, third son of King Francis I, but the boy died in 1545. John Dudley initially favoured a marriage between Jane and the king. The children born of such a marriage would secure the succession and guarantee the continuance of the new religion within England’s borders. It would also resolve the problems associated with the succession of Mary or Elizabeth. Jane and Edward were good friends and corresponded regularly, but neither Jane nor Edward appeared enthusiastic about the suggestion and the idea was dropped, for the time being.

By February of 1553, the point was moot.

The young king was ill again, and it was becoming apparent that he was dying. Those around him started looking to the problem of the succession. The next in line was Princess Mary, a committed Catholic who would undo all the work Edward had done in advancing the Reformation. Edward could not pass over Mary’s claim to the crown in favour of Elizabeth, so chose to exclude all females from the succession and his ‘Device’ would leave the crown to ‘the Lady Jane’s heirs male’. As his health failed him, in June King Edward changed the wording of the Device to ‘The Lady Jane and her heirs male.’ Further arguments for excluding Mary and Elizabeth centred on their legitimacy – open to question after Henry VIII had, at various times, declared them both illegitimate – and the fear that they would marry outside of England.

Jane, on the other hand, was married to Lord Guildford Dudley, the fifteen-year-old son of John Dudley, now Duke of Northumberland and Lord President of the Council. Their parents saw the young couple as an alternative, Protestant king and queen to the Catholic Mary. The wedding had taken place in May 1553 in Dudley’s London home, Durham House. The young couple had been reluctant to marry and were bullied into it by their parents.

Edward VI’s ‘Devise for the Succession’

Aged just fifteen, King Edward VI died at Greenwich Palace on 6 July 1553. He was unmarried and left no heir. As the king lay dying Mary was summoned to the council, but instead rode to Kenninghall in Norfolk, with Robert Dudley despatched to intercept her with orders to take the princess to a place of safety. On 8 July, Mary heard the news of the king’s death and the following day proclaimed herself queen, despatching a letter to the Privy Council, ordering them to endorse her claim. She then moved to the formidable fortress of Framlingham Castle, where thousands flocked to her standard. Princess Elizabeth initially stayed away, pleading illness, watching and waiting to see how events played out. On 9 July the Privy Council summoned Lady Jane, recuperating from an illness at Chelsea, to appear before them. Dudley’s daughter, Mary Sidney, was sent to escort Jane by barge to Syon House, where she was greeted by two nobles who knelt before her, kissed her and informed her that Edward had nominated her as his successor. John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland and now father-in-law of the new queen, gave a lengthy speech, informing all present that King Edward’s wish had been for Jane to succeed him. Jane was left trembling and speechless before she fell to the ground, crying and declaring

I am insufficient to fill the role.2

Jane’s reaction to the proclamation of her accession to the throne suggests that she was not aware of the plans of Edward, Dudley and her father to make her queen. Though she was a clever girl and may well have suspected what was afoot. The next morning, dressed in the green and white of the Tudors and accompanied by her husband Guildford dressed equally splendidly in white and gold, Jane was escorted to the Tower in a procession of barges. There were no flags being waved, and no crowds lining the river to get a glimpse of their new queen. London was only just learning of the king’s death. Jane was greeted at the Tower by the Marquess of Winchester and Sir John Bridges, Lieutenant of the Tower, and various other civilian and military officials. Winchester knelt before the young queen and presented the keys to the fortress. John Dudley stepped forward and took them. Jane then made her ceremonial entrance into the White Tower and, with flags flying, a fanfare of trumpets and guns firing in salute, was seated under the canopy of state. The crown was brought to her, but she initially refused to wear it, only putting it on when Winchester persuaded her that he wished to see how it suited her.

Mary I

On one matter, Jane was adamant. She refused to make Guildford king: ‘If the crown belongs to me, I would be content to make my husband a duke. But I will never consent to make him king.’3 Royal blood flowed through Jane’s veins, not her husband’s. Apparently, Guildford fled the room in tears, but his parents were hopeful that Jane could be persuaded to change her mind. After all, they lived in a patriarchal society and no one expected that a woman could actually rule in her own right.

The Privy Council and leading judges declared Jane the new Queen of England.

That Sunday, at St Paul’s Cross, Bishop Ridley preached that as bastards, Mary and Elizabeth were unfit for the crown and that Mary’s Catholicism was a particular threat to the country, exposing it to foreign influence. A devout Protestant, Jane was seen as the symbol of continuity for the Protestant faith, untainted by any previous declarations of illegitimacy. However, there was no rejoicing and only the herald could be heard to shout ‘Long live the Queen!’

For 9 days, Jane was England’s first female monarch.

By 12 July, Mary and her supporters had gathered at Framlingham, Suffolk. Within days, the duke of Northumberland rode out of London with 3,000 men, promising to capture or kill Mary. Jane ordered the gates to the Tower be locked and the keys given to her. On 18 July, Jane began raising troops to be led against rebels in Buckinghamshire. But as Northumberland left London, everything began to fall apart. Rumours circulated that Mary had a force of 30,000. Londoners refused to rally to the duke’s army.

Northumberland’s coup collapsed.

On 19 July, Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, declared in favour of Mary. He entered his daughter’s chamber, where she sat at dinner under a canopy of state, and dramatically tore down the hangings. The next day, the Privy Council proclaimed Mary as Queen of England. And Jane went from being queen to a prisoner in the Tower of London; she was taken from the royal apartments to the Gentleman Gaoler’s lodgings. Her mother and ladies-in-waiting were allowed to return home, which they did without delay.

Mary was crowned on 1 October 1533, and Jane’s younger sisters Katherine and Mary became maids of honour to the new queen. Frances, too, was welcomed at court. John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, Jane’s father-in-law, had been tried and convicted of high treason and executed on 22 August 1553. After just a few days in the Tower, Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, was pardoned and allowed to go home to his wife.

As for Jane, in November, she, her husband and two of his brothers were tried and convicted of high treason. Mary was willing to be merciful and spared their lives, for the moment. Jane was kept in comfortable confinement and may have hoped that she would eventually be released, had her father not involved himself in yet another plot…

Princess Elizabeth, the future Queen Elizabeth I

Opposed to Mary’s proposed marriage to Philip of Spain, the Wyatt rebellion, led by Sir Thomas Wyatt, the son of the poet who was an admirer of Anne Boleyn, aimed to overthrow Mary. The intent was to marry Princess Elizabeth to Edward Courtney, Earl of Devon and a descendant of Edward IV, and put Elizabeth on the throne. As Wyatt raised an army in Kent, Grey was raising forces in the Midlands. However, Wyatt’s forces were overwhelmed as London closed its gates to them and Grey was arrested at his manor of Astley. He was taken prisoner, arraigned for his treason, condemned, and executed at the Tower on 23 February 1554, less than a month after his brief rebellion began.

Though she was in no way implicated in the rebellion, her father’s actions had already sealed Jane’s fate; her very existence as a possible figurehead for Protestant discontent made her an unacceptable danger to the state. The queen could no longer afford to be merciful, and Mary signed the death warrant for Jane and Guildford; the sentence for Jane was commuted from burning to beheading. She received a few days’ stay of execution while Mary sent the dean of St Paul’s, John Feckenham, to her to try and persuade Jane to accept the Catholic faith. But Jane remained steadfast, writing ‘Lord, thou God and father of my life, hear me poor and desolute woman, arm me, I beseech thee, with thy armour, that I may stand fast.’4

The night before her execution, aware that her father, by now also imprisoned in the Tower, was in great distress over her fate, Jane wrote a final letter to him:

‘Father, although it pleases God to hasten my death by one by whom my life should rather have been lengthened; yet can I so patiently take it, that I yield God more hearty thanks for shortening my woeful days, than if all the world had been given into my possession, with life lengthened at my own will. And albeit I am assured for your impatient dolours redoubled manifold ways, both in bewailing your own woe, and especially, as I hear, my unfortunate state; yet, dear father (if I may without offence rejoice in my own mishaps), herein I may account myself blessed, that washing my hands with the innocence of my fact, my guiltless blood may cry before the Lord, ‘Mercy to the innocent!’5

The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche

At ten the next morning Guildford Dudley was taken from the Tower and escorted to Tower Hill for his execution. Jane watched him leave from her window. As Jane walked to her own execution, Guildford’s body was carried into the Tower’s chapel, St Peter Ad Vincula, for burial. Dressed in black, Jane mounted the scaffold by the White Tower. Speaking to the assembled crowd, she performed the traditional admission of guilt, saying that she had acted against the queen’s highness, though qualified it with:

‘Touching the procurement and desire thereof by me or on my behalf, I do wash my hands thereof in innocence.’6

Having said her piece, and her prayers, Jane gave her gloves and handkerchief to Elizabeth Tilney and her prayer book to Thomas Bridges, the brother of the Lieutenant of the Tower. Jane then removed her gown, headdress and neckerchief as the executioner knelt to ask her forgiveness, which Jane gave willingly.

Jane knelt and, with her handkerchief tied over her eyes, she had to feel for the block and cried out ‘What shall I do? Where is it?’ when she couldn’t find it.7 One of those close by guided her to the block.

Her final words were ‘Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit!’8

She was despatched with one stroke of the axe.


1 .Lady jane Grey quoted in Jill Armitage, Four Queens and a Countess: Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Lady Jane Grey and Bess of Hardwick, p. 54; 2. Jill Armitage, Four Queens and a Countess: Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Lady Jane Grey and Bess of Hardwick, p. 68; 3. ibid; 4. Leanda de Lisle, The Sisters Who Would Be Queen, p. 146; 5. ibid, p. 148; 6. ibid, p. 150; 7. ibid, p. 151; 8. ibid, p. 152


Courtesy of Wikipedia


Jill Armitage, Four Queens and a Countess: Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Lady Jane Grey and Bess of Hardwick; Leanda de Lisle, The Sisters Who Would Be Queen; Amy Licence, Tudor Roses; Amy Licence, The Sixteenth Century in 100 Women; Haynes (ed.), State papers, Vol. VI; Amy Licence, In Bed with the Tudors; Erin Lawless, Forgotten Royal Women: The King and I; David Loades, editor, Chronicles of the Tudor Kings: The Tudor Dynasty from 1485 to 1553: Henry VII, Henry VIII and Edward VI in the Words of their Contemporaries;; Tracy Borman, The Private Lives of the Tudors; Sarah Gristwood, The Tudors in Love: The Courtly Code Behind the Last Medieval Dynasty; John Cannon, editor, The Oxford Companion to British History; Arthur D. Innes, A History of England Under the Tudors; J.D. Mackie, The Earlier Tudors 1485-1558


My Books

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

OUT NOW! Heroines of the Tudor World

Heroines of the Tudor World tells the stories of the most remarkable women from European history in the time of the Tudor dynasty, 1485-1603. These are the women who ruled, the women who founded dynasties, the women who fought for religious freedom, their families and love. These are the women who made a difference, who influenced countries, kings and the Reformation. In the era dominated by the Renaissance and Reformation, Heroines of the Tudor World examines the threats and challenges faced by the women of the era, and how they overcame them. From writers to regents, from nuns to queens, Heroines of the Tudor World shines the spotlight on the women helped to shape Early Modern Europe.

Heroines of the Tudor World is now available for pre-order from Amberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Women of the Anarchy

Two cousins. On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son inherit the English crown. Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how these women, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other.

Available from Bookshop.orgAmberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is the story of a truly remarkable lady, the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Available from all good bookshops Pen & Sword and AmazonDefenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and Bookshop.orgHeroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Bookshop.orgSilk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell – and Tony Riches. We discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.


©2024 Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS 

Publication Day: Heroines of the Tudor World

In 2017, when I published Heroines of the Medieval World, it was a dream come true – to actually write and publish a book! I never imagined, then, that I would still be writing books 7 years later, nor that I would get the opportunity to write a sequel!

But here it is!

Continue reading for a chance to win a signed copy of Heroines of the Tudor World in my Publication Day GIVEAWAY!

Heroines of the Tudor World tells the stories of the most remarkable women from European history in the time of the Tudor dynasty, 1485-1603.

These are the women who ruled, the women who founded dynasties, the women who fought for religious freedom, their families and love.

These are the women who made a difference, who influenced countries, kings and the Reformation. In the era dominated by the Renaissance and Reformation, Heroines of the Tudor World examines the threats and challenges faced by the women of the era, and how they overcame them. Some famous, some infamous, some less well known, including Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth Barton, Catherine de Medici, Bess of Hardwick and Elizabeth I.

From writers to regents, from nuns to queens, Heroines of the Tudor World shines the spotlight on the women helped to shape Early Modern Europe.

I am so excited to be able to announce that Heroines of the Tudor World is now available from – everywhere! Including Amberley Publishing, and Amazon UK.

Publication Day GIVEAWAY!

For the chance to win a signed copy of Heroines of the Tudor World simply leave a comment below.

The draw fro the winner will be made at noon Friday 21 June 2024.

Competition Closed: and the winner is Andria van Buskirk!

Book Launch

Do join me for the Heroines of the Tudor World book launch, including a talk and book signing will be held at the gorgeous historic venue, The Lincoln County Assembly Rooms, Monday 24 June, 2024, at 7pm.

Tickets in-store or online from £7 – ticket with book deals available.

To reserve your ticket, call in at Lindum Books on Bailgate, Lincoln, or click here!


And the first reviews are in – and amazing!

Tony Riches was the first to give his views: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Heroines of the Tudor World is “is perfect for ‘dipping in’ at a random page or section – where you can be sure of discovering something interesting. I also liked the way some Tudor women pop up in several categories, highlighting the complexity of their lives.  As with her medieval heroines, some of the categories are thought provoking, such as the idea of heroic mistresses and scandalous heroines, but this makes for a lively and engaging read.” Read the whole 5* review over at The Writing Desk.

And Medieval Madame, on Instagram, also gave Heroines of the Tudor World 5 stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Automatically, when we think of the Tudor woman we tend to think of King Henry VIII’s wives, ladies in waiting or mistresses like Lady Jane Parker and Mary Boleyn. Yet so many women played a vital role, and they are lesser known but those who are more widely known don’t get enough recognition. Women, the weaker, frailer, gentler sex who should have a purpose: ‘stay at home, do embroidery, bear children – hope to survive!’ Not forgetting obey your Husband!

This book centres around women who, either by chance or decision, step out of the mould society cast upon them, even if it meant death. Remember, the Tudor World was one of the most vicious times in English history.

In this 12 chapter book, Sharon Bennett Connolly looks at many women from different backgrounds, and placed into chapters that’s what made their names live on. Take for example chapter 11 we see, “Literary Heroines,” here you can read about Margaret Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas More. Religious reformist, published, Queen Katherine Parr. Then French royalty who could well handle a quill!

Other heroines include: Caterina Sforza, Elizabeth Barton, Katherine Willoughby, Mary Queen of Scots, Anne de Vere and so many more – the list is vast! That is what makes an interesting read. Whether by religion, royalty, nobility or scandal.

Sharon has achieved another piece of thought provoking literature by shining a light on this enjoyable and contemporary read. As a sequel to her “Heroines of the Medieval World,” this certainly does not disappoint, and I enjoyed it equally.

For an in-depth view on many resilient, defiant and warrior women, who could very well be the first step to what we know in modern times as feminism. This is it! This is an excellent read, most certainly in the top three reads of the year. Sharon has crafted her creative writing once more for our educational enjoyment.

[Gifted] To Be Released 15 June 2024″

All About History ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

All About History magazine gave Heroines of the Tudor World 4 stars, highlighting that the book ‘reminds readers that the lot of women in this era was not an easy one, but in these fascinating stories she reminds us too that there have always been women who dared to challenge the status quo. Whether standing up for country, crown, family or love, the women who spring to life in these pages are richly deserving of their place in history.’

The first review on Amazon was ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from Helen Musson. It was short but oh so very, very sweet:


And what an incredible review of Heroines of the Tudor World from Heidi Malagisi at Adventures of a Tudor Nerd:

“Connolly gave her readers a thrilling look into the 16th century….my only complaint is that it was not a longer book…”If you have enjoyed Sharon Bennett Connolly’s previous books and you are a Tudor nerd, I highly suggest you read, ‘Heroines of the Tudor World.'”

Interviews, podcasts and YouTube

You can find me talking about my choice of Heroines of the Tudor World on some of the best Tudor podcasts:

On Tudors Dynasty I may have mentioned to Rebecca Larsen that I don’t think much of Henry VIII. And I had a fabulous time, chatting with Natalie Grueninger over at On the Tudor Trail.

And I am on Books & Brews, over on You Tube, talking about my favourite Heroines of the Past. You can even watch the outtakes!

To Buy Heroines of the Tudor World

You can order signed, dedicated copies of Women of the Anarchy through my online bookshop. Heroines of the Tudor World is now available from – everywhere! Including Amberley Publishing, and Amazon UK.


Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how Empress Matilda and Matilda of Boulogne, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other. Available from Bookshop.orgAmberley Publishing and Amazon UK. King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is the story of a truly remarkable lady, the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. It is is available from Pen & Sword and AmazonDefenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and Bookshop.orgHeroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Bookshop.orgSilk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell and discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

*You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ��Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.


Article: 2024 © Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS

Guest Post: A Fairy Step-mother by Laura Adkins

We have another fabulous guest post to celebrate Women’s History Month 2024. Laura Adkins is visiting History … the Interesting Bits to talk about my favourite of Henry VIII’s six queens, Katherine (or Kateryn, as she would have written it) Parr.

Over to Laura…

A Fairy Step-mother – Kateryn Parr

Kateryn Parr

Although she only had one biological child, two of Kateryn Parr’s marriages would bring her five stepchildren whom she loved dearly as if they were her own.

Katheryn first foray into motherhood was when she became stepmother to Lord Latimer’s teenage son and daughter. It is more than likely that Latimer, when looking for a wife, was after someone who could be a mother to his children and be present in their lives as he was away a lot. He may have seen those motherly qualities in Kateryn. It would be his daughter, Margaret, 9 years old at the time of her father’s marriage to Kateryn, who would grow close to her new stepmother.

Margaret’s own mother had died in 1527 and her first stepmother died in 1530. This led to Kateryn becoming the only mother figure in the young girl’s life, and at an impressionable age. Kateryn would fill the role of mother, treating Margaret as if she were her own, even after Latimer’s death. Kateryn not only had a legal duty to the two teenagers at this time but a sense of parental duty and love.

Margaret’s father had been strongly Catholic, therefore, his children would have been Catholic. However, times were changing and in Margaret’s will there are curtain wordings which give an indication that she was more inclined towards the reformed religion. Could Kateryn have played a role in this? We do not know for certain, but Kateryn would certainly have been aware of Margaret’s beliefs and most likely had some impact on it. The only thing that would separate the two was Margaret’s death at the young age of 21, in 1545. In her will Margaret thanks Kateryn for ‘the godly education and tender love and bountiful goodness which I have ever found in her highness’. Kathryn had provided a mother figure for Margaret during her short life. She had provided the young girl with companionship when an alternative could have been a very lonely existence. Throughout her marriage to Henry, she was then able to bring her stepdaughter into court life and provide her with connections which she may never have had initially.

Mary I, Queen of England

Of Latimer’s eldest child, John, things would be slightly different; however not as a result of Kateryn’s parenting. John was 14 years old when Kateryn and his father married, an age where he would have already established his own views, thoughts and personality. The young boy had been without a mother figure through puberty and his adolescent development. We know, from Kateryn’s own words, that things had been a bit more difficult between stepmother and son than with Kateryn and Margaret. His father did not leave his properties to John, nor appoint him executor of his will. That his father did not have much faith in his sensitive, sulking and lying teenager gives an indication that John was maybe a bit more of a handful than most. And given what he went on to do later in his life (arrested for attempted rape of one of his servants in 1557 and murder in 1563) one can quite believe his upbringing was not an easy task for Kateryn. There must have been some mutual fondness for one another, as when she became queen, she gave his wife a place as one of her ladies-in-waiting. Also, the fact that his aggressive nature came to the surface after her death shows that maybe she had some influence on his nature.

On her marriage to Henry VIII in 1543, Kateryn found herself a stepmother once more, this time to two daughters and a son. These royal children would be familiar to Kateryn and were all at various stages of their lives. Mary was only four years younger than her new stepmother; Elizabeth Tudor was 9, the same age that Margaret had been when Kateryn entered her life and Edward who was approaching the age of 6. Kateryn had a real impact on all three of Henry’s children, so much so that it helped shape their future as monarchs and for Elizabeth as a woman. All three have left in their own words their affection for Kateryn, the first of Henry’s wives that they all accepted and most likely loved.

It was through her love for her stepchildren and not a power play which made Kateryn try to reunite them with their father. She wanted to reconcile the broken family and bring happiness back to the court. She knew such love and happiness growing up and sadness with the loss of her father and wanted to try and assist her stepchildren to have some happiness like she did. Henry had both Mary and Elizabeth re-established in the line of succession, something which Kateryn at least had some part in. It would be at Ashridge in August 1543 where the three Tudor children, Kateryn and their father would stay together for the first time.

Edward VI, King of England

During her role as regent all three of the royal children would stay at the court, with their stepmother. It would be Elizabeth’s longest stay since she was a baby and one which most historians agree had a huge impact on her. Here both Mary and Elizabeth witnessed a woman governing and imposing her authority on her male counsellors. And not just a woman from afar but their stepmother, one who loved them and could and most likely help guide and mentor them, preparing them for their potential futures as powerful women in a world of men.

With Mary, the relationship was more of close friendship. Kateryn was not stupid to try and push herself as stepmother to Mary. She used her new position as queen to try and help Mary, not only to restore her in the line of succession but also to reunite her with her father. The two bonded over their love of fashion, jewellery and music. This friendship had already been established when Kateryn was a lady in Mary’s household after the death of Latimer. Mary would also see Kateryn as another female of learning and virtue and held her stepmother in high regard. The Spanish ambassadors wrote that Kateryn has behaved affectionately towards her [Mary] and go on to thank Kateryn for the kindness shown to the princess. Even their opposing religious beliefs did not seem to hinder their relationship. Kateryn had nothing but love for Mary. and it was through this love which brought her, for the first time in over a decade, some sense of peace, happiness and a form of stability.

For Elizabeth and Edward, her role was ever more impressionable. Edward’s mother, Jane Seymour had died when he was only a few days old. The next two of Henry’s wives were in and out of his life so quickly the young boy barely had time get to know them. A boy who had only had one parent in his life, the distant albeit slightly affectionate Henry. Edward lacked someone who showed him love and affection. It seems he grew with a fence up from female affection. When Kateryn came along, she wanted to knock down the fence and show the boy that it is ok to love and that he was loved and displays of affection were allowed. And she succeeded. From an early stage he was referring to her as his dearest mother and signing himself as her most abundant son. This young boy, who was a secretive cold and judgmental child who showed genuine fondness for very few people had grown attached to his new stepmother and finally had a mother whom he could love and who would love him in return.

For Elizabeth, Kateryn appeared at the time when she was needed the most. The stepmother and daughter were most likely the closest of the Tudor children. Elizabeth was at an age when she needed guidance and understanding; she also needed a mother’s love and someone who could match her growing intelligence. It would be Kateryn who also brought William Grindle onboard to teach Elizabeth, which led to the future queen’s love of the humanist principles. The earliest surviving letter of Elizabeth’s in existence is one she had written to her stepmother, dated 31 July 1544 . She despairs of not seeing Kateryn’s illustrious presence for a whole year and appeals to Kateryn’s clemency to speak to the king on her behalf so she can join them at court. Here Elizabeth feels she can approach her stepmother without repercussions and that her stepmother loved her greatly. She wanted to be not only with the king but Kateryn too at court.

Elizabeth would always sign her letters to Kateryn as ‘Your most obedient daughter and most faithful servant…’ Kateryn had captured the young princess’s heart and interest.

Elizabeth was a bright and intelligent child and noticed what was going on around her. She would not fail to miss the authority of her new stepmother and how she wielded her own power whilst keeping the right balance of femininity, and without, most of the time offending Henry or the men around her.

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

After the death of Henry, Kateryn set up her home at Chelsea, along with Elizabeth. It would be at Chelsea where Elizabeth and Kateryn’s relationship was tested to its limit, nearly severing the close ties these two had for good. Kateryns forth husband, Thomas Seymour began to grow an unhealthy interest in Elizabeth. He started to enter her bedchamber in the early morning before she was dressed and wearing only her undergarments. Her governess, Kat Ashley had tried to dissuade him from doing so and even approached Kateryn herself. There was even an occasion where Kateryn held Elizabeth in a supposed playful jest while Thomas cut Elizabeth’s gown to shreds. Not appropriate behaviour from either of them. It was eventually evident to Kateryn that Elizabeth had feelings for Thomas. Because of his lust for her stepdaughter and for reasons of propriety, Kateryn sent Elizabeth away from Chelsea. Kateryn had by this time found out she was pregnant; she wanted Thomas to only have eyes for her and knew the implications that could happen should word get out of what was going on, and under her own roof. It had to stop, and more importantly she needed it to stop for the love she bore Elizabeth as her stepmother, even though she was hurt by Elizabeth’s actions. Although this flirtation with Thomas and the danger it had put them in had been a huge thrust of the knife at Kateryn, her love for Elizabeth did not wane. Within weeks Kateryn had written to Elizabeth, and she had written back. Both were declaring their love for one another, with Kateryn missing her young charge.

Kateryn approached the role of motherhood with all her heart and passion for her stepchildren as if they were her own flesh and blood. Lord Latimer certainly saw something in her when he chose her to be his wife, he wanted not only a companion but a mother to John and Margaret. Kateryn’s involvement with Henry’s children’s lives was accepted, encouraged and appreciated by the king. He may have even finally enjoyed playing happy families after all the turmoil of the previous few decades. Her warmth and affection assisted her in persuading him to place his daughters back into the line of succession. For Mary it was a little different as she had experienced it from her biological mother, but this love had been torn from her when she needed it most. Maybe Kateryn had helped bring back those cherished memories to her. Kateryn was able to provide her stepdaughters with a female role model, who they could look up to and learn from. Particularly as two of her stepdaughters were of royal blood who might one day become queens. This mother’s love she provided would have certainly made an impact on how they approached womanhood and their confidence that they could perform their role as queen.

About the Author:

Ever since being inspired by her history teacher in secondary school and the 1997 movie Titanic, Laura has had a passion for history, especially medieval and Tudor eras. She writes her blog the Local History Blogger which focuses on her home county of Essex, England. In her past jobs, she has been fortunate to work in historic locations such as the Tower of London and Banqueting House, Whitehall where she gave public talks on its history and talks on the Tudors and Stuarts. Her other passion in life is her daughter who now joins Laura on her history trips and outings. When she is not exploring Laura enjoys reading and adding to her growing collection of books. Katheryn Parr: Henry VIII’s Sixth Queen is her first book.

To Buy the Book:

Laura’s book Kateryn Parr: Henry VIII’s sixth queen is now available in Hardback from Pen and Sword.

Find Laura Adkins on social media at:

Website:; Instagram – @localhistoryblogger; X – @TLHBlogger


1. Kateryn Parr – after Master John, c.1545. Oil on panel. The original portrait was initially thought to be of Lady Jane Grey and was only recently attributed to be Kateryn. Public domain image, via Wikimedia Common

2. Queen Mary Tudor – Anthonis Mor, 1554. Oil on panel. Public domain image, via Wikimedia Commons

3. King Edward VI – Workshop of Master John, c.1547. Public domain image, via Wikimedia Common

4. The young Princess Elizabeth – attributed to William Scrots, c.1546-1547. Oil on oak panel .Public domain image, via Wikimedia Commons


My Books:

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

Out Now! Women of the Anarchy

Two cousins. On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son inherit the English crown. Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how these women, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other.

Available from Bookshop.orgAmberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Coming on 15 June 2024: Heroines of the Tudor World

Heroines of the Tudor World tells the stories of the most remarkable women from European history in the time of the Tudor dynasty, 1485-1603. These are the women who ruled, the women who founded dynasties, the women who fought for religious freedom, their families and love. These are the women who made a difference, who influenced countries, kings and the Reformation. In the era dominated by the Renaissance and Reformation, Heroines of the Tudor World examines the threats and challenges faced by the women of the era, and how they overcame them. From writers to regents, from nuns to queens, Heroines of the Tudor World shines the spotlight on the women helped to shape Early Modern Europe.

Heroines of the Tudor World is now available for pre-order from Amberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is the story of a truly remarkable lady, the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Available from all good bookshops or direct from Pen & Sword and AmazonDefenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and Bookshop.orgHeroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Bookshop.orgSilk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell and Elizabeth Chadwick, and discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.


©2024 Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS and Laura Adkins

Guest Post: Fabric as Power by Judith Arnopp

It is an absolute pleasure to welcome novelist and historian Judith Arnopp to History…the Interesting Bits today. Judith’s new book, How to Dress Like a Tudor, is one I have been excited to get my hands on ever since I heard she was writing it. The Tudors had a special talent for sumptuous gowns and bright, vibrant colours. They knew how to steal the show!

So, here’s Judith to give you a little taster of her research.

The Evolving Tudor Image: fabric as power

We have all become so familiar with royal Tudor images that we no longer really see them. One glance tells us who they are. We think we know them. They exude power, majesty and the iron fist of mastery.

Earlier portraits of the Plantagenet kings, and even the early portraits of Henry VII are very different to that of his son and grandchildren. But it was Henry VII, the first ‘Tudor’ king who began to develop the ‘Tudor’ brand.

The Tudors were the new kids on the block; nobody could foresee what sort of King Henry would make and his popularity depended very much on that of his wife, Elizabeth of York. Yorkist propaganda demeaned his claim to the throne, declaring that his mother’s line was illegitimate; that Lancaster had stolen the crown in 1399.

Henry, realising he needed to reinforce his hold on the country, embellished his family history to create an impressive Tudor dynasty. He stressed the royal connection of his mother, Margaret Beaufort, and her descent from John of Gaunt and, to strengthen his claim further, he legally removed the stigma of bastardy from the family. He reiterated the royal descent of his grandmother, Katherine of Valois and, more surprisingly, claimed descent from the ancient Welsh King Cadwaladr, and King Arthur. To further cement his link to Arthur he named his first-born son in his honour and embellished the round table at Winchester with the Tudor rose.

With the blood of both York and Lancaster flowing in the veins of his two sons and several daughters, the Tudor line looked set to continue but Arthur’s sudden death in 1502 taught Henry that a king can never have too many sons. He lost no time in teaching his remaining son, later to become Henry VIII, the finer points of kingship. He stressed the importance of his role, the unreliability of the fickle populace, and the crucial need for strong male heirs to perpetuate the dynasty. The importance of heirs was a lesson young Henry never forgot, and one he fought hard to achieve for the rest of his life.

The blooming of the Renaissance and the introduction of men like Holbein to the royal court helped to reinforce this new Tudor image and during Henry VIII’s reign new style of royal portraiture began.

I think of them as ‘power portraits’ that were loud declarations of Tudor permanence and dominance.

The one with which we are most familiar was painted by Holbein the younger after 1537, at a time when Henry was at the height of his power. He had freed himself from Anne Boleyn, and the Pope, and Jane Seymour had finally provided the son and heir he’d been craving.

Everything in this portrait is designed to impress and I certainly succeeds; we cannot take our eyes from the breadth of shoulder, the sumptuous quality of his clothes, his immovable stance, the potent codpiece, and the unflinching expression in his eye. The portrait exudes wealth, power and uncompromising control. It is an unspoken challenge.

Edward VI, and Mary I also used art to illustrate their power but it was Elizabeth, arguably the greatest Tudor of them all, who exploited royal portraiture to the full. The queen was very aware of the power of image and iconography. Encouraged by her adviser, John Dee, her portraits became more and more extreme. In every image she is majestic and fabulously dressed, her tiny frame all but

obliterated by satin, velvet, lace and jewels. In looks, Elizabeth resembled her great grandmother, Margaret Beaufort and her grandfather, Henry VII but by nature she was very much like her father.

Elizabeth’s portraits are perfect examples of Renaissance iconography. Every item represents a characteristic, not of the woman within but of the nature of her reign. It is all there; virginity, wisdom, power, world domination, military genius, and the all-seeing eye of queenship.

In The Armada Portrait c.1588 Elizabeth’s femininity is eclipsed by her magnificent clothing. She has so much padding, she appears every bit as broad and powerful as her father.

If Elizabeth’s grandfather and father had coveted England and parts of France, Elizabeth cast her ambitious eye farther ��� to the New World. Her hand rests on a globe and just in case the viewer should forget who wears it, the crown of England is just above. If you look closely her famously long white fingers are covering the Americas and, behind her are commemorations of the Spanish fleet being driven onto a rocky shore by a storm that became known as the ‘Protestant wind,’ inferring God’s approval in England’s victory over Spain. Elizabeth is proclaiming herself as the saviour of her people; the mother of her expanding empire; a victorious, virgin queen, blessed by God.

These are the things she wanted the world to see and believe. Her private, inner feelings were none of our concern and so they turned their faces into masks – a blank page, devoid of personality yet replete with majesty.

The portraits of the Tudors reveal so much about that far off world. Holbein in particular is invaluable to anyone studying the period. It is solely due to Holbein’s sketches taken at the court that we know exactly what was going on behind the gabled hoods of Catherine of Aragon and Jane Seymour. A particular favourite sketch of mine is of a woman on a settle which shows her sons dressed in replica garments of adult men. His sketches provide a behind the scenes glimpse of life at court, something the formality of the finished portraits don’t convey.

One of the best parts of writing How to dress like a Tudor for Pen and Sword books was the chance to closely examine the court portraits, and the informal sketches of the royal painters and trace the evolving fashions, styles, fabrics of the era. The Tudors were the new icons, monarchs to be worshipped, feared and respected and their portraits a shield, concealing every vestige of human frailty from common view.

How to Dress like a Tudor doesn’t just examine the clothing of royalty but of courtiers, commoners, children, monks and fools.

About the Author:

Judith Arnopp writes historical fiction set during the late medieval and Tudor period. Her usual focus is on the women who lived close to the monarch, women like Margaret Beaufort, Elizabeth of York and Mary Tudor but more recently has been writing from the perspective of Henry VIII himself. Her books are on Kindle, Audible and Paperback. You can find her fiction books here:

She also writes non-fiction, her work featuring in many anthologies and online magazines. Her latest non-fiction, How to Dress like a Tudor published by Pen & Sword Books is available now.

Judith is a founder member of a reenactment group The Fyne Company of Cambria, and began making Tudor costumes for herself, her husband, John, and other members of the group. It was this that inspired How to Dress like a Tudor and she hopes to write more non-fiction Tudor history in the future. You can find Judith on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Goodreads, Bluesky, Instagram, webpage


Eliz I The Armada Portrait Wikimedia commons [[File:Elizabeth I (Armada Portrait).jpg|Elizabeth I (Armada Portrait)]]

Henry VIII After Hans Holbein the Younger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Edward VI Attributed to William Scrots (active 1537-1553) [1], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


My Books

Christmas is coming!

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

Coming 15 January 2024: Women of the Anarchy

On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son inherit the English crown. Both women are granddaughters of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland and descendants of Alfred the Great of Wessex. Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how these women, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other.

Available for pre-order from Amberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Out nowKing John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is the story of a truly remarkable lady. Nicholaa de la Haye was the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Her strength and tenacity saved England at one of the lowest points in its history. Nicholaa de la Haye is one woman in English history whose story needs to be told…

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is now available from Pen & Sword and Amazon.

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey is now available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell, and discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.


©2023 Judith Arnopp and Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS

Book Corner: Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots by April Taylor

Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots tells the story of the enactment of law and its penalties from Henry VII to Elizabeth I.

The sixteenth century was remarkable in many ways. In England, it was the century of the Tudor Dynasty. It heralded the Reformation, William Shakespeare, the first appearance of bottled beer in London pubs, Sir Francis Drake, and the Renaissance. Oh, and the Spanish Armadas―all five of them! Yes, five armadas and all failures.

It was a watershed century for crime and punishment. Henry VII’s paranoia about the loyalty of the nobility led to military-trained vagrants causing mayhem and murder. Henry VIII’s Reformation meant executions of those refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy. State-controlled religion―summed up through the five reigns as Roman Catholic; Anglo-Catholic; Protestant; Roman Catholic, and Sort of Protestant but I don’t mind so long as you swear the Oath of Supremacy―became an increasingly complex, not to say confusing, issue for ordinary people.

Although primary sources are rare and sometimes incomplete, the life of criminals and the punishments meted out to them still fascinates.

Read about: John Daniell and how he tried to blackmail the Earl of Essex. The Stafford insurrection of 1486, the first serious opposition to the new king. The activities of con-man extraordinaire, Gregory Wisdom, and many more.

Crime and punishment didn’t start with the Tudors and this book summarises judicial practices built on tradition from the Roman occupation. It covers often gory details―what happens to the body when it is beheaded, burned, boiled, or hanged?

Arranged in alphabetical order of crimes, it recounts tales of blackmail, infanticide, kidnapping, heresy, and sumptuary laws. Told with occasional low-key humour, the book also includes Tavern Talk, snippets of quirky information.

Dip into it at your pleasure.

I have to admit, Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots by April Taylor is one of the best non-fiction books I have had the pleasure of reading this year. I have always had a fascination for the law – I was even considering it as a career at one stage, until I realised I couldn’t stand the 9 to 5 lifestyle. Give me shift work and odd hours any day! So, I have been looking forward to this book ever since I heard April was writing it.

Opening with a fabulous history of the development of England’s legal system, Crime and Punishment in Tudor England explains not only the crimes committed, but also the various legal processes under different monarchs and at different social levels. Every crime imaginable is covered, from infanticide to treason. And so are the punishments and the reasons behind them; and how often such punishments were intended to fit the crime – or to shame the perpetrator. Every part of the criminal justice system is analysed, from religious offenders to witchcraft, from capital punishment to torture, prison condition and labour camps. Crime and Punishment in Tudor England also looks into the influences on crime, such as the impact of economic and social conditions, in a century of religious and political upheaval throughout Europe.

I do have to warn you: this book is not to be read while eating, unless you have a strong stomach. April Taylor includes descriptions of the various methods of execution, including beheading, hanging, burning and the particularly gruesome method of boiling alive!

Boiling to Death

Boiling to death was not often used in Tudor England to be fair, although it was the designated punishment for coiners on the continent. The method is self-explanatory. The offender would be put into a large container which might be filled with water, oil, molten lead, wax or sometimes wine, heated to boiling point.

The most famous victim was Richard Roose, cook to the Bishop of Rochester, John Fisher. It was established that Roose had decided to poison his master and guests by serving them pottage for dinner. Fisher was known to be abstemious and did not partake of the pottage, and nobody can blame him since it sounds less than appetising.

Pottage was a kind of thick porridge that peasants relied on for centuries as a staple food. For them, it would consist of grains and vegetables, boiled in a pot and often kept simmering for hours or days to make sure it was safe to eat. If rich households ate it, often meat or fish was added, but if you can imagine a kind of hearty soup full of heaven knows what that has been boiled to extinction, you have an idea of what pottage was like.

This case became something of a political ‘hot potato’(even though nobody had yet encountered one in 1531 in England). Sixteen of Fisher’s guests became ill, one of them, a man called Curwen, died. The rest of the poisoned pottage was given to the poor, at which point Alice Trypptt also died from eating it.

Bishop Fisher had been Margaret Beaufort’s confessor and it was he who had taught the young Henry VIII the tenets of theology. However, and here is the political bit, at the time Roose conducted his ‘jest’, thinking the powder he had put in the pottage was a laxative that would make his fellow servants ill, Bishop Fisher was a vocal opponent of Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn. Moreover, there were rumours that the Boleyn family had engineered the poisoning. Obviously they all liked pottage.

The Spanish ambassador, Chapuys, and Thomas More, neither of whom were sympathetic to Anne, told Henry of the rumours accusing her, to which Henry is alleged to have answered that she was blamed for everything.

Henry decided he must act with speed to make sure any such rumour was quashed and that neither his beloved’s character nor her family were sullied (a bit of a non-starter since she was already known as the ‘goggleeyed whore’ by the majority of the population who adored Katherine of Aragon).

Back to Henry. He immediately told Parliament he wanted a bill passing that any servant found guilty of poisoning or attempting to poison their master or mistress should be attainted for high treason and executed.

Henry was quite clever in some ways. Because he made the crime one of high treason, it meant there was no need for prior judicial process or a jury to determine the guilt or otherwise of the defendant. This was not to be the first time Henry dispensed justice with the tenets of common law.

While some of the more sensational and high profile cases are discussed – such as Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard – April also introduces cases far less familiar to the reader. Encompassing murder, fraud, blackmail and all manner of crimes, April Taylor presents a fascinating insight into Tudor crimes, ably supported by actual – and fascinating – case studies. Theses case studies not only demonstrate the nature of crimes and their punishment, but also the changing attitudes to crime, and the shifting emphasis on punishments, from the dawn of the Tudor period to the royal dynasty’s demise in 1603.

Crime and Punishment in Tudor England also highlights various miscarriages of justice, including where officials accused innocent victims with the aim of appropriating their goods and property. There are some truly harrowing tales, such as the youngest felon executed in the Tudor era – a girl of the tender age of 11 – and the general treatment of children who fell foul of the criminal justice system. It makes you happy to be living in the 21st century!

April Taylor has managed to cram so much information into Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots it really is an impressive tome. It is thorough and well referenced and is written in a lively, entertaining writing style, with a fair amount of wit thrown in for good measure.

I cannot recommend it highly enough. Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots is a pleasure to read!

To buy the book:

Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots by April Taylor is now available from Amazon and Pen and Sword Books.

About the author:

April Taylor was born in the historic county of Lincolnshire in the UK. Having caught the history bug from a young age, April has always been fascinated by the physical manifestation of times past in particularly the Tudor period. This interest deepened when she discovered one of the most important events of Henry VIII’s reign, the Lincolnshire Rebellion that led to the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536, started eight miles from where April was born. April has always ensured her research is as meticulous as possible. During her study of the Tudors for her fictional Luke Ballard books, April was intrigued by frequent references to Henry VIII’s charisma. Choosing a career in librarianship, April honed her research skills but always leant towards the history of the area in which she lived. This led to numerous talks to schools and local groups, especially in Worcester, yet another place of historic importance in the UK. April Taylor now lives near the rugged coast of north-east England in close proximity to one of the priories that fell victim to Henry VIII’s Reformation. She frequently walks her golden retriever in local forests using that time to work through complicated plotlines. She sings in the medieval church and occupies her down-time dressmaking and cross-stitching.

My Books

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

Out nowKing John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye

In a time when men fought and women stayed home, Nicholaa de la Haye held Lincoln Castle against all-comers, gaining prominence in the First Baron’s War, the civil war that followed the sealing of Magna Carta in 1215. A truly remarkable lady, Nicholaa was the first woman to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Her strength and tenacity saved England at one of the lowest points in its history. Nicholaa de la Haye is one woman in English history whose story needs to be told…

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is now available from Pen & Sword and Amazon.

Coming 15 January 2024: Women of the Anarchy

On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son inherit the English crown. Both women are granddaughters of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland and descendants of Alfred the Great of Wessex. Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how these women, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other.

Available for pre-order from Amberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey is now available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell, and discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.

©2023 Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS

Book Corner: The Tudors by Numbers by Carol Ann Lloyd

The Tudors by Numbers is a fresh look at a well-known dynasty ― through its numbers. Take a new look at old friends by learning the complicated path to 1 possible king symbolized by 1 rose, viewing the extraordinary 42 percent of the dynasty under the rule of 2 women, and considering the impact of 4 English language translations of the Bible printed in England. The Tudors by Numbers takes you behind the scenes through a different path and reveals new ways of seeing the Tudors.

The Tudors by Numbers: The Stories and Statistics Behind England’s Most Infamous Royal Dynasty by Carol Ann Lloyd is a new way of looking at the Tudors, giving a refreshing insight into the family and the 16th century.

When you think about ‘numbers’ as they relate to the Tudor dynasty, I am sure the first thig that comes to mind is ‘Henry VIII had six wives’ and I have to admit, that’s exactly where I went as soon as I saw the title of the book. I expected Carol Ann to dwell on Henry and his wives and, perhaps, add a few more numbers in the mix to flesh out the book. I actually thought there was not much breadth to looking at numbers with regard to the Tudors.

How wrong I was!

Carol Ann Lloyd presents the Tudors in a whole new light, looking at where numbers played a prominent role in England’s most famous dynasty.

It is illuminating!

The Tudors by Numbers: The Stories and Statistics Behind England’s Most Infamous Royal Dynasty by Carol Ann Lloyd is a fun, engaging volume that will make you look at the Tudors in a different light. Written in short, easy to absorb chapters, the author guides the reader through the the Tudor era, highlighting where numbers had a significant influence on the dynasty, not just in the number of wives of Henry VII or the number of ruling queens, and not just in the years.

Did Henry VII really end the Wars of the Roses by marrying Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV, and creating the Tudor dynasty?

Let’s find out. Let’s roll the numbers!

The Story of a Rose by the Numbers

The numbers tell us that the path to one single rose and the establishment of the Tudor dynasty was a long and treacherous road made up of many complications. The numbers tell us the real story of the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty. The most important number in Henry   VII’s narrative is one. He based his claim and the establishment of his dynasty on there being:

•one heir to the Lancastrian claim to the throne: Henry himself

•one heir to the Yorkist claim to the throne: Elizabeth of York

•one marriage that united those two claimants

•one option for king, based on the above.

So, the question of who should be rightful king of England, which had rocked the country since 1399 when Richard II had been deposed, all came down to one man in 1485: Henry Tudor. Henry needed to tell his story. He decided to do so with red and white roses.

The white rose had a long history with Edward IV. It’s found on his manuscripts and features prominently in his genealogical roll, which was probably created to celebrate his coronation as King of England. After all, he had not inherited the throne from a royal father; instead, he had seized it from an anointed king in battle. To demonstrate the superiority of his family claim to the throne, his supporters created an elaborate genealogical roll filled with symbols to validate his divine right to the throne: three suns representing the holy trinity and white roses. Perpetuating the story that Elizabeth’s two brothers had died during the reign of Richard III, Henry recognised Elizabeth as the heir to the Yorkist claim. He seized on the white rose and passed the symbol on to Edward’s eldest daughter.

The red rose proved a trickier A few previous Lancastrians had used a gold rose, but not consistently. Henry Tudor’s Lancastrian predecessor, Henry VI, had used the antelope. Henry Tudor himself had initially used the symbol of the red dragon of Wales, associating himself with the mythical British King Cadwalladr. We don’t see any evidence of Henry using the red rose before Bosworth. But once he was king, he realised the power of symbolism and settled upon something that would allow him to put his stamp on the country forever. It was a masterstroke. The combination of the red and white rose was powerful in its simplicity and effective in its message. The king then went about carving that rose into buildings, emblazoning it on royal documents, and including it in portraits.

The Tudors by Numbers: The Stories and Statistics Behind England’s Most Infamous Royal Dynasty by Carol Ann Lloyd is a must-read for any Tudor enthusiast. All the great characters of the time are put in the spotlight, from the kings and queens to those who served them, from the likes of William Cecil, Queen Elizabeth’s right-hand man, to Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Wolsey and Thomas Cromwell, men whose careers helped to usher in the Reformation and the foundation of the Church of England. As a consequence of which, Edward VI – that much desired male heir – was the first king of England to be crowned as the supreme head of the Church of England.

Every aspect of the Tudor dynasty is examined – and the numbers rolled. If you love the story of Mary Queen of Scots, Anne Boleyn and Catherine of Aragon, you will find them here – presented in a new light.

Carol Ann Lloyd delves deep into the history of the time and uses her incredible knowledge of the dynasty in order to give the reader a fascinating insight into the Tudors. A study of the numbers highlights the great events of the period, from the dawn of the dynasty, through the pretenders who threatened Henry VII’s rule, Henry VIII’s obsession with having a male heir, to the great Elizabeth I and the twilight of the era.

The Tudors by Numbers: The Stories and Statistics Behind England’s Most Infamous Royal Dynasty by Carol Ann Lloyd is an enjoyable read and a valuable edition to the library of any Tudor enthusiast. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

To buy the book:

The Tudors by Numbers: The Stories and Statistics Behind England’s Most Infamous Royal Dynasty by Carol Ann Lloyd is now available on Amazon.

About the author:

Carol Ann Lloyd turned an obsession with the Tudors into a speaking and writing career. She shares her love of history with Smithsonian Associates, Royal Oak Foundation, Agecroft Hall, Folger Shakespeare Library and other organizations. She holds degrees in Literature and Education and hosts a popular podcast, British History: Royals, Rebels, and Romantics. She also offers workshops about using Shakespeare strategies to improve communication skills and is a member of National Speakers Association.

My Books

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

Out nowKing John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye

In a time when men fought and women stayed home, Nicholaa de la Haye held Lincoln Castle against all-comers, gaining prominence in the First Baron’s War, the civil war that followed the sealing of Magna Carta in 1215. A truly remarkable lady, Nicholaa was the first woman to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Her strength and tenacity saved England at one of the lowest points in its history. Nicholaa de la Haye is one woman in English history whose story needs to be told…

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is now available from Pen & Sword and Amazon.

Coming 15 January 2024: Women of the Anarchy

On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son inherit the English crown. Both women are granddaughters of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland and descendants of Alfred the Great of Wessex. Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how these women, unable to wield a sword, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It show how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other.

Available for pre-order from Amberley Publishing and Amazon UK.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey is now available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


Have a listen to the A Slice of Medieval podcast, which I co-host with Historical fiction novelist Derek Birks. Derek and I welcome guests, such as Bernard Cornwell, and discuss a wide range of topics in medieval history, from significant events to the personalities involved.


Don’t forget! Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available through my online bookshop.

For forthcoming online and in-person talks, please check out my Events Page.

You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.

©2023 Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS

Book Corner: Tudor Places

Tudor Places Magazine

A new magazine exploring all the sites and buildings of the Tudor world – then and now.

·         Feature articles by expert contributors

·         Interviews with historians, archaeologists, curators, authors, houseowners and managers

·         Itineraries for weekends away exploring Tudor places, with recommendations on places to eat and stay

·         Regular column about living in a Tudor manor house today

·         Plus news, book listings and more………….

It is not every day that a new magazine hits the shops. And certainly not one devoted to Tudor history. As you may know, I am deep in the midst of writing Heroines of the Tudor World. So, when Tudor Places came along, I thought I should take a look. For research purposes, of course….

Tudor Places very kindly sent me their first 3 issues, so that I could see what I think. And I have to say I’m impressed!

The magazine is beautifully and professionally presented. With a varying range of articles and peppered throughout with colourful images, the magazine is vibrant and attractive to the reader’s eye.

But what of the content?

Well, if you are a Tudor fan, you won’t be disappointed – to be honest, if you are a history fan, you will not be disappointed. Each magazine has a wealth of content, including recent news about Tudor-related discoveries and events, interviews with historians and others working in the heritage industry and articles on Tudor-related historical sites and the Tudors themselves. Moreover, Tudor Places has turned to the experts we are familiar with in order to get the best content available. With contributions from Tracy Borman, Elizabeth Norton, Julian Humphreys, Nathen Amin and a host of others, the reader can trust that the articles are well researched and expertly presented.

Regular articles include ‘Living at the Old Hall’ where Brigitte Webster regales the reader with her experiences in renovating Old Hall in Norfolk and hosting the Tudor and 17th Century Experience. Brigitte vividly describes the highs and lows of living in a 500-year-old manor house. And though there are lows, you get the impression that she wouldn’t change a thing!

Another regular is from Sarah Morris, of the Tudor Travel Guide, who offers the reader itinerary suggestions for visits throughout the UK, from York to Monmouthshire and beyond. Sarah’s guides help you to guarantee that you won’t miss that ‘must-see’ Tudor manor house or monastery wherever you visit.

Tudor Places uses the knowledge of Tudor experts to bring to the reader a magazine which is accessible, entertaining and totally engrossing. My dinner hour lasted two hours because I could not put issue 3 down until I had read every word. The fact it ended with an image of Gainsborough Old Hall (one of my ‘go to’ Tudor places) didn’t hurt – it was recommended as a ‘hidden gem’ by Linda Porter.

Other articles in the first three issues included the lost Tudor palaces of Oatlands and Richmond from Elizabeth Norton, a fascinating insight into the Markenfield family of Ripon from Emma Wells, and the Building Projects of Cecily Bonville by Melita Thomas. I could go on…. Each article in the magazines has been carefully selected to give the best content and reading experience. The articles are well researched and very informative – and beautifully presented amidst colourful images and illustrations.

The mixture of regular articles, interviews and features, helps to create a lively, engaging magazine in which there is something for everyone. The only thing that is missing is a crossword or word search – but maybe that is just me?

It is certainly a magazine I would want to read regularly – or maybe even write for (hint, hint, winky face).

Whether you are reading about the Tudors for pleasure or research, you will find something of interest and value in every magazine. Tudor Places is crammed full of quality content and beautifully presented.

I cannot recommend it highly enough.

And just for my readers, Tudor Places has a very special offer…

Special Offer

Tudor Places is available in print and digital format.  Print copies posted worldwide.

Tudor Places has kindly offered a 10% discount on all purchases for followers of History… the Interesting Bits

Go to and use discount code HIB10 at checkout.


My Books:

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available, please get in touch by completing the contact me form.

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey is now available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and Book Depository.

1 family. 8 earls. 300 years of English history!

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & and from Book Depository worldwide.

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Book Depository.

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066.  Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and Book Depository.

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.

©2022 Sharon Bennett Connolly FRHistS

Book Corner: Tudor Roses by Amy Licence

A dynasty is defined by its men: by their personalities, their wars and reigns, their laws and decisions. Their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters are often depicted as mere foils, shadowy figures whose value lies in the inheritance they brought, or the children they produced. Yet the Tudor dynasty is full of women who are fascinating in their own right, like Margaret Beaufort, who finally emerged triumphant after years of turmoil; Elizabeth of York and her steadying influence; Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, whose rivalry was played out against the backdrop of the Reformation; and Mary and Elizabeth, England’s first reigning queens. Then there were all the others: Henry VIII’s fascinating sisters who became queens of France and Scotland, and their offspring, the Brandon and Grey women, Lady Margaret Douglas and her granddaughter Arabella Stuart. Many more women danced the Pavane under Henry’s watchful eye or helped adjust Elizabeth’s ruff. These were strong women, wielding remarkable power, whether that was behind the scenes or on the international stage. Their contribution took England from the medieval era into the modern. It is time for a new narrative of the Tudor women: one that prioritises their experiences and their voices.

Tudor Roses: From Margaret Beaufort to Elizabeth I by Amy Licence continues the history started with Red Roses, which told the history of the women of the royal house of Lancaster, from Blanche of Lancaster to Margaret Beaufort and the start of the Tudor dynasty. Tudor Roses: From Margaret Beaufort to Elizabeth I is the fabulous sequel! Amy Licence has put all her considerable knowledge and research into this book to bring you a book on the Tudor period focussed on its incredible women.

Amy Licence brings the women to the fore, telling the stories of the Tudors through the lives and actions of the women who formed such a considerable part of the dynasty. Not only does she retell the lives of these women, but she puts those lives in context, assessing their influence and legacy on one of the most famous English dynasties – and on the European countries that England interacted with.

Amy Licence also draws not only on events of the time, but on the changing world around the dynasty, on the developments in literature, music, the arts and religion to give a rounded picture of the women of 16th century England. This gives the reader a deeper understanding of the rules and restrictions women had to live by at the time. It also demonstrates the areas in which women had liberties and the ability to express their own desires, wants and needs, and how they could assert control over their own lives.

This is Amy Licence at her best!


It is not difficult to visualise the Tudor princesses sitting at their lessons, or roaming the gardens at Eltham. Surviving accounts give an indication of the adult-style clothing in which the children appeared, as the nursery was also a location for the entertainment of dignitaries and foreign visitors, and the children were a powerful, visible indicator of the dynasty’s future. In November 1495, Henry spent £7 on ‘diverse yerdes of silk’ for Henry and Margaret, while baby Mary the following years was clothed in kirtles of black silk and velvet, edged in ermine and mink. The following year as she was beginning to walk, her dresses were made of baby buckram, a fine cotton, not like the stiff, modern version, and she required linen smocks, three pairs of hose, eight pairs of single-soled shoes and four pairs of double. The children were frequent visitors to Windsor, Westminster, Greenwich, Sheen and Baynard’s Castle, or wherever their parents might be, attending important events and festivities, expected to show themselves to best advantage in front of guests. No doubt the girls were also influenced by Margaret Beaufort’s model of piety and were visible attendees at church on red letter days in the Catholic calendar, but they were also lively, energetic participants. One of Margaret’s most notable public appearances as a small child was her fifth birthday in November 1494, on which occasion her younger brother Henry was elevated to the Dukedom of York. A tournament lasting three days was held at Westminster, after which Margaret handed out the prizes, dressed in a velvet and buckram gown trimmed in gold lace with a white, winged cap in the Dutch style. Afterwards, Margaret and her young brother danced to the delight of the court.

At Eltham, Margaret and Mary were shielded from he dynastic struggles that their parents were experiencing in the 1490s. A second pretender, far more serious than the young Lambert Simnel, had emerged in Europe, and was being feted by enemies of the Tudor regime. Claiming to be Richard of Shrewsbury, the younger of the Princes in the Tower, a young Flemish merchant by the name of Perkin Warbeck arrived at the Burgundian court, swiftly winning over Elizabeth’s aunt Margaret, who schooled him in the details and manners of the Yorkist court and encouraged him to distribute coins minted in his name. Warbeck was initially welcomed at the court of Charles VIII of France, until Charles ejected him under terms of the Treaty of Etaples he signed with England in 1492. The pretender returned to Burgundy, where he was invited to attend the funeral of the Holy Roman Emperor and recognised as Richard IV. However, after a failed attempt to invade England, and a brief flirtation with Ireland, Warbeck went north, towards the Scottish king with whom Henry had hoped to ally his eldest daughter.

Amy Licence is an accomplished writer whose prose flows so freely that you almost feel like you are reading a novel. The narrative flows easily, absorbing the reading from the very first pages. As you may have come to expect from Ms Licence, her research is thorough and second-to-none. She delves into every aspect of the lives of the women and brings the whole era to life for the reader, showing how they interracted with the world around them, with the men in their lives – and with each other.

Her insight into the lives of the Tudor women is unparalleled.

It is always a pleasure to read a non-fiction book by Amy Licence and Tudor Roses: From Margaret Beaufort to Elizabeth I is no exception. In fact, it is probably one of Ms Licence’s best. For anyone interested in the Tudor period, this book is a must read. An essential addition to any library. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Tudor Roses: From Margaret Beaufort to Elizabeth I is available from Amazon and Amberley Publishing.

About the author:

Amy Licence is an historian of women’s lives in the medieval and early modern period, from Queens to commoners. Her particular interest lies in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century, in gender relations, Queenship and identity, rites of passage, pilgrimage, female orthodoxy and rebellion, superstition, magic, fertility and childbirth. She is also interested in Modernism, specifically Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group, Picasso and Post-Impressionism. She has been a teacher for over twenty years and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Amy has written for The Guardian, The TLS, The New Statesman, BBC History, The English Review, The Huffington Post, The London Magazine and contributes regularly to BBC History Magazine. She has been interviewed regularly for BBC radio, including Woman’s Hour, and has appeared in several TV documentaries.


My Books

Signed, dedicated copies of all my books are available, please get in touch by completing the contact me form.

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey is now available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and Book Depository.

1 family. 8 earls. 300 years of English history!

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword, and from Book Depository worldwide.

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Book Depository.

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066.  Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and Book Depository.


You can be the first to read new articles by clicking the ‘Follow’ button, liking our Facebook page or joining me on Twitter and Instagram.

©2022 Sharon Bennett Connolly 

Guest Post: Suffolk Place by Sarah Bryson

Today it is a pleasure to welcome author/ historian Sarah Bryson to History…the Interesting Bits as the last stop on Sarah’s blog tour for her latest book The Brandon Men: In the Shadow of Kings. Look out for my review coming soon.

Suffolk Place

Suffolk Place was once the magnificent manor home belonging to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. It is a common misconception that Brandon built Suffolk Place, when in fact it has a long and rich history dating back to the 1460’s.

Suffolk Place, otherwise known as Brandon House was built during the 1460’s by Charles Brandon’s grandfather, Sir William Brandon. William Brandon was closely associated with England’s Kings and was knighted in 1471 after the Battle of Tewkesbury by King Edward IV.

In 1457 William Brandon was Marshall of the Marshalsea Prison in Southwark. The prison was run for profit and prisoners would have to pay the Marshall for certain rights, such as access to better conditions, soap, water, food etc.

The Prison was located along Borough High Street, the main thoroughfare from Southwark to London. To enter London from Southwark people had to cross the famous London Bridge. From as early as 14 November 1462 William Brandon was being referred to as Brandon ‘of Suthwerk.’

William Brandon built Suffolk Place, known then as Brandon House, during this period opposite the prison that he controlled. Suffolk Place would become the Brandon family’s main dwelling, providing the family not only access to the Prison but close access to London. In 1465 Sir Thomas Howard, the future Duke of Norfolk is recorded as having stayed at “Brandennes Place in Sothwerke”.

Dominico Mancini, Parisian Scholar, described Southwark as ‘a suburb remarkable for its streets and buildings, which, if it were surrounded by walls, might be called a second city.’ In fact, Southwark was so large that it had a population of approximately 8000 people, many of those considered to be foreigners, including Flemish.

When Sir William Brandon died in 1491 not only was the Marshall of the Marshalsea Prison granted to his third son, Thomas Brandon, but he also left his property of Suffolk Place. Thomas’ older brother William, father of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk had died at the famous Battle of Bosworth fighting for King Henry VII. In 1502 Thomas Brandon added to Suffolk place by leasing 48 acres of meadow surrounding the property. He turned this meadow into a park which also included a fishpond stocked with fish to eat.

Thomas Brandon held his own illustrious career at court, becoming Henry VII’s Master of the Horse and knighted on the 17th June 1497 at battle of Blackheath. Over his career Thomas Brandon amassed quite a fortune comprising of land, plate and coin totaling almost £1000.

When Thomas Brandon died on January 27th 1510, he left Suffolk Place to Lady Guildford, wife of the late Sir Richard Guilford whom had helped Thomas Brandon during his final illness. To keep Suffolk Place Charles Brandon, Thomas’ nephew, had to rent the property from Lady Guildford for £42 6s 8d a year.

Suffolk Place was built from traditional Tudor red brick, containing four towers with domed turrets at each corner and an additional tower positioned at the center of one side. The palace was decorated with fashionable terracotta. In addition, there were decorations of cupid, an urn flanked by two griffins, a mythological creature and Charles Brandon’s famous crowned lion’s head badge. The chapel within Suffolk Place contained six guilt statues of saints. Brandon stocked Suffolk Place with plate worth £1 475. Suffolk Place would have stood out as one travelled along Borough High Street as they made their way toward London Bridge clearly showing Brandon’s status to all that passed.

After Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk’s first son was born, the baby, named Henry after the King, was Christened at Suffolk Place. The christening ceremony took place in the hall at Suffolk Place and was conducted with great splendor and ceremony. The hall was lavishly decorated with wall hangings of red and white Tudor roses, torches were lit and the christening font was warmed for the special occasion. The Christening as performed by John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester and he was assisted by Thomas Ruthall of Durham. The King attended ceremony as did Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, the Duke of Norfolk and other important members of the court. The King and Cardinal Wolsey stood as the godfathers while Catherine, the Dowager Countess of Devon, a daughter of the late King Edward IV stood as the godmother.

In June 1522 when Charles V visited England Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk he had the honour of hosting Henry VIII and the Emperor at Suffolk place where the men dined and hunted in the great park that Brandon’s Uncle had purchased. Charles was a great lover of hunting and kept the park stocked with deer.

Suffolk Place would not stay in the hands of Charles Brandon. On 19 July 1535 Brandon was to be given £2333.6.8 by the King in return for handing over ‘the manors and lordships of Ewelme, Donington, Hokenorton, Carsington, Throppe, Newnham, Courtney, Newnham Moreyn, Tournes, Cudlington, Lekenor, Hantesford Auston, Thorold, Langley, West Bradley, West Compton and Bukland in counties of Oxford and Berk., the manor house of Southwark called Suffolk place and two adjoining walled gardens the constableship of Wallingford Castle.’ To lose Suffolk Place was a huge blow for Brandon as it had been his family’s primary residence in London since his grandfather built the place in the early 1460’s. However, Brandon was in debt and needed money to continue his position at court. Henry VIII did grant Brandon the Bishop of Norwich’s house near Charring Cross to Brandon which still provided the Duke with close access to Westminster and the King.

In June the following year Suffolk Place was granted to Henry VIII’s third wife, Jane Seymour. After her death in 1537 the property reverted back to the crown. The property was occasionally used as a royal residence or to host royal visitors. The royal accounts record that

2 gardeners and 2 women were kept for weeding, and setting of strawberries and 3,000 “red rossiers” and 1,000 slips of damask roses were added as well as and cages to put birds in.

In 1545 part of Suffolk Place was turned into the Royal Mint and Edward VI, Henry VIII’s son, ordered that new sovereigns, royal, angel and half angel coins be made. However, the mint was closed in 1551 due to fraud.

After Edward VI’s death his half-sister Mary and her husband, Philip stayed at Suffolk Place in August 1555. In February 1556 Queen Mary granted Suffolk Place to the Archbishop of York. However, he was only granted 14 acres of the property as during the reign of Edward VI part of Suffolk Place had been leased out to small tenements.

The Archbishop did not keep the property for long and over the next year sought to dismantle and dispose of the once great Suffolk Place. The manor was completely destroyed by June 1562 and the remaining property sold to Anthony Cage. Soon the land was filled with small cottages.

Today nothing remains of Suffolk Place. In its place stands a large office building aptly named Brandon House.


Calendar of the patent rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, 1446-1452 Henry VI v.5. Great Britain; ‘Close Rolls, Edward IV: 1471-1472’, in Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV: Volume 1, 1468-1476, ed. W H B Bird and K H Ledward (London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 19 December 2018]; Gunn, Steven 2015, Charles Brandon, Amberley Publishing, Gloucestershire, UK; Gunn, Steven 2016, Henry VII’s New Men and The Making of Tudor England, Oxford University Press, Oxford; Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, 1509-47, ed. J.S Brewer, James Gairdner and R.H Brodie, His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1862-1932; Porter, Stephen 2016, Everyday Life in Tudor London, Amberley Publishing, Gloucestershire; Sadlack, Erin 2001, The French Queen’s Letters, Palgrave Macmillan, New York; ‘Suffolk Place and the Mint’, in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George’s Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1955), pp. 22-25, viewed 2 June 2015, <;.

About the Author:

Sarah Bryson is a researcher, writer and educator who has a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with Honours. She currently works with children with disabilities. She is passionate about Tudor history and has a deep interest in the Brandon family who lived in England during the 14th and 15th centuries.  She has previously written a book on the life of Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII and wife of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. She runs a website and facebook page dedicated to Tudor history. Sarah lives in Australia, enjoys reading, writing and Tudor costume enactment.


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My Books:

Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, of the successes and failures of one of the most powerful families in England, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III.

1 family. 8 earls. 300 years of English history!

Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey will be released in the UK on 31 May and in the US on 6 August. And it is now available for pre-order from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US and Book Depository.

Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available from Pen & Sword,  Amazon and from Book Depository worldwide.

Heroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon and Book Depository.

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066.  Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, Book Depository.

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©2021 Sharon Bennett Connolly  and Sarah Bryson

Tudor Society in Lincolnshire

Kateryn Parr, Henry VIII’s 6th queen

In 1485 England was a small kingdom, the whole country consisted of a population of less than 3 million people, with 60,000 living in the capital, London.1 The Wars of the Roses was very much a recent trauma in the national memory. The country was a predominantly rural society, with local loyalties to local landowners – such as the Percies in Northumberland – taking precedence over national considerations. Noticeable regional differences varied in speech, diet, cloth, farming methods, the shape of church towers, and even the veneration of the saints. In Tudor Lincolnshire the Fens were yet to be drained, few roads were well-maintained and even they could be treacherous in heavy rains. Lincoln itself had been effected by the decline in the wool trade, and with a shrinking population, its size and prosperity were also decreasing.

A distinction was also rising among the aristocracy of the county and that of the royal court. In the regions, the minor nobility served the king as sheriffs, escheators and justices of the peace, or representing their county in parliament. The greater aristocracy, however, were looking for positions and influence at court; for themselves and their families. The Tudor court was a micro-world in itself. It set the standards in manners for the whole country. Service to the monarch was the primary concern. Most courtiers were related to each other, marriages were negotiated between the prominent families and service to the queen was the highest position a lady could aspire to.

At first glance you would think there was very little interaction between the nobility of Lincolnshire and the Tudor court. However, as we delve deeper we can see that, not only was there movement between the court and the county, it was not only one-sided, but fluid and travelling in both directions. When looking at this over the Tudor period – of over a hundred years of history – we notice the subtle changes in the interactions between the county and royal court, not only based on the progress of the time, but also the personalities involved and their personal experiences.

For some ladies, marrying into a member of the Lincoln aristocracy was a way of getting away from the glare of the court. For Elizabeth (Bessie) Blount, lady-in-waiting to Katherine of Aragon, a former mistress of Henry VIII and the mother of his illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, it was the chance at a normal life. Born in 1500, Bessie Blount married Gilbert Tailboys in 1519, following her affair with Henry VIII and just months after the birth of the king’s son. The marriage was probably arranged by Henry as a ‘reward’ for Bessie. The couple settled on Gilbert’s family estates at Kyme in Lincolnshire. And despite being far from court, Bessie was not forgotten by the king. She continued to receive Henry’s favour, with various grants between 1522 and 1539 and New Years’ gifts throughout her life; in 1532 Henry sent her a gilt goblet with a cover weighing over 35 ounces.2

Effigy of Elizabeth Blount

Bessie and Gilbert had three children together, Elizabeth, George and Robert, before his death in 1530. Gilbert Tailboys had settled part of his Lincolnshire estates on Elizabeth, giving her an annual income of £200 a year for life. Following his death, Bessie appears to have been happy to stay in Lincolnshire instead of returning to her Shropshire roots, or an unwelcoming royal court. In 1535 she married again, to the soldier Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 9th Baron Clinton and Saye, who was 12 years her junior. Although de Clinton had his family seat in Kent, they settled on Bessie’s Lincolnshire estates. They had three daughters together, Bridget, Katherine and Margaret, before Bessie died sometime before June 1541 (when Clinton remarried). While Elizabeth appears to have stayed away from court, Clinton’s marriage to the king’s former mistress brought him royal favour; he attended on the king at Calais and Boulogne in 1532 and acted as cup-bearer at the coronation of Anne Boleyn in 1533. Following the Lincolnshire Uprising of 1536, one of several rebellions which formed the Pilgrimage of Grace, Clinton was rewarded for staying loyal to the king – most Lincolnshire gentlemen had joined the rebellion – with the dissolved monastery of Sempringham.

Lincolnshire aristocratic families were often very closely related. Elizabeth and Edward’s daughter, Bridget, married Sir Robert Dymoke II, son of Sir Edward Dymoke and his wife Anne, who was the daughter of George Tailboys and the sister of Elizabeth’s first husband, Gilbert. The Dymoke family held Scrivelsby in Lincolnshire, through which tenure they were king’s champions; Sir Edward was champion at the coronations of Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. Sir Edward’s sister, Margaret, was born in Scrivelsby around 1500 and served several of Henry’s queens. After first marrying Richard Vernon of Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, she then married Sir William Coffin, Anne Boleyn’s Master of Horse. Margaret had been one of Queen Katherine of Aragon’s gentlewomen at the Field of Cloth of Gold and would also serve Henry VIII’s two subsequent queens.

Margaret, however, was not a favourite of Henry’s second queen, Anne Boleyn. She was one of the women who attended the disgraced queen in the Tower of London. Anne was recorded as complaining to her jailer, Sir William Kingston, “I think much unkindness in the king to put such about me as I never loved.”3 Margaret Dymoke, Lady Coffin slept on a pallet bed in the Queen’s bedchamber during her time in the Tower. In her desperation the queen confided in Margaret, unaware that she was acting as a spy for the state. Master Kingston reported to Thomas Cromwell that “I have everything told me by Mistress Coffin that she thinks meet for me to know.” 4 There is also a possibility that Margaret was not only a spy for Kingston, but also for the Imperial ambassador, Eustace Chapuys, who wrote “The lady who had charge of her [Anne] has sent to tell me in great secrecy that the concubine, before and after receiving the sacrament, affirmed to her, on the damnations of her soul, that she had never been unfaithful to the king.”5

Anne Boleyn in the Tower by Edouard Cibot

Following Anne’s execution, Margaret joined the household of Queen Jane Seymour. Lady Coffin was in high favour in Jane Seymour’s establishment and acted as intermediary for several families who had hopes of placing a daughter in the royal household. Margaret remained with the queen until the end, and was among the mourners who attended the late queen’s body as it lay in state, keeping vigil and attending masses for her soul. Margaret was in the funeral procession that accompanied Jane’s body to her final resting place in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. She rode in the third carriage and bore Princess Mary’s train at the requiem mass; Mary was chief mourner and rode on a horse trapped with black velvet.6

There were several ladies associated with the Tudor court, who married into Lincolnshire society. The most famous must surely be one of Henry VIII’s own queens. Henry’s sixth wife, Kateryn Parr was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr and his wife, Maud Green Parr, a lady-in-waiting to Katherine of Aragon. When Sir Thomas died while Kateryn was still a child, Maud took it on herself to arrange her daughter’s future. After a failed proposal to marry Katherine to the son of Lord Dacre, In 1529 Maud turned to another of her late husband’s relatives and arranged for Kateryn to marry Edward Burgh the eldest son of Sir Thomas Burgh, Baron Burgh of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Sir Thomas’s father, Sir Edward, had been declared a lunatic and Sir Thomas, himself, was renowned for his violent outbursts and wild rages (possibly due to an inherited mental instability in the family) and had a tyrannical control over his family. The first two years of the marriage, spent at Sir Thomas’s new Hall at Gainsborough (now known as the Old Hall), was an unhappy time for Kateryn. She wrote, regularly, to her mother of her unhappiness and it seems the situation was only resolved following a visit by Maud Parr, who persuaded Sir Thomas to allow Edward and Kateryn to move to their own, smaller, house at Kirton-in-Lindsey, a few miles outside of Gainsborough.

We do not know whether Edward was a sickly individual, or whether or not he succumbed to a sudden illness, but their happiness was short-lived, as he died in the spring of 1533, after only 4 years of marriage. Having no children, Kateryn was left with little from the marriage, and, with her mother having died the previous year, she was virtually alone in the world; possibly as a remedy to her isolation, Kateryn married her second husband, Lord Latimer, in the same year as she lost her first. There is no record that Kateryn served any of henry VIII’s queens. Her first appearance at court seems to be in 1542, when she became a lady-in-waiting in Mary Tudor’s household, before she caught the King’s eye. She does not seem to have forgotten her time with the Burgh family, however, and when she became queen Kateryn paid a pension from her own purse to her former sister-in-law, Elizabeth Owen, widow of her husband’s younger brother, Thomas. Poor Elizabeth had been accused of adultery by her domineering father-in-law, Sir Thomas, and her children were declared illegitimate by Act of Parliament in 1542.

Lord Burgh’s third surviving son, William, born in the early 1520s, would eventually succeed his father to the barony. He married Katherine Fiennes de Clinton, daughter of Edward Fiennes de Clinton – the future Earl of Lincoln – and Bessie Blount, demonstrating the interlinking relationships between the various great Lincolnshire families.

Where Kateryn Parr was linked to Lincolnshire before joining the royal court, others saw Lincolnshire as a place of retirement. Maria de Salinas was a lady-in-waiting and close friend to Katherine of Aragon; indeed, it seems that she came to England with the Spanish princess in 1501 for the marriage to Henry’s older brother, Arthur, Prince of Wales. Katherine and Maria were very close and by 1514 Caroz de Villagarut, ambassador of Katherine’s father, Ferdinand of Aragon, was complaining of Maria’s influence over the queen after she tried to persuade Katherine not to cooperate with the ambassador and encouraged the Queen to favour her English subjects.7 In June 1516 Maria married the largest landowner in Lincolnshire, William Willoughby, 11th Baron Willoughby de Eresby. The King and Queen paid for the wedding, which took place at Greenwich, and gave them a wedding gift of Grimsthorpe Castle, in Lincolnshire. The Queen even provided Maria with a dowry of 1100 marks.

Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Maria remained at court for some years after her wedding, and attended Katherine at the Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520. Henry VIII was godfather to Maria and William’s oldest son, Henry, who died in infancy. Another son, Francis, also died young and their daughter Katherine, born in 1519, would be the only surviving child of the marriage. Lord Willoughby died in 1526, and for several years afterwards Maria was embroiled in a legal dispute with her brother-in-law, Sir Christopher Willoughby, over the inheritance of the Willoughby lands. It seems William had settled some lands on Maria which were entailed to Sir Christopher. The dispute went to the Star Chamber and caused Sir Thomas More, the king’s chancellor and a prominent lawyer, to make an initial redistribution of some of the disputed lands.

This must have been a hard fight for a newly-widowed Maria, and the dispute threatened the stability of Lincolnshire itself, given the extensive lands involved. However, Maria attracted a powerful ally in Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk and brother-in-law of the King, who called on the assistance of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Henry’s first minister at the time, in the hope of resolving the situation. Suffolk had managed to obtain the wardship of Katherine Willoughby in 1529, intending her to marry his eldest son and heir Henry, Earl of Lincoln, and so had a vested interest in a favourable settlement for Maria. This interest became even greater following the death of Mary Tudor, Suffolk’s wife and Henry VIII’s sister, in September 1533, when only three months later the fifty-year-old Duke of Suffolk married fourteen-year-old Katherine, himself. Although Suffolk pursued the legal case with more vigour after the wedding, a final settlement was not reached until the reign of Elizabeth I. Suffolk eventually became the greatest landowner in Lincolnshire and, despite the age difference, the marriage does appear to have been successful. Katherine served at court, in the household of Henry VIII’s 6th and last queen, Katherine Parr. She was widowed in 1545 and lost her two sons – and heirs – by the Duke, Henry and Charles, to the sweating sickness, within hours of each other in 1551.

As duchess of Suffolk, Katherine was a stalwart of the Protestant learning and used her position to introduce Protestant clergy to Lincolnshire, even inviting Hugh Latimer to preach at Grimsthorpe Castle. It was she and Sir William Cecil who persuaded Kateryn Parr to publish her book, The Lamentacion of a Sinner in 1547, demonstrating her continuing links with the court despite her first husband’s death.

Following the death of her sons by Suffolk, Katherine no longer had a financial interest in the Suffolk estates, which went to the heirs of Mary Tudor, Henry VIII’s sister. However, Katherine still had her own Willoughby estates to look after and it was in order to safeguard these that Katherine married her gentleman usher, Richard Bertie. The couple had a difficult time navigating the religious tensions of the age and even went into exile on the Continent during the reign of the Catholic Queen, Mary I. Following their return to England, on Elizabeth’s accession, Katherine resumed her position in Tudor society; her relations with the court, however, were strained by her tendency towards Puritan learning. She used her position in Lincolnshire and extensive patronage to help disseminate the Puritan teachings. The records of Katherine’s Lincolnshire household show that she employed Miles Coverdale – a prominent critic of the Elizabethan church – as tutor to her two children by Bertie; Susan and Peregrine.8 Unfortunately, Katherine died after a long illness, on 19th September 1580 and was buried in her native Lincolnshire, in Spilsby Church.

Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk by Hans Holbein the Younger

Katherine’s mother, Maria de Salinas, Lady Willoughby, had died in 1539 and had stayed loyal to her mistress, Katherine of Aragon, throughout her married life and widowhood. Indeed, when Katherine was reported to be dying at Kimbolton Castle, Maria applied for a license to visit her ailing mistress, but was refused by Sir Thomas Cromwell, the King’s chief minister at the time. Despite this setback, Maria set out from London to visit Katherine at the beginning of January 1536 and contrived to get herself admitted by Sir Edmund Bedingfield by claiming a fall from her horse meant she could travel no further. According to Sarah Morris and Nathalie Grueninger, Katherine and Maria spent hours talking in their native Castilian; the former queen died in Maria’s arms on 7th January 1536. Katherine of Aragon was buried in Peterborough Cathedral on 29th January, with Maria and her daughter, Katherine, attending the funeral.9

The composition of the Tudor court changed under Elizabeth I. The new queen valued loyalty and most positions went to members of her extended family; the Howards and Careys among them. Throughout the forty-five years of Elizabeth’s reign, only twenty-eight women were appointed to salaried positions in the privy Chamber. Positions in the Bedchamber, Privy Chamber and Presence Chamber were highly sought after and mainly given to ladies from the same families, who were assigned positions based on their social status. The senior positions were those of the Chief and Second Gentlewoman of the Privy Chamber, these were followed by the Ladies of the Bedchamber, the Ladies of the Privy Chamber and the Ladies of the Presence Chamber, in descending order. Unmarried young ladies were given positions as maids of honour and were supervised by the Mother of the Maids.

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, a great granddaughter of Elizabeth Woodville, had entered Princess Elizabeth’s household in 1539, possibly as a maid of honour but ostensibly to be raised alongside her cousin. She was only nine or ten years old at the time. Elizabeth Fitzgerald had been born in Ireland in about 1528 and was the second daughter of Gerald Fitzgerald, 9th Earl of Kildare. Her mother was Lady Elizabeth Grey, daughter of Sir Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset and only surviving son of Elizabeth Woodville, Edward IV’s queen. Elizabeth Fitzgerald must have been quite a beauty as Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, wrote a sonnet, From Tuscan cam my ladies worthi race in praise of her as his Fair Geraldine; Bewty of kind, her vertues from above; Happy ys he that may obtaine her love.10

In 1542 Elizabeth married her first husband, Sir Anthony Browne, but he died in 1548 and their two sons died in infancy. In 1552 she married again, this time to Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 9th Baron Clinton and Saye; the same Baron Clinton who had married Bessie Blount in 1535. Clinton had remarried in 1541, after Bessie’s death, to Ursula, daughter of William, 7th Baron Stourton; Ursula was a niece of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland during the reign of Edward VI. She died in 1551 and Edward married Elizabeth the following year. Sir Edward Fiennes de Clinton had led a very successful military career and in May 1550 he had been appointed a privy councillor and lord high admiral of England. He was made a knight of the garter in April 1551 and, later in the same year, was given the former Howard property of Tattershall Castle in Lincolnshire, which he made his principal residence. Clinton was an adept political survivor; after being involved in the plot to put Jane Grey on the throne he was imprisoned for a short while, but managed to win Queen Mary’s trust and was active in her military campaigns. With the accession of Elizabeth I, Clinton was appointed a privy councillor and his wife, Elizabeth Fiennes de Clinton, was appointed Gentlewoman of the Privy Chamber ‘without wages’ (this indicated her high-born status, as salaried members were drawn from the lower ranks of the nobility).

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, painted by Steven van der Meulen

In 1572 Baron Clinton was rewarded for his service with the earldom of Lincoln. Elizabeth had practically been raised with the new queen since she was ten years old and was able to use her influence at court to benefit her family, affecting the restoration of the Fitzgeralds to their blood and lineage, which they had lost when Elizabeth was a child. Suits made to Elizabeth as Countess of Lincoln demonstrate that she was believed to have influence with the queen, who she served until 1585. Edward trusted his wife considerably, and made her executor of his will, bequeathing Semprigham to Elizabeth, and Tattershall to his eldest son, Henry (his son by Ursula). Edward, Earl of Lincoln, died in 1585 and just before his father’s death, his son Henry had written to William Cecil, Lord Burghley, in an attempt to overturn his father’s will, accusing Elizabeth of attempting to deprive him of his inheritance, and of maligning him to the queen. However, Henry’s tactic failed and the will was confirmed in 1587. Elizabeth herself appears to have withdrawn from court following her husband’s death and when she died in March 1589 was laid to rest beside her husband in the Lincoln Chapel of St George’s Chapel Windsor.

The court and society were both in a state of change during Elizabeth’s reign. Local Lincolnshire lords, such as the Burghs of Gainsborough, were increasingly absentee landlords, preferring to stay in their southern properties closer to the royal court and leaving their estates to run themselves. The Burghs increasingly resided mainly at their residence in Surrey, Sterborough Castle. Lord Thomas de Burgh fell heavily into debt in service of the Queen and was in failing health when his wife, Lady Frances begged Queen Elizabeth that he be relieved of his position as Governor of the Brill in the Netherlands. Sir Robert Sydney is quoted as saying in November 1595 “God send lady… better success than my lady Borow [Burgh], whose desire was absolutely denied and the Queen took it very ill that in such time he could desire to be from this government.”11 When Lord Burgh died in 1597 he asked the Queen, in his will, to protect his wife and family, who were now living in poverty due to his having spent his patrimony in Elizabeth’s service. The Queen, however, devised a a way of avoiding the duty imposed upon her, by requesting that whoever was appointed to Lord Burgh’s now vacant post, as Governor of Brill, should give £500 a year to his widow for her maintenance.

Religious divisions were becoming more pronounced as Queen Elizabeth’s reign advanced, not only between Catholicism and Protestantism, but within Protestantism itself. With the encouragement of Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, ministers with Puritan leanings had been appointed to various churches throughout Lincolnshire. Several of the Pilgrim Fathers, who sailed to America on the Mayflower, would come from the region, including William Brewster and William Bradford. Families with strong ties to service at the Tudor court, such as the Burghs of Gainsborough, were moving south, closer to London and the person of the Queen, while other families were moving north. The Old Hall at Gainsborough was sold to William Hickman, a wealthy merchant who was the grandson of Sir William Locke, Henry VIII’s Royal Mercer, and the son of Lady Rose Hickman.

According to Lady Rose her father, Sir William Locke, a merchant with strong links to Antwerp, had smuggled ‘herectic’ Protestant writings from abroad for Queen Anne Boleyn herself. Lady Rose had long been familiar with the new learning and wrote in 1610: “My mother in the dayes of King Henry the 8th came to some light of the gospel by means of some English books sent privately to her by my father’s factor from beyond the sea: where upon she used to call me with my 2 sisters into her chamber to read to us out of these same good books very privately for feare of troble because these good books were then accepted hereticall…”12

Gainsborough Old Hall, home to the Burghs and then the Hickmans

The Hickman family had become known for their Puritan leanings; Puritans were those who wanted the ‘purer’ church as envisaged in the reign of Edward VI, rather than the compromise established by Elizabeth I. In 1593, in order to curb the activities of such religious dissidents, Elizabeth I’s government had approved the ‘Act Against Puritans’, whereby it became illegal to become a Puritan or encourage others to that tendency.  As a result, official appointments at court, for those known to have Puritan connections, suddenly dried up. Lady Rose’s son Walter, deeply entrenched in court circles and an old hand at brokering appointments for friends and family (usually with a financial incentive) discovered the implications of the new stance in 1594. The Cecil Papers show that Walter was refused when he applied for the position of Receiver of the Court of Wards for his brother William, despite offering an inducement of £1,000.13 The increasing hostility towards Puritans, and the possibility of escalating religious persecution, may well have persuaded William to move his family north; away from the prying eyes of the authorities and into Lincolnshire, a county with strong Puritan leanings thanks to the efforts of Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk.

In the early years of the Tudor dynasty, the counties of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire were still greatly associated with the old Yorkist dynasty. Henry VII made a progress through the counties only a year after his accession, keeping Easter 1486 at Lincoln and making a great show of regal pomp. His son, Henry VIII, also saw the need to show himself to his northern subjects. Following the defeat of the Pilgrimage of Grace and its forebear, the Lincolnshire Rising, Henry made a great progress through Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. He spent several days at Gainsborough Old Hall in August 1541, holding meetings of the Privy Council there on the 14th, 15th and 16th of August.  At Lincoln Henry and his young queen, Katherine Howard, made a great show of royal majesty; “The King and Queen came riding into their tent, which was pitched at the furthest end of the liberty of Lincoln, and there shifted their apparel, from green and crimson velvet respectively, to cloth of gold and silver…”14

Henry VIII’s children, however, did not venture north. Although Elizabeth I had intended to visit York at various points in her reign, she stayed within the Home Counties, venturing no further north than East Anglia. This may well have contributed to the changing nature of Tudor Society in Lincolnshire, where the influence from court circles appears to have waned as the years progressed.  Lincolnshire towns, such as Gainsborough and Boston, provided such families with the opportunities of, to some extent, religious freedom while also allowing them to continue with their merchant activities, due to navigable rivers that would take goods to the East coast ports and on to the Continent. Whereas those who saw the government as a hindrance to their personal liberties ventured away further from the centre of power; those who saw their futures in the person of the monarch, and whose duties at the Tudor Court were taking up more and more of their time, saw the need to move closer to London and the centre of power,



1 Neville Williams, The Life and Times of Henry VII; 2 Beverley A Murphy, Bastard Prince: Henry VIII’s Lost Son; 3 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of Henry VIII, Volume 10, note 797; 4 Ibid; 5 Ibid; 6 Letters and Papers Volume 12, Part 2, note 1600; 7 Retha M. Warnicke,; 8 Susan Wabuda,; 9 Sarah Morris and Natalie Grueninger, In the Footsteps of the Six Wives of Henry VIII; 10 H. Howard [earl of Surrey], Poems, ed. E. Jones (1964); 11 Quoted by Sue Allan in A Guide to Gainsborough Old Hall; 12 Religion and politics in mid-Tudor England through the eyes of an English Protestant Woman: the Recollections of Rose Hickman; 13 Quoted by Sue Allan in A Guide to Gainsborough Old Hall; 14 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of Henry VIII, 1541


Courtesy of Wikipedia except Grimsthorpe Castle and Gainsborough Old Hall, which are ©Sharon Bennett Connolly


John Leland Leland’s Itinerary in England and Wales 1535-43 edited by L Toulmin Smith (1906-10); Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII 1509-47 edited by JS Brewer, James Gairdner and RH Brodie, HMSO London 1862-1932; Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry VIII from November MDXIX to December MDXXXII edited by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas 1827; Religion and politics in mid-Tudor England through the eyes of an English Protestant Woman: the Recollections of Rose Hickman edited by Maria Dowling and Joy Shakespeare; Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 1980 & 1982;; A Guide to Gainsborough Old Hall by Sue Allan; The Life and Times of Henry VII by Neville Williams; Bastard Prince: Henry VIII’s Lost Son by Beverley A Murphy; In the Footsteps of the Six Wives of Henry VIII by Sarah Morris and Natalie Grueninger; H. Howard [earl of Surrey], Poems, ed. E. Jones (1964); The Earlier Tudors by J.D. Mackie; Religion and politics in mid-Tudor England through the eyes of an English Protestant Woman: the Recollections of Rose Hickman;; Elizabeth’s Women by Tracy Borman; England Under the Tudors by Arthur D Innes; Henry VIII: King and Court by Alison Weir; In Bed with the Tudors by Amy Licence; Ladies-in-Waiting: Women who Served at the Tudor Court by Victoria Sylvia Evans; The Six Wives and Many Mistresses of Henry VIII: The Women’s Stories by Amy Licence.


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Also by Sharon Bennett Connolly:

Women of the Anarchy demonstrates how Empress Matilda and Matilda of Boulogne, unable to wield a sword themselves, were prime movers in this time of conflict and lawlessness. It shows how their strengths, weaknesses, and personal ambitions swung the fortunes of war one way – and then the other. Available from Bookshop.orgAmberley Publishing and Amazon UKKing John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye is the story of a truly remarkable lady, the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. Available from all good bookshops Pen & Sword and AmazonDefenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey tells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Available from Pen & Sword BooksAmazon in the UK and US, and

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England looks into the relationships of the various noble families of the 13th century, and how they were affected by the Barons’ Wars, Magna Carta and its aftermath; the bonds that were formed and those that were broken. It is now available in paperback and hardback from Pen & Sword,  Amazon, and Bookshop.orgHeroines of the Medieval World tells the stories of some of the most remarkable women from Medieval history, from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Julian of Norwich. Available now from Amberley Publishing and Amazon, and Bookshop.orgSilk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest traces the fortunes of the women who had a significant role to play in the momentous events of 1066. Available now from Amazon,  Amberley Publishing, and

Alternate Endings: An anthology of historical fiction short stories including Long Live the King… which is my take what might have happened had King John not died in October 1216. Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.


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