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What kept the idea of a "German question" or unification in 19th Century Europe?

In 19th century Europe, there was such a thing as a "German question" i.e, how to achieve unification of all lands inhabited by Germans. What puzzles me is that, at that time, each of the ...
embedded_dev's user avatar
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17th/ 18th CE Sailing times to various countries from Argentina

Suppose one had a 17th/ 18th century type sail ship. How long would it take (on average, in appropriate seasons) to sail from/ to Buenos Aires to Washington DC Portugal South Africa Kerala, India ...
vishvAs vAsuki's user avatar
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What is the oldest wooden bowl ever found?

I read this article: Archaeologists find 2,000-Year-old wooden bowl in Northern Scotland. The Iron Age artifact was sealed in a subterranean chamber of the Cairns Broch, a tower-like stone structure. ...
Arwenz's user avatar
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Was there communist opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

I was told to come here from Politics SE so this is a repost. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan government. This obviously led to much ...
pillowcase99's user avatar
9 votes
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Were there any stone vessels (including mortars) made in Paleolithic?

Stone mortars and pestles have been used by the Epi-Paleolithic (Mesolithic) Kebaran culture (the Levant with Sinai) from 22000 to 18000 BC to crush grains and other plant material. The Kebaran ...
Arwenz's user avatar
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Was there an Inscription on the sword that beheaded Anne Boleyn? [closed]

Did the sword that beheaded Anne Boleyn have an inscription?
John bruno's user avatar
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How has the gullibility of humanity changed - if at all - over the last 4,000 years? [closed]

I am researching how gullibility has changed over time over the last 4,000 years. It seems to me that over time there are several factors that affect gullibility that have varied over time, including: ...
A-Level Student's user avatar
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after 1917 the bolsheviks started conquering again all the former nations of russian empire(including poland and finland) -was it legal? [closed]

since the russian king Nicolay II dethroned himself - was it legal for the new administration to conquer back freed nations? what was the reason for the reds to come back and install their regime? why ...
ERJAN's user avatar
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Why were the Germans accused of genocide at the start of WW1 against the Belgium people?

My understanding is that Belgium refused the Germans unchallenged passage through Belgium and into France as a precursor move at the very start of WW1. This, ostensibly, angered the Germans to commit ...
Iron Duke's user avatar
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Was it a custom to offer a dancer that pleased you anything at all? Like in King Herod’s case

This is a pretty simple question that would require a yes or no answer. Mark 6:22 “When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests. The king said to the girl, ...
Lyd's user avatar
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The Ancient Hanifs of Arabia

The Hanifs of Arabia, were saidcitation needed to have been one of the earliest monotheistic cultures in World History. While Ismail retained the monotheism of his Father, Ibrahim-(Abraham), his ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is the myth of Alexander a political tool or a genuine belief? [closed]

In the speech given to the mutineers of Opis by Alexander III of Macedon (the Great) reported by Arrian it is said "Alexander, who crossed the Oxus and Tanais rivers. Even the Indus, first to ...
kyril's user avatar
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How far back in time have historians estimated the rate of economic growth and the economic power of various empires?

I'm wondering if historians have figured out a way to combine historical datasets perhaps by using some kind of economic equivalent of Dendrochronology, where lots of different historical datasets are ...
phil1008's user avatar
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Which European power's arrival in India marked a new phase in the Indian history due to their naval skills and strategic alliance? [closed]

It was an MCQ Question. The options were- a) Portuguese b) British c) French This question came in a test for Class 9 students. This question has created a lot of doubts in the students' minds ...
Abhigyan Goswami's user avatar
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Why is the reason behind the non development of a unified political power in North-India and Afghanistan? [closed]

From the 13th century to the 16th century, I understand the history of central Asia followed the following pattern: Empires existed from the Antiquity in a regular fashion: There was the Persian ...
totalMongot's user avatar
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Has any US Presidential nominee/presumptive nominee from a major party, apart from Johnson, withdrawn from the race mid-campaign?

After the recent US Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the news has been flooded by statements from numerous sources saying essentially this, namely that Biden's performance was ...
Dario Quint's user avatar
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Why was William Tyndale executed but nothing happened to Miles Coverdale? [closed]

Why was William Tyndale executed but Miles Coverdale was not?
Betty Knowlton's user avatar
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What is the original source of this Sigurimi logo?

Wikipedia uses this image on every language page for Sigurimi, the Albanian Directorate of State Security from 1944 to 1991. The image description asserts that this is a "Digital recreation of ...
SPavel's user avatar
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How was explained in the ancient Egypt that the unrelated pharaoh dynasies have all divine origin? [closed]

As far I know, Pharaophs were claimed partially divine origin in the ancient Egyptian religion. However, there were about 30 dynasties in the ancient Egypt, meaning that probably they were not ...
Gray Sheep's user avatar
16 votes
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Are these depictions of ancient Greek and Roman libraries "scroll-shelves" historically accurate?

In some modern depictions of ancient Greek and Roman libraries or studies, I sometimes see shelving units specifically designed for scrolls. These feature cubby-hole style compartments of squarish ...
Povel's user avatar
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Why did the Nazis bother distinguishing Jews on the basis of statehood and citizenship (if they saw a "world of races" and not of states)?

All quotes below from Snyder (Black Earth, 2015, bold font added by me): When the survival of the state was in question, Antonescu slowed the persecution of Jews. Hitler, who actually believed in a ...
user103496's user avatar
12 votes
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What is a quarter in 19th-century England converted to contemporary pints?

Note: I do have an analogous post up on the mathematics stack exchange here Copy-Pasted from there: "I've been going through and writing up solutions for Euler's Elements of Algebra Practice ...
Fuzzy Trex's user avatar
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In Islam, was it possible for some religous/ethnic group/country/region to make change from Sunni to Shia or Shia to Sunni?

In Islam, was it possible for some religious/ethnic group/country/region to make change from Sunni to Shia or Shia to Sunni? Were there cases that of such change? If yes, what did cause them?
Pavel's user avatar
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Were trained crocodiles used as a weapon in the Battle of Saraighat?

There is a youtube video about The Ahom Kingdom. It generally sounds fairly well researched and makes only one obvious extraordinary claim. In describing the Battle of Saraighat (1671) the following ...
User65535's user avatar
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What court positions did Abe no Yasuchika hold during the reign of Emperor Nijō?

I've been having a frustrating time researching the career of Abe no Yasuchika, who was an onmyoji (yin-yang diviner/astrologer) during the late Heian period in Japan. Searching Google mostly gives me ...
Yeslek71's user avatar
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How did they build tall and heavy stone buildings in the 19th century? [closed]

Lately, I've been watching these videos about how a lot of buildings allegedly built in the mid-to-late 19th century (1800s) look extremely old even on the photos taken when they were supposedly just ...
A. Lugg's user avatar
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Did the Soviets learn about the SS tattoos only in late 1945 (and why so late)?

Antony Beevor, in the context of late April 1945 / early May 1945 in Berlin: The French NCO claimed that they were forced labourers who had been press-ganged into uniform by the Germans when the Red ...
user103496's user avatar
-3 votes
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Sources / books from WW1 veterans before WW2? [closed]

can you suggest any books that look into how WW1 veterans reacted in the impending run-up to ww2? Or names of people to look into. It doesn't have to be the entire focus of the book. I am interested ...
Snarbjenkmi's user avatar
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What happened with "the first salute" of the Dutch to the flag of the United States?

In this answer to a related question "the first salute" of the Dutch to the United States (Continental) flag is brought up as well as this source on it
Kvothe's user avatar
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How does this 18th century map interpret the words "colony" and "province"?

This is a follow-up to this earlier question. The first-ever comprehensive dictionary of English was Samuel Johnson's dictionary, published in 1755. One answer to the earlier question quoted from that ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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When was the world's minimum rate of forced labour?

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) the rate of forced labour globally is currently going up: Definition of forced labor Forced labour, as set out in the ILO Forced Labour ...
User65535's user avatar
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How long did the 19th century Europe Grand Tour take?

I’m writing a story set it 1815 and I want it to be as close as possible to history. I know the countries that were visited and the routes they took, but I will love to know how much time it took ...
Ale's user avatar
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How much of the surviving ancient Egyptian text has been found? [closed]

It is like oil. Even if we can not say how much oil has not been found yet, we still can have various estimates. As far I know, the currently available total mass of ancient Egyptian text is about 5 ...
Gray Sheep's user avatar
8 votes
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Was Croatia the first country to recognize the sovereignity of the USA? Was Croatia expecting military help from USA that didn't come?

I remember being taught both in the middle school and in high school that Croatia, then with the capital in Dubrovnik and called Ragusan Republic, was the first (or at least one of the first) country ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
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What federal statutes defined aliens (in)eligibility to US citizenship in 1913?

According to a recent news report, a Florida law that went into effect about a year ago bars Chinese citizens that are not permanent residents of the United States from acquiring real estate in the ...
njuffa's user avatar
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Where did Borobudur's stones come from?

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in central Java (Indonesia). It is made of andesite, a volcanic rock common in the area—nearby volcano Mount Merapi is andesitic. But I have some troubles ...
Jean-Marie Prival's user avatar
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What was the Nuclear Boy Scout's Eagle Scout Project?

My kids recently came across the story of David Hahn, the young man who tried to build a nuclear reactor in his parents' backyard shed when he was 17, causing the EPA to designate the shed a Superfund ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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How did Vauban develop his parallel siege technique first used during the 1673 siege of Maastricht?

During the second to last siege before Maastricht Vauban directed the 1672 siege of Orsoy, where he used what had been the long standing zigzag of the trenches to approach the city (lower right of the ...
Bob516's user avatar
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Did Jamal Husseini say "The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East"?

On page 50 of his 2008 book 1948: A History of the First Arab–Israeli War, Benny Morris wrote: The Arab reaction was just as predictable: “The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East,” ...
Onaano's user avatar
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Was there any mention of metal helmets in ancient India?

Primarily during the reign of the Guptas is their any mention of use of metal helmets and even armour if so how did these look like?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Block 32 - Battles and Campaigns Explanation [duplicate]

On my father's WD AGO Honorable Discharge Form 53-55 form Box 32 states "Rhineland Central Europe "GO 105 WD 45." What does it mean?
Stan's user avatar
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Why did Nazi Bishop François Auvity escape all punishment, both criminal and ecclesiastical, after the Liberation of France? [closed]

Why did Nazi Bishop François Auvity escape all punishment, both criminal and ecclesiastical, after the Liberation of France by the Allies, and how could his criminal role remain hushed up for EIGHTY ...
AlexfromRouen's user avatar
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Was it known in ancient Rome and Greece that boiling water made it safe to drink and if so, what was the theory behind this?

I believe wine was mixed with water because it tasted better than plain water -- it had the positive side effect of killing bacteria. But if no wine was available, was plain water drunk? Did people ...
releseabe's user avatar
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What problems did the USA's transatlantic communication face during World War II?

I would be interested to know which means of communication (transatlantic cable?) were affected by the war compared to the pre-war period. Were new means of communication discovered/developed? I ...
klpu39's user avatar
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Did Arab nations send prisoners to fight in the Soviet-Afghan war?

The documentary "The Power of Nightmares (2004)" by Adam Curtis claims that various Arab nations like Egypt emptied prisons and sent prisoners to fight in Afghanistan against the Soviets. Is ...
Luke G's user avatar
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Is there ever been a Law Repealed [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Has the US Congress Ever Repealed a Law? (4 answers) So once a Law is a Law, it is Never Appealed ... Right ? How about a Review say after 50 years, see if it still holds water ...
George W. Kauffman's user avatar
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Is there any truth to this anecdote about Yugoslavian leader Tito?

Tito was on a ship traveling the Danube and one of his higher ranking officers (who had pronunciation issues) said to him: "Look at these hills, in this area grape is fantastic!". Upon ...
Danilo Jonić's user avatar
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How can I obtain a record of my fathers' medals from WW2?

My father was a Private First Class in the HQ BTRY 793rd Field Artillery Battalion of the US Army. His military occupation was Salvage Technician 194 and was inducted in January 1943. Where can I find ...
Neil Fisher's user avatar
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Did John Quincy Adams purge Freemasons from roles in government?

Bell 2024 ch. 7 claims that: The Skull and Bones Society also known as The Order of Death was founded at Yale University in 1832. The founding of this elite secret society came as a result of ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What was the nature of Yasir Arafat's difficulties in Arabic?

Shafiq al-Hout in his book My Life in the PLO says in relation to Arafat's first speech at the UN: He also asked Mahmoud Darwish and me to include all the vowel marks in the text clearly in bright ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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