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Is there ever been a Law Repealed [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Has the US Congress Ever Repealed a Law? (4 answers) So once a Law is a Law, it is Never Appealed ... Right ? How about a Review say after 50 years, see if it still holds water ...
George W. Kauffman's user avatar
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Is there any truth to this anecdote about Yugoslavian leader Tito?

Tito was on a ship traveling the Danube and one of his higher ranking officers (who had pronunciation issues) said to him: "Look at these hills, in this area grape is fantastic!". Upon ...
Danilo Jonić's user avatar
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How can I obtain a record of my fathers' medals from WW2?

My father was a Private First Class in the HQ BTRY 793rd Field Artillery Battalion of the US Army. His military occupation was Salvage Technician 194 and was inducted in January 1943. Where can I find ...
Neil Fisher's user avatar
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Did John Quincy Adams purge Freemasons from roles in government?

Bell 2024 ch. 7 claims that: The Skull and Bones Society also known as The Order of Death was founded at Yale University in 1832. The founding of this elite secret society came as a result of ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What was the nature of Yasir Arafat's difficulties in Arabic?

Shafiq al-Hout in his book My Life in the PLO says in relation to Arafat's first speech at the UN: He also asked Mahmoud Darwish and me to include all the vowel marks in the text clearly in bright ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Did the Pacific Rail Acts of 1862 create lines to nowhere?

This Video by 'ReasonTV' claims that the Pacific Rail Acts of 1862 subsidized railway construction based on distance, therefore causing rail lines to be unnecessarily extended to gain federal ...
Recessionman's user avatar
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When was the Viking first day of summer? Winter?

I am writing a historical Viking novel taking place in the early 11th century. I have done extensive research about basically everything, including the Viking calendar. Several places mention that the ...
Klaus Æ. Mogensen's user avatar
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Did Edward VIII aid Germany during the war?

In the Netflix TV series called The Crown, a several-season biopic about Queen Elizabeth II, it is reported that in the '50s, the Queen learned that her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, who was formerly ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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What are the languages proposed for international use by Max Müller?

In an article entitled 'Il latino quale lingua ausiliare internazionale' ('Latin as an international auxiliary language'), Giuseppe Peano mentions that various people have proposed that a certain ...
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Did the idea of true/false Gods originate in Dharmic religions and migrate to Abrahamic religions, or could they have a common inspiration? [closed]

Bible verses I am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Deuteronomy 5:6 “You shall have no other gods ...
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Do we have revolutionary tribunal records for Robespierre et al, 10 Thermidor An 2?

I'm interested in records of the French revolutionary tribunal. Do we have the transcript of, for example, Robespierre's trial before the revolutionary tribunal during the Thermidorian reaction? Do ...
ifly6's user avatar
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Was Prussia afraid of German unity during the first Schleswig War?

Engels once sustained that Prussia was afraid of German unity during the first Schleswig war. Is there any historical validity to this claim? This would be very interesting since only a decade later ...
16π Cent's user avatar
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Why are there so few people of sub-Saharan African descent in the lands of the former Ottoman Empire compared to the Americas?

Starkey's assertions about Islamic slavery are predicated on the following assumptions. Are these plausible? What data is available on which to better compare Islamic and European slavery frameworks? ...
Tom Hosker's user avatar
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What is the original source of the quote "Of all my 50 battles, the most terrible was the one I fought at Moscow"?

And how does the quote look in French? The reason I ask is that I see this quote attributed to Napoleon cited all over the Internet (e.g. this video on the Battle of Borodino), but nobody seems to ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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What did "Price Fourpence The Three" mean? [closed]

From the cover of a 1842 book published in Manchester and London (The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law): What did the above mean? (In particular what did "the Three" mean?)...
user103496's user avatar

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