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Questions tagged [palestine]

For question related to the history of the region of Western Asia in which many Biblical activities took place and which has later been the field of conflict in many wars, especially in the 20th century.

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Did Jamal Husseini say "The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East"?

On page 50 of his 2008 book 1948: A History of the First Arab–Israeli War, Benny Morris wrote: The Arab reaction was just as predictable: “The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East,” ...
Onaano's user avatar
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What was the nature of Yasir Arafat's difficulties in Arabic?

Shafiq al-Hout in his book My Life in the PLO says in relation to Arafat's first speech at the UN: He also asked Mahmoud Darwish and me to include all the vowel marks in the text clearly in bright ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Why did the British support Zionism during the mandate period?

The question is inspired by reading The Iron Cage by Rashid Khalidi. While the book provides many interesting insights, its arguments/findings essentially hinge on the claim that the British empire ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Did Palestinians form a distinct ethnically/culturally/linguistically homogeneous group in pre-Mandate period?

Note: this is not a question about whether a Palestinian state ought to be established. Yes or no to this question is not relevant to that one Did Palestinians form a distinct ethnically/culturally/...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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25 votes
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Between 1948 and 1967, were Arab people in the West Bank in favour of Jordanian rule or opposed to it?

In 1948, Jordan took over the West Bank. From the Wikipedia article, I read that other Arab countries were strongly opposed to the Jordanian occupation. Jordan came close to being expelled from the ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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"Israel created Hamas" - what's the timeline behind the historical facts of this claim?

A common claim across social media right now is "Israel created Hamas" - I've found it a little bit difficult to get an accurate timeline about Israel's actual involvement in Hamas. This is ...
TKoL's user avatar
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When was the last direct conflict within Israel's boundaries?

With this recent attack by Hamas I looked up the incident on Wikipedia and it says: "It is the first direct conflict within Israel's boundaries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War." Israel has ...
Zebrafish's user avatar
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When and how did the concept of posthumous reward and punishment enter ancient Judaism?

Throughout the Jewish Bible / Christian Old Testament, it's pretty consistently expressed that all people have the same fate after death - although the nature of that fate is sometimes seems to be ...
g s's user avatar
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Is there evidence of a pagan temple on the site of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem that predated the Jewish Temple?

Is there any evidence of a pagan temple having preceded Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem on that same site? I have seen this argument made, but I wanted to know more about the reasons behind this ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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Where can I learn about Jewish Zealot ideology and history?

What are some great resources where I could learn more about the Jewish Zealots of the first century? I would like to learn more about their philosophy/ideology, their motivation, their contemporary ...
GreenGiant's user avatar
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What is the (secular) history of Samaria?

What is 'the history' of the Samaria sub-region of the Province of Judaea from the Roman Empire days through the dissolution of the Empire up to the Middle Ages [roughly]? I usually find what I'm ...
Richard7's user avatar
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What was meant by "Palestine is not Rhodesia"?

While reading about the Israel/Palestine conflict, I found this 1927 statement by Chaim Weizmann (emphasis mine): Palestine must be built up without violating the legitimate interests of the Arabs ...
cag51's user avatar
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Is there any transcript or recordings of Yasser Arafat's speech to Arab foreign ministers in 1996 (Stockholm)?

I am interested in a full transcript or original recording of a speech that Yasser Arafat delivered to 'Arab diplomats in Stockholm's [Grand Hotel in] January 1996'. The speech is referenced and is ...
johnrabbit's user avatar
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During the time of the British Mandate, who opposed the term "Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine" and who if any were OK with it being called that?

During the time of the British Mandate, who in the British Government opposed the term "Hashemite Kingdom Of Palestine"? " the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine. This was the name that ...
barlop's user avatar
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What did Joe Slovo mean by 'collusion' in The War Against Aparthied?

Nadine Gordimer, in the foreword of the book, Ruth First & Joe Slovo in The War Against Aparthied by the oral historian, Alan Weider, quotes Joe Slovo when he visited Palestine in the early 1940s:...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Why was the "Cave of the Patriarchs" forbidden to Jews?

I just found out a tweet of Ben Shapiro stating the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron was closed to Jews for 700 years. I searched and didn't find any name but this article mentions that In the ...
Nabil Farhan's user avatar
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What is the diplomatic record on President Sadat's 1971 peace offer to Israel?

I have seen a lot of talk in the Israel-Palestine debate about the 1971 peace offer, but I can't find any original sources on it. Even Wikipedia's brief paragraph about it says "citation needed." ...
Sermo's user avatar
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Why does the Balfour declaration refer to Palestine, as opposed to the Land of Israel or the Holy Land? [closed]

The Balfour Declaration states that His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to ...
Aharon Manne's user avatar
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Reference request - Books on Israel-Palestine conflict [closed]

I am searching for a good even-handed account of the Israel-Palestine conflict. I read James Gelvin's book which was ok but I found lacking in detail when it came to the situation in more recent times....
Maximilian's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Was there ever any co-existence (=2 states) solution to peace with Israel that the Arab Palestinian side proposed or said would accept? [closed]

Basically, I am trying to find if there was ever any effort from the Palestinian side to propose or counter offer a peaceful end to the conflict that they would accept. There has been proposals for ...
Alex S's user avatar
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What specifically did Einstein have in mind when he called the Israeli Freedom Party fascistic?

In a blog published in the TLS, May 2016, Toby Lustig points out that Einstein in a letter to the New York Times, a few months after the declaration of Israeli idependence: wrote to complain of '...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Was there the idea of "peaceful Crusades"?

Was there the idea of "peaceful Crusades", which had symbolic meanings for pilgrims, or was it just the political invasion of Palestine territory, initiated by religious people (Pope Sylvester II and ...
Oleksandr Bratashov's user avatar
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Palestinian Troop Strength During 1948 War

I am trying to estimate the strength of the Palestinian irregular forces during the 1947-49 War. I find two well documented groups: Army of the Holy War, commanded by Husayni, based in Ramalla, ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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When Israel won the Six Day War, did they consider expelling all Arabs from the annexed territories?

Did Israel consider doing this and if so, would that have been in violation of international law?
Jeff's user avatar
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Where to find reliable source about Palestinians leaving in 1948 (Nakba)? [closed]

I am pretty new to the topic and just finished A. Razak Abdel-Kader's Conflicts between Jews and Arabs, as one of my first books on the topic. He mentions more than 3/4 of Arabs left in 1948, who ...
David Bensoussan's user avatar
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Did the PLO coordinate with Arab armies during the Six Day War?

In general, the PLO did some raiding before and after the Six Day War but I noticed this facebook post (and also wikipedia) that listed the PLO among the contributors to the Arab's strength. It would ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
-4 votes
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Are today's Palestinians immigrants from many nations? [closed]

According to the The Invention of the Jewish People: During the Byzantine period, despite the persecutions, a good many synagogues were built. But after the Arab conquest, construction gradually came ...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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Did the Jews move from Palestine to Germany? [closed]

I have an essay to write and the question is simple. Did the Jews first live in Palestine and then move to Germany? If they did move to Germany, why did they and did they return? I just need to ...
Rishi Malhotra's user avatar
4 votes
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Why couldn't the Arabs invade Palestine before the end of the British Mandate?

Primarily, did the mandate provide some sort of de facto protection against invasion from the Arabs? But considering that the British had a mandate over Palestine, why did they not intervene in the ...
user2270163's user avatar
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Why was Oslo I Accord so harsh or controversial?

The Oslo I Accord was an attempt in 1993 to set up a framework that would lead to the resolution of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was the first face-to-face agreement between the ...
Pichi Wuana's user avatar

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