How to perform a one-click restore

Want to restore your backup to a different site? There’s a guide for that!

Why would I restore my site?

  • When you are facing any issue with the website that can only be fixed by reverting to a previous version.
  • You would simply like to remove all the changes made after a particular date to move foward with a previous version of your website.

What do I need before starting a restore?

  • The website must be publicly accessible.
  • VaultPress must be installed and connected.
  • A working remote access option (FTP, SFTP or SSH).

Restore your WordPress site in one click

  1. Sign in to the VaultPress Dashboard and view the Backups section for your site. Find the backup you want to use, and click Restore.
  2. Select which items you want to restore. You can restore your database, plugins, themes, and uploads. Click Prepare Backup, and VaultPress will get your backup ready.restore prepare
  3. When your backup is ready, VaultPress will ask you to confirm the restore. (You can even restore your backup to a different site.)
  4. That’s it! When your restore is completed, you’ll see a message like the one below. Check out your site to make sure the restore went as planned, and drop us a line if you have any questions. restore-complete

The Restore Process in Detail

VaultPress doesn’t just write your backup to your database—there’s more to it than that. Here’s an outline of the process:

  1. VaultPress collects the data from your backup and prepares it for the restore.
  2. Before continuing, VaultPress removes any existing restore tables from your database. These may exist if you’ve run a restore before.
  3. Once you confirm the restore, VaultPress creates the tables from your backup, using a temporary prefix with the backup ID. For example, when restoring Backup ID 123456, the prefix would be “vp_123456_”. Once all of the tables have been created, VaultPress begins to insert your backup’s data.
  4. After the data is successfully transferred, VaultPress renames your existing tables with the prefix “vp_backup_” and removes the temporary prefix from the newly restored tables.
  5. Once the transfer and renaming is complete, VaultPress presents the success message.
  6. Need help? The VaultPress Safekeepers are available if you have questions. Just click on the Ask for Help button in your dashboard.

How long does it take to restore?

This depends on many factors, such as the size of your site and the type of server credentials you’ve added to VaultPress. Generally, SFTP and SSH credentials provide a faster connection.

You can check the restore status in your VaultPress dashboard at any time. VaultPress will also send you an email once the restore is complete.

*Note: We do not restore .htaccess files. Uploading this file during a restore can cause the rest of the restore to immediately fail, so doing this is necessary to ensure successful restores. If you notice any 404 errors appearing after a restore, you can easily  regenerate your .htaccess file. If you have made lots of customizations, you may have to manually restore it for your site to work properly.