We want to make sure Tumblr is a fun place for everyone to hang out, which means we take steps to moderate the content that appears here.

We moderate content using a mix of machine-learning classification and human moderation from our team of trained experts. Computers are better than humans at scaling process—and we need them for that—but they’re not as good at making nuanced contextual decisions. That’s why when you report a post, it gets sent to a real, live human who will look it over with their real, live human eyes (with a few exceptions). And if you appeal a moderation decision we’ve made on your content, a human being will review it.

If your content is removed, or if your blog or account is terminated as the result of a User Guidelines violation, you may receive a notification from us via email, so please make sure the email address on your account is always up to date! If you have any questions about our policies, please consult our User Guidelines and Terms of Service, and you can appeal a decision at www.tumblr.com/support.

If your content gets flagged as mature, we’ll email you and let you know. That way, you can review it and appeal if you think it has been flagged incorrectly. You can read more about the mature content appeals process, and the options available to you, right here.

We also want you to feel empowered to report any content that you believe violates the User Guidelines. It’s worth noting that not all content that gets reported will be removed, but we always check to see if reported content is in violation of our User Guidelines.

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