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How to Monitor Your Seedbox Speed

Learn how to monitor your Seedbox speed to get a better understanding of your traffic.

Updated over a week ago

You can always check your seedbox network traffic through your VPS Control Panel.

Log into your VPS Control Panel on the My Services page.

Once you're logged in, choose the virtual server (Seedbox) you would like to monitor its traffic.

At the bottom of the virtual server look for the Controls section and select the Statistics tab.

On that tab, select a suitable time span, for this example we will select 12 Hours.

Once the traffic data has been loaded, you will now be able to see your Seedbox upload and download speeds, CPU load and memory usage.

To analyze Network Traffic (graph #1), the graphical representation shows the activity in Mbytes/second for Incoming (downloading) traffic in blue color while the Outgoing (uploading) is in green color.

Both show the maximum, average, and current Seedbox speed respectively. On the screenshot given above, the average Seedbox speed for downloading is 143.4 Mb/s while the uploading is at 213.3 Mb/s.

By analyzing the graphs, you will be able to determine how your downloading and uploading speeds are behaving, as well as your Seedbox performances. 

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