
Direct links in Pinterest ads take users directly to your site, rather than to a close-up, after clicking on the ad. Ads with direct links also contain a call to action (CTA) beneath the ad creative that drives users to click and take action on your website. This feature can lead to more traffic and conversions on your website.

For Consideration and Conversion campaigns

Direct links are only available on static image ads, standard video, Carousel and Idea ads. It is the default option when creating a new ad and cannot be disabled. 

To create a direct links ad:

  • Log in to your Pinterest business account
  • Click on the collapsed menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the page
  • Under Ads, click Create campaign
  • Click Manual campaign, then Get started
  • Choose Consideration or Conversion, then click Continue
  • Click Ads in the left navigation
  • Select the Pins you want to promote
  • Under your selected Pins, click Review selected Pins to add details to your ads
  • Select a CTA from the Call to action drop-down.  The default option will be Learn more
  • Click Publish
  • For catalogue sales campaigns

    Direct links are available for travel catalogues and all shopping ads on static image and video. It is the default option when creating a new ad and cannot be disabled.

    To create a new direct links ad:

  • Log in to your Pinterest business account
  • Click on the collapsed menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the page
  • Under Ads, click Create campaign
  • Click Manual campaign, then Get started
  • Choose Catalogue sales, then click Continue
  • Enter your ad group name and select your product group
  • Select a CTA from the Call to action drop-down. The default option will be Shop now.
  • Finish the rest of your campaign details
  • Click Publish
  • End of Other articles Links
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