Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 The citizen with her was boiled to the scalp.
at boiled, adj.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 Jeepers could have bumped off Drupe. The bosco had a reason.
at bosco, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 Well, well [...] citizens like Clarence should not get spiffed.
at citizen, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 He could have waylaid Drupe and dusted him off.
at dust (off) (v.) under dust, v.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 You’re under arrest [...] You’re goin’ to the icebox.
at icebox, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 ‘Oh ye-e-e-a-a-a-ah? Well, here’s what I’ll do, you—’ Kerwhop!
at kerwhop! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 Maybe Mr. Drupe took it on the lam somewhere to get his nerves ironed out.
at take it on the lam (v.) under lam, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 He hated orders like a bunion-puppied waiter who has spent ten years juggling trays in a beanery.
at puppies, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 Soon thereafter he hopped a subterranean rattler uptown.
at rattler, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 He was scalded all right, that playboy.
at scalded, adj.2
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 Mrs. Drupe is getting very impatient as she cannot collect life insurance on Corny until they find his shell.
at shell, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 I am glad to see that some of the slewfoots have a fragment of brain.
at slewfoot, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 She was a very spiffy looking number that Willie had bumped into.
at spiffy, adj.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. [ 🌐 Oh, we’ll make him squawk [...] He’ll tell us where Drupe is, or else—.
at squawk, v.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ in Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 He was swacked and he handed me his card—or that was what he thought.
at swacked (up), adj.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Bird Cagey’ Popular Detective Jan. 🌐 I got the guy who bumped off Drupe now. We’ll sweat him dry an’ make him tell where he buried the remains.
at sweat, v.2
[US] J. Archibald ‘Dumb is the Word for Willie’ in Popular Detective Aug. 🌐 Willie [...] ordered a ham-and-egg sandwich. ‘Stick a grunt and a cackleberry between the sheets, Mike!’ the counterman yodeled.
at cackleberry (n.) under cackle, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Killer’s Heel’ Popular Detective June 🌐 Gabriel and his torch came out and tripped towards a kiosk.
at torch, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘Dumb is the Word for Willie’ in Popular Detective Aug. 🌐 ‘Six hamburgers, buddy, wit’ plenty of onion, to go out.’ ‘Right. Mike! Stuff the cow-w-w inta six buns with violets! Ship ’em!’.
at violet, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 With those airedales you could clean up stamping out grass fires.
at airedale, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘No PLace Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 If you’re working your way through college, don’t try to put the bee on me.
at put the bee on (v.) under bee, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 The Gs were after a firm down on Pearl Street for evading the bee that Uncle Sam puts on citizens.
at put the bee on (v.) under bee, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 Gendarmes grabbed Satchelfoot just as he was about to do a Brodie off the Queensboro Bridge.
at do a Brodie (v.) under brodie, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 I am desperate, and my canary is waiting over at the tavern.
at canary, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No PLace Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 The ancient wardrobe that leaned against the wall like a canned-heat drunk.
at canned heat, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 Here I was getting warm on that bank messenger murder and they cool me off like that.
at cool off, v.2
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 Willie got up to light the gas. His fingers were on the little dingus that turns the illuminating vapor on.
at dingus, n.
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 They had tapped the currency carrier over the noodle with a hard object [...] The criminal character who handled the duster had been just a little too energetic.
at duster, n.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 The Gs were after a firm down on Pearl Street for evading the bee that Uncle Sam puts on citizens.
at G-man (n.) under G, adj.1
[US] J. Archibald ‘No Place Like Homicide’ in Popular Detective Apr. 🌐 He got into his jaloppy and drove away.
at jalopy, n.
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