Service-Centric Business Trends | Microsoft Dynamics 365
Join this webinar to glean insights from Forrester guest speaker, Margo Visitacion on the Microsoft commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting of over 500 respondents across the globe that are adopting new service business models.
Forrester study, operations trends, enterprise resource planning, Microsoft Dynamics 365, service business models
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Forrester Study: Service-Centric Business Trends

Traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) is hampering the business success of service-centric organizations, especially with today’s dynamic market environment and business trends. As project-centric business teams are being tasked with improving customer outcomes, service quality, and profitability they are struggling with disparate systems and data silos.

Join this webinar to glean insights from Forrester guest speaker, Margo Visitacion on the Microsoft commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting of over 500 respondents across the globe that are adopting new service business models.

Delve into the study results with us, where we will uncover top service-centric trends around:

  • Business, societal, and technology disruptions
  • Top challenges impacting growth
  • Business model innovation
  • Technology investments


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