Connected Commerce | Microsoft Dynamics 365
Join this webinar to learn how to target and deliver engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly digital commerce buying experiences across B2C and B2B.
Connected Commerce, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, Dynamics 365 Commerce, Retail, Unified Commerce, Intelligent Commerce, customer journey, digital commerce, digital platform
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Create Personalized Digital Commerce Experiences for Customers

Today’s customers are moving to digital platforms in record numbers in search of the information they need to purchase the products and services that are best for them. To meet customer demand, many businesses are leveraging the power of data-driven capabilities and AI-infused personalization in order to provide customers with targeted and engaging digital commerce buying experiences (across B2C and B2B) that are intuitive and user friendly with Dynamics 365.  
Please join us for this webinar to learn how to:

  • Engage your customers across channels with a personalized, seamless purchasing experience  
  • Build brand loyalty by offering choice and convenience as part of consistent and frictionless customer engagement  
  • Modernize and streamline retail operations with a unified solution


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D365 Connected Commerce Overview

Deliver unified, personalized, and seamless buying experiences for customers and partners.

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Connected Commerce Experiences Webinar

Join this webinar to learn how to engage customers with seamless, differentiated experiences to embrace digital transformation on a massive scale.

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The Future of B2B Customer Engagement

Learn how B2B e-Commerce for Dynamics 365 Commerce is leading the charge towards business-friendly online shopping with consolidated B2B and B2C e-commerce management, intelligent multifunctional workflows, and integrated customer engagement AI/ML features.

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