Do you want your words to make an impact?

Write for Us!

Writers at a table with the Give logo and the phrase "Write for GiveWP"


At GiveWP, we strive to empower fundraisers of all kinds with tools, tips, and educational insights. Our audience uses our advice to make a difference in the world through the democratization of generosity.

If you want to help nonprofits and other kinds of fundraisers thrive with online giving through your written content, this is the place for you. We are looking for skilled writers who are passionate about what they do.

We welcome all interested writers to submit the application below. Please take your time and provide as much detail as you can because you can only apply to write for GiveWP once. Once you apply, you’ll receive an application status from us within 7 business days.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to working with you!


Check out our FAQ below.

Apply to Write for GiveWP Here:

Writing for GiveWP FAQ

We reply to each application via email within 7 days. This email includes your official application status and the next steps. 

  1. Accepted: Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to write for GiveWP. This means you get to move on to the onboarding steps. We’re looking forward to working with you! 
  2. Waitlisted: Almost there! This doesn’t mean you were rejected. In fact, we’re really interested in your talents and you’re on our list of writers to accept when we have an opening. You might be waitlisted for a variety of reasons. The most likely is that our content calendar is full and our writing capacity is maxed out.
  3. Rejected: Unfortunately, your application wasn’t right for our brand. This doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer, it just means that we have a very specific voice that didn’t quite align with your application. Due to high demand, freelance writing applications are limited to one submission per person. Thank you for applying and best of luck with your writing career! 

Once you’re accepted as a GiveWP Writer, you’ll go through onboarding and then write your first article (or work on polishing up the one you submitted with your application).

The onboarding process looks like this: 

  1. Meet with GiveWP Content Strategist to go over everything and get all remaining questions answered. 
  2. Make sure you have an email with a Gravatar set up to use for the author account on the website. 
  3. Submit an author bio to use in your author callout box on each article.

Here’s how a typical article is created from start to finish:

  1. Claim an article title from the list of available topics.  
  2. Write and submit a draft of the article for review with placeholders for internal imagery and any ideas you might have for featured images. 
  3. Our team will review the article and edit or send back feedback for edits. 
  4. Make any given changes to the article if there are any sent back before publication. 
  5. Our team will prep the article on site and publish it. 
  6. We’ll provide you with a go.givewp link for each article to share if you want to help us gather analytics on your sharing efforts in a more robust way. 

We give value to our readers through highly optimized content, structured for accessibility, readability, and searchability. If you’re accepted or waitlisted, that means your natural writing style meets our writing standards, or at least comes close. We’ll coach you along the way and provide any additional resources you need to meet our guidelines. 

We pay $150 per article, to be paid via invoice from each freelance writer. You may use whichever invoicing system you prefer. 

Ready to Apply?

Fill out our application above.