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Documentation / Resources / Account Services

Account Services

Your account with GiveWP is where you control your subscription, your profile information, how to access technical support, and where you’ll find your license keys and zip file downloads. You’ll find answers to the most important and crucial questions about account service options in this article.

Question: What is my license key?

Answer: When you make any purchase at, you will get a confirmation page that provides you with a license key and a download link. License keys enable you to have one-click updates to any of your GiveWP Add-ons that you have activated on your website. You can read more about licensing here.

Question: Can I use the same license key for both my live site and my development/staging site?

Answer: Natively, the license can’t differentiate between a live URL and a staging URL and can only be activated on one site at a time.

If you have a staging site you would like to use for testing GiveWP, reach out to our Customer Success team and we will get you sorted.

Question: Can my developer and I have separate logins?

Answer: The GiveWP purchase account can only support one set of login credentials. The GiveWP purchase account is primarily used to manage payments and invoices, and serves as the location for your license key. Typically only the person paying for the subscription and/or needing access to the license key would need access to the GiveWP purchase account.

As a best practice, we recommend using an email address that reflects the organization, and a password you feel comfortable sharing with a developer or web designer.

This is a limitation of the software, and not something we have control over.

If you would like to update the email address on the account, you can reach out to the Customer Success team. You can also update your email address by going to > Profile, and selecting “Primary Email Address”.

Question: Do I have an account? 

Answer: That depends! If you are a free user, you don’t need an account. You already have access to all the features and benefits GiveWP core has to offer.

If you have made a purchase of a GiveWP plan or add-on, then you have an account here on where you will find your purchase information, zip files and more. You can access your account by logging in at

Question: Where can I download GiveWP core?

Answer: You can download GiveWP directly from your WordPress admin area by going to “Plugins > Add New” and search for “GiveWP”. Or download the free GiveWP plugin here:

As a free user, you have access to all the features and benefits native to GiveWP core, as well as access to the support forum at WordPress.

Premium users will need GiveWP core installed before implementing any add-ons.

Question: Where can I get a copy of my invoice?

Answer: Log into your account, then click on the Payments tab and select the “Download Invoice” link.

Question: How can I change/update the details on my invoice?  

Answer: To update invoice details, log into your account. Then click on the payments tab and select the “view invoice” link.

​Next, select the “Update” button. From this screen, you will be able to update the invoice details.

Question: How do I cancel my subscription or turn off the auto-renew?

Answer: To cancel your subscription, log into your account and navigate to the Subscriptions tab, and click on the cancellation link. Canceling the subscription turns off auto-renewal, but the license on the account will remain active until its expiration date.

Last updated 1 month ago

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