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🐚 athenareader

athenareader is a utility tool which query S3 data via Athena from command line. It output query result in CSV format.

Authentication Method

To avoid exposing access keys(Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) in command line, athenareader use AWS CLI Config For Authentication method.

How to get/build/install athenareader

go get -u

How to use athenareader

You can use athenareader -h or athenareader --help to the the plain text version of help text below.

You can set options in command line or file athenareader.config, which is located at your home directory or the same directory with athenareader binary. When there is overlapping in options, command line option will be preferred.


athenareader - Query Athena data and display in command line


athenareader [-v] [-b OUTPUT_BUCKET] [-d DATABASE_NAME] [-q QUERY_STRING_OR_FILE] [-r] \
    [-a] [-m] [-y STYLE_NAME] [-o OUTPUT_FORMAT]


  -a	Enable admin mode, so database write(create/drop) is allowed at athenadriver level
  -b string
    	Athena resultset output bucket (default "s3://qr-athena-query-result-prod/Henry/")
  -d string
    	The database you want to query (default "default")
  -m	Enable moneywise mode to display the query cost as the first line of the output
  -o string
    	Output format(options: table, markdown, csv, html) (default "csv")
  -q string
    	The SQL query string or a file containing SQL string (default "select 1")
  -r	Display rows only, don't show the first row as columninfo
  -v	Print the current version and exit
  -y string
    	Output rendering style (default "default")


  • A Simple Query with plain style default(csv) output
$ athenareader -d sampledb -q "select request_timestamp,elb_name from elb_logs limit 2"
  • A Simple Query with stylish table output

There are many styles to choose:

StyleDefault, StyleBold, StyleColoredBright, StyleColoredDark,
StyleColoredBlackOnBlueWhite, StyleColoredBlackOnCyanWhite, StyleColoredBlackOnGreenWhite
StyleColoredBlackOnMagentaWhite, StyleColoredBlackOnYellowWhite, StyleColoredBlackOnRedWhite
StyleColoredBlueWhiteOnBlack, StyleColoredCyanWhiteOnBlack, StyleColoredGreenWhiteOnBlack
StyleColoredMagentaWhiteOnBlack, StyleColoredRedWhiteOnBlack, StyleColoredYellowWhiteOnBlack
StyleDouble, StyleLight, StyleRounded

You can choose one with -y STYLE_NAME. For example, to use default style:

$ athenareader -b s3://henrywutest/ -q 'desc sampledb.elb_logs' -m -o table -y default
query cost: 0.0 USD, scanned data: 0 B, qid: 96daa3d2-db82-4aa6-8c86-0bf05fd772dc
| COL_NAME                | DATA_TYPE | COMMENT |
| request_timestamp       | string    |         |
| elb_name                | string    |         |
| request_ip              | string    |         |
| request_port            | int       |         |
| backend_ip              | string    |         |
| backend_port            | int       |         |
| request_processing_time | double    |         |
| backend_processing_time | double    |         |
| client_response_time    | double    |         |
| elb_response_code       | string    |         |
| backend_response_code   | string    |         |
| received_bytes          | bigint    |         |
| sent_bytes              | bigint    |         |
| request_verb            | string    |         |
| url                     | string    |         |
| protocol                | string    |         |
| user_agent              | string    |         |
| ssl_cipher              | string    |         |
| ssl_protocol            | string    |         |

To use StyleColoredRedWhiteOnBlack style:

$ athenareader -b s3://henrywutest/ -q 'desc sampledb.elb_logs' -m -y StyleColoredRedWhiteOnBlack -o table

The output is like:

  • A Simple Query with markdown output for you to paste the table to where markdown source is needed
$ ./athenareader -b s3://henrywutest/ -q 'desc sampledb.elb_logs' -y StyleColoredRedWhiteOnBlack -o markdown
col_name data_type comment
request_timestamp string
elb_name string
request_ip string
request_port int
backend_ip string
backend_port int
request_processing_time double
backend_processing_time double
client_response_time double
elb_response_code string
backend_response_code string
received_bytes bigint
sent_bytes bigint
request_verb string
url string
protocol string
user_agent string
ssl_cipher string
ssl_protocol string
  • A Simple Query with html output, so you can paste the table to where HTML source is needed
$ athenareader -b s3://henrywutest/ -q 'desc sampledb.elb_logs' -o html
col_name data_type comment
request_timestamp string  
elb_name string  
request_ip string  
request_port int  
backend_ip string  
backend_port int  
request_processing_time double  
backend_processing_time double  
client_response_time double  
elb_response_code string  
backend_response_code string  
received_bytes bigint  
sent_bytes bigint  
request_verb string  
url string  
protocol string  
user_agent string  
ssl_cipher string  
ssl_protocol string  
  • Query without header(the first column row)
$ athenareader -d sampledb -q "select request_timestamp,elb_name from elb_logs limit 2" -r
  • Put complex query in a local file
$ athenareader -d sampledb -b s3://my-athena-query-result -q tools/query.sql
  • Add -m to enable moneywise mode. The first line will display query cost under moneywise mode.
$ athenareader -b s3://athena-query-result -q 'select count(*) as cnt from sampledb.elb_logs' -m
query cost: 0.00184898369752772851 USD
  • Add -a to enable admin mode. Database write is enabled at driver level under admin mode.
$ athenareader -b s3://athena-query-result -q 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS depreacted_table' -a

$ athenareader -b s3://henrywutest/ -q 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS depreacted_table' -o html
writing to Athena database is disallowed in read-only mode


Henry Fuheng Wu (