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CTPU: The Cloud TPU Provisioning Utility

ctpu is a tool that helps you set up a Cloud TPU. It is focused on supporting data scientists using Cloud TPUs for their research and model development.

There are 4 main subcommands to know when using ctpu:

  • status: ctpu status will query the GCP APIs to determine the current status of your Cloud TPU and Compute Engine VM.
  • up: ctpu up will create a Compute Engine VM with TensorFlow pre-installed, and create a corresponding Cloud TPU. If necessary, it will enable the appropriate GCP APIs, and configure default access levels. Finally, it will ssh into your Compute Engine VM so you're all ready to start developing! The environment variable $TPU_NAME is set automatically.
  • pause: ctpu pause will stop your Compute Engine VM, and delete your Cloud TPU. Use this command when you'd like to go to lunch or when you're done for the night to save money. (No need to pay for a Cloud TPU or Compute Engine VM if you're not using them.) When you're ready to get back going again, just run ctpu up, and you can pick back up right where you left off! Note: you will still be charged for the disk space consumed by your Compute Engine VM while it's paused.
  • delete: ctpu delete will delete your Compute Engine VM and Cloud TPU. Use this command if you're done using Cloud TPUs for a while or want to clean up your allocated resources.

Pro tip: ctpu makes simplifying assumptions on your behalf and thus may not be suitable for power users. For example, if you're executing a parallel hyperparameter search, consider scripting calls to gcloud instead.

Install ctpu

You can get started using ctpu in one of two ways:

  1. Using Google Cloud Shell (recommended). This is the fastest and easiest way to get started, and comes with a tutorial to walk you through all the steps.
  2. Using your local machine. You can download and run ctpu on your local machine

Follow the appropriate instructions below to get started.

Cloud Shell

Click on the button below to follow a tutorial that will walk you through getting everything set up.

Open in Cloud Shell

Note: The above request clones the ctpu repository into your Cloud Shell. The only reason for cloning the repo is so that you can view the tutorial in the shell. The ctpu tool itself is pre-installed on the Cloud Shell.

Local Machine

Alternatively, you can also use ctpu from your local machine. Follow the instructions below to install and configure ctpu locally.


Download ctpu with one of following commands:

  • Linux: wget && chmod a+x ctpu
  • Mac: curl -O && chmod a+x ctpu
  • Windows: Coming soon!


While you can use ctpu in your local directory (by prefixing all commands with ./; example: ./ctpu print-config), we recommend installing it somewhere on your $PATH. (example: cp ctpu ~/bin/ to install for just yourself, or sudo cp ctpu /usr/bin/ for all users of your machine.)


In order to use ctpu you need to provide it with a bit of additional information.

  1. Configure gcloud credentials: If you have never used gcloud before, you will need to configure it. Run gcloud auth login to allocate credentials for gcloud to use when operating on your behalf.
  2. Configure ctpu credentials: ctpu uses the "application default" credentials set up by the Google SDK. In order to allocate your application default credentials, run: gcloud auth application-default login.

Usage Details

Common Global Flags

There are a few flags common to all subcommands. These "global" flags can be placed before or after the subcommand. For example: ctpu -name=saeta-2 print-config or ctpu print-config -name=saeta-2(where -name=saeta2 is the global flag and print-config is the subcommand). The most commonly used global flags are the -name flag and the -zone flag.

Note: All flags can also be "double-dash" prefixed. (e.g. --name=foo)

  • -name - Specifies the name of your Cloud TPU. Use the -name flag when you'd like to have multiple independent workspaces in the same GCP project, or if ctpu doesn't automatically assign a useful name. Note: ctpu defaults to naming your VM + TPU pair after your username. (The VM + TPU pair is also called a Cloud TPU flock.)
  • -zone - Specifies the Compute Engine zone. The default zone for ctpu is us-central1-b.

Note: The effect of a global flag is scoped to the current invocation of the ctpu command. You must specify the global flag each time you run the command. For example, assume you want to create your Cloud TPU in zone us-central1-c and you therefore run ctpu up -zone=us-central1-c. The next time you run a ctpu command, you must specify the zone again, otherwise ctpu will reset its configuration to the default zone. So, for example, if you run ctpu status, the configuration zone for ctpu will revert to the default us-central1-b. If you want to create another Cloud TPU in us-central1-c, you must run ctpu up -zone=us-central1-c again. If you're enrolled in the TFRC program you must run your TPUs in zone us-central1-f.

As an alternative to global flags for project and zone, consider the built-in configuration system for gcloud, described below.

Using the gcloud Configuration System

While it's possible to use global flags on the ctpu command to define the GCP project and Compute Engine zone you'd like to allocate your Cloud TPU and VMs in, it's often easier to use gcloud's built-in configuration system. If you didn't set a default configuration when you installed gcloud, you can set (or reset) one using the following commands:

gcloud config set project $MY_PROJECT
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-b
gcloud config set compute/region us-central1

If you'd like to maintain multiple independent configurations (e.g you're using GCP for a personal project, and a project at work), you can use the gcloud config configurations subcommand to manage multiple independent configurations. ctpu will use the currently active configuration automatically.

Getting help

If you're ever confused on how to use the ctpu tool, you can always run ctpu help to get a print out of the major usage documentation. If you'd like to learn more about a particular subcommand, run ctpu help $SUBCOMMAND (for example: ctpu help up). If you'd simply like a list of all the available subcommands, simply execute ctpu commands.

If you're having problems getting your credentials right, use the ctpu print-config command to print out the configuration ctpu would use when creating your Cloud TPU and Compute Engine VM.

Security Documentation

The ctpu tool focuses on user egonomics, and thus automatically selects reasonable defaults that are expected to work for the majority of users. We document these choices that are potentially security related here as well as how to customize the security posture.

  • Port Forwarding: In order to make tools like tensorboard work out of the box, ctpu automatically configures port forwarding over the ssh tunnel to your Compute Engine VM. If you'd like to disable port forarding, add the --forward-ports=false flag to ctpu up. Example:

    ctpu up --forward-ports=false
  • IAM & Service Management: A Cloud TPU typically reads data from (and saves checkpoints to) Cloud Storage. A Cloud TPU also outputs logs to Stackdriver Logging. By default, Cloud TPUs have no permissions on your project. The ctpu tool automatically sets up the Cloud TPU's permissions to output TensorFlow logs to your project, and allows the Cloud TPU to read all storage buckets in our project. However, if ctpu sees that your Cloud TPU already has some access pre-configured, it will make no changes.

  • SSH Agent Forwarding: When ssh-ing into the Compute Engine VM, ctpu supports SSH Agent forwarding. When working with non-public repositories (e.g. private GitHub repositories), credentials are required to clone the source tree. SSH Agent forwarding allows users to forward their credentials from their local machine to the Compute Engine VM to avoid persisting credentials on the Compute Engine VM. If you would like to disable SSH Agent Forwarding, pass the --forward-agent=false flag when executing ctpu up. Example:

    ctpu up --forward-agent=false

Current limitations of ctpu

  • Multiple Accounts: ctpu cannot correctly handle if you use multiple Google accounts across different projects. (e.g. for work and for personal development.) Instead, please use ctpu in Google Cloud Shell where you will have a different shell environment for each account.
  • Name restrictions: In order to prevent clashes, we require that all flock names are longer than 2 characters. If your username is 2 characters or less, you will have to manually set a flock name on the command line with the -name global flag.
  • TF version: When ctpu creates a Cloud TPU and Compute Engine VM, it creates the VM with the latest stable TensorFlow version. When new TensorFlow versions are released, you must upgrade the installed TensorFlow on your VMs, or delete your Compute Engine VM (after appropriately saving your work!) and re-create it using ctpu up.


Contributions are welcome to the ctpu tool!

Bug Reports

If you encounter a reproducible issue with ctpu, please do file a bug report! It will be most helpful if you include:

  1. The full output when running the command with the -log-http global flag set to true
  2. The output of ctpu print-config, ctpu version, and ctpu list both before and after the failing command.
  3. Steps to reproduce the issue on a clean GCP project.


The code is layed out in the following packages:

  • config: This package contains the tool-wide configuration, such as (1) the credentials used to communicate with GCP, (2) desired zone, and (3) the desired flock name.
  • ctrl: This package contains the thin wrappers around the Google API Go SDK. For details on the SDK, see the godocs for Compute Engine and Cloud TPUs.
  • commands: This package contains the business logic for all subcommands.
  • main: The main package ties everything together.

In order to keep the code organized, dependencies are only allowed on packages above the current package in the list. Concretely, the commands package can depend on ctrl and config, but config cannot depend on ctrl.

Contributed code must conform to the Golang style guide, and follow Go best practices. Additionally, all contributions should include unit tests in order to ensure there are no regressions in functionality in the future. Unit tests must not depend on anything in the environment, and must not make any network connections.

Developer Workflow

ctpu is developed as a standard go project. To check out the code for development purposes, execute:

go get -t
go test

When you're in this directory, you can use go build and go test.

For additional background on standard go idioms, check out: