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Webpack bundles the whole NestJS app into a single file. But the output misses dynamically discovered, imported, and executed files, like database migrations. Please add an option to disable Webpack and ...

Current: - there is no way how to exclude projects with package.json having set private : true during release pipeline. - filtering by project.json metadata doesn t work - nx run-many -p projectType:application ...

To follow nx CLI configuration setup via global env variables it would be really helpful to add variable to set --nxBail argument. we want this behaviour in all our pipelines and ATM it adds unnecessary ...

Hello, Can you please guide me on what s required to get nx working in s390x, and to subsequently include the building of artifacts for this platform. @pleia2 can help arrange a GHA runner in s390x, to ...

Current: It is not possible to expose the createNodes() API in a secondary entry point for Local Nx Plugin: For example, if you create a separate plugin.ts to expose your createNodes(): image and declare ...

Hi, Currently we have --skip-nx-cahe which ignores both local and cloud cache. Is there a way to configure the commands to look for for only local cache if available otherwise skip looking for cloud cache. ...

Current Behavior When using the conventional-commit specifier and creating a prerelease the next version always derives it to be a patch change. Even though we created a conventional commit which indicates ...

Regarding the documentation for optimisticUpdate (now removed, available here optimisticUpdate) There may be some updates or feature requests ...

Hello! I have a question about how to link nx libs (publishable react or ts libs) to an external react application ? image With an integrated repo, NX will build everything to one and only one dist ...

Hey hey, I am opening this discussion because after exploring the code of Nx plugins, some reflections came to my mind about the design of the Project Crystal. For people who don t know what Project ...