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141 lines (80 loc) · 5.21 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (80 loc) · 5.21 KB

Version 3.0.0


  • Remove direct mutation of nodes #156


  • CloudinaryAsset nodes are not added for existing assets described by a content node
  • When uploading remote images the relationship between parent and child node must must be handled manually
  • gatsbyImageData, fluid and fixed resolvers are only added to GraphQL Types configured using the transformTypes

Version 2.3.0


  • Support for gatsby-plugin-image (adds the gatsbyImageData resolver)#90


  • publicId, cloudName and version available on CloudinaryAsset nodes #89
  • Limit files to upload by utilizing the added uploadSourceInstanceNames plugin option #71 and #103

Version 2.2.4


  • API key & secret is no longer required when using the plugin for only remote images.

Version 2.2.1


  • Added types for fixedImageObject and fluidImageObject.


  • fixedImageObject and fluidImageObject uses default plugin options properly in runtime.
  • Moved fixedImageObject and fluidImageObject APIs to /api. Fixes fs error when importing from index.js.
  • Set default value for fieldsToSelect in fixedImageObject and fluidImageObject to empty array.

Version 2.2.0


  • Only throw an error on missing Cloudinary credentials if those credentials are actually needed to upload an image to Cloudinary.
  • base64 images are no longer generated unless a query requesting them is run.
  • defaultTracedSVG values are now passed along as tracedSVG values.
  • Improved base64 caching so that if a second request for the same base64 image is made before the first response is received, only one request is made.

Version 2.1.1


  • Added logging for each time we have to fetch a base64 image from Cloudinary to explain long query steps in the Gatsby build process.


  • Fluid images use defaultBase64 images when they are provided.

Version 2.1.0


  • Added the ability to use both width and height parameters simultaneously for fixed queries.
  • Added the ability to use precomputed base64 images. When precomputed base64 images are used, build times should improve and Cloudinary usage should decrease.


  • Deeply nested asset data is now transformed into CloudinaryAsset nodes.

Version 2.0.0


  • This is a major version bump to call attention to the change in default behavior introduced in version 1.1.1. (f_auto and q_auto are no longer added to image URLs by default.)


  • Images uploaded using the createRemoteImageNode function respect the overwriteExisting argument when provided and fall back to using the overwriteExisting plugin option.

Version 1.1.3


  • Typo fix.

Version 1.1.2


  • Local images uploaded to Cloudinary now respect the overwriteExisting plugin option.

Version 1.1.1


  • Added enableDefaultTransformations plugin option. When set to true, f_auto and q_auto are added to all source URLs automatically. Previously, this was on by default. This behavior is now opt-in.

Version 1.1.0


  • Added ability to use existing Cloudinary images by marking nodes with cloudinaryAssetData: true and providing cloudName, publicId, originalHeight, and originalWidth properties.
  • Added an optional height argument to fixed queries.


  • Cache base64 images when running queries to prevent duplicate network requests.


  • Changed the public_id to be the relative path of files without the extension instead of just the file's name. This fixes an issue with childrenCloudinaryAsset nodes being created instead of childCloudinaryAsset nodes.

Version 1.0.1


  • Added CloudinaryAssetFluidLimitPresentationSize fragment.
  • Added presentationHeight and presentationWidth to CloudinaryAssetFluid.

Version 1.0.0

Breaking changes:

  • The default for fluidMinWidth has been decreased from 200 to 50 to match Cloudinary defaults.
  • The default for createDerived has been changed to false.
  • The default for breakpointsMaxImages has been increased from 5 to 20 to match Cloudinary defaults.
  • Breakpoint calculations are no longer requested by default when uploading an image. (This is controlled by the new useCloudinaryBreakpoints option.)
  • Image uploads no longer overwrite images with the same public ID by default. (This is controlled by the new overwriteExisting option.)

Other changes:

  • Added createRemoteImageNode to allow uploading remote images directly to Cloudinary without downloading them locally first.
  • Added Jest tests.
  • Added the ability to calculate breakpoints locally to avoid consuming Cloudinary transformation credits while developing.
  • Increased the timeout when uploading images to Cloudinary from 60 seconds to 5 minutes.

Version 0.3.5

  • Beginning of changelog.