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Demonstrates multiple ways to redirect requests using the declarativeNetRequest API through the declarative_net_request manifest key. Demonstrates aspects of Manifest Version 3 (MV3): action, host_permissions, and web_accessible_resources.

What it does

This extension redirects requests from the domain to other destinations:

  • to redirectTarget.html packaged with the extension.
  • to
  •[anything] to the same URL but the domain changed to and ?redirected_from_www=1 appended to the URL.
  • URLs matching regular expression ^https?://([^?]+)$ to the same URL but with the scheme set to https: (if it was http: before), and with ?redirected_by_regex appended.

Redirecting requires host permissions for the pre-redirect URLs. In Firefox (and Safari), Manifest V3 extensions do not have access to these by default. The permission to these can be granted from the extension action popup.

What it shows

This extension shows how to:

  • use the declarativeNetRequest API through the declarative_net_request manifest key, along with the "declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess" permission. This permission does not trigger a permission warning. (Compared to the "declarativeNetRequest" permission, which has the same effect but displays the "Block content on any page" permission warning.)
  • use the action API to offer a UI surface with which the user can interact.
  • use the permissions.contains API to check whether an extension is granted host permissions.
  • use the permissions.request API to request host permissions as needed.
  • redirect requests to another website.
  • redirect requests to a page packaged in the extension and listed in web_accessible_resources.
  • redirect requests and transform the URL with the transform and queryTransform options.
  • redirect a URL matching a regular expression in regexFilter to a destination composed from regexSubstitution and the matched URL.
  • use "priority" to establish a guaranteed order of precedence between rules. This results in a predictable redirect outcome when there are multiple matching rule conditions for a given request.

Comparison with Manifest Version 2

While this example uses "manifest_version": 3, the functionality is not specific to Manifest Version 3.

To create a MV2 version of the extension, modify manifest.json as follows:

  • Set manifest_version to 2.
  • Rename host_permissions to optional_permissions.
  • Rename action to browser_action.
  • Set web_accessible_resources to ["redirectTarget.html"]

As an alternative to renaming host_permissions to optional_permissions, add the match patterns in the host_permissions array to the permissions key of the MV2 manifest. Then the user does not need to opt in to the host permission, and the extension works immediately after installation.

Index of DNR examples