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Task Solutions

Solutions for the tasks in the CSS Learn section of MDN.

The Cascade


Task: Write a declaration in a new rule that will reset the background color back to white, without using an actual color value?

One possible solution is as follows:

#outer #inner a {
  background-color: initial;

There are two things you need to do in this task. First, you need to write a selector for the a element which is more specific than the selector used to turn the background blue. I have achieved this by using the id selector which has very high specificity.

Then you need to remember that there are special keyword values for all properties. In this case I am using initial to set the background back to be the same as the default style of your browser, which is white.

Attribute Selectors


Task: Target the <a> element with a title attribute and make the border pink (border-color: pink).

To select elements with a title attribute we can add title inside the square brackets, which will select the second link, which is the only one with a title attribute.

a[title] {
  border-color: pink;

Target the <a> element with an href attribute which contains the word contact anywhere in its value and make the border orange (border-color: orange).

There are two things we want to match here, the href value "/contact" and also "../contact". So we need to match the string "contact" anywhere in the value using *=. This will select the third and fourth links.

a[href*="contact"] {
  border-color: orange;

Target the <a> element with an href value starting with https and give it a green border (border-color: green).

Here we can look for an href value which starts with "https" and so use ^=, this will only select the first link.

a[href^="https"] {
  border-color: green;

The Box Model


Task: Change the size of the second box (by adding CSS to the .alternate class) to make it match the first box in width and height.

.alternate {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 390px;
  height: 240px;

You will need to increase the height and width of the second block, to add the size of the padding and border.

Backgrounds and Borders

To style the box we add a border, using the border property. Round the corners with border-radius and then add the background image setting the size to contain.

.box {
  border: 5px solid #000;
  border-radius: 10px;
  background-image: url(balloons.jpg);
  background-size: contain;

We've used {{CSSXref("color_value/rgb", "rgb()")}} colors to add a background color to the heading which is semi-transparent.

h2 {
  background-color: rgb(0 0 0 50%);
  color: white;