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Development teams merge faster with GitLive

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Code, review, merge, repeat

Development teams merge faster with GitLive

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GitLive helps you and your fellow contributors merge faster by avoiding conflicts and encouraging eager and continuous code review directly inside the IDE.

🚨 Do not let merge conflicts break your flow

  • Indicators in the gutter of your editor show the changes others are making

  • Get notified the moment you make a change that conflicts with another branch

💻 Get the ultimate perspective on all work in progress

  • Perform eager and continuous code review directly in your IDE with the team view

  • Get notified when you fall behind the main branch or your tracking branch

👥 Let your team know what you are working on

  • Connect your issue tracker to see each other's current issue in the team view

  • View your current issue and select another issue to work on via the status bar

ℹ️ Supported platforms

Interoperable between VS Code and all JetBrains IDEs

ℹ️ Want to learn more?

Check out for the latest updates

Indicators in the gutter of your editor show the changes others are making.

Pricing and setup

Free plan includes:


Pro plan includes everything in the free plan plus:

$12 seat/ month


Pro plan includes everything in the free plan plus:

  • Users: Unlimited
  • Branches: Unlimited
  • Merge Conflict Detection: Instant
  • Priority Support

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