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GitHub + Slack by Actioner

GitHub + Slack by Actioner

Run your workflows as ready-to-use actions in Slack and review PRs faster, without any configuration

by novaeralabs193 installs

Supported languages

JavaScript, Python, Objective-C, Java, Go, C#, Kotlin, CSS, Swift, and HTML

Actioner offers a seamless GitHub Slack integration. With ready-to-use Slack apps specifically designed for GitHub pull requests and GitHub Actions workflows, you can streamline your GitHub + Slack experience in no time.
Here’s what you can do with GitHub Slack integration:

Stay up-to-date in Slack:

  • New commits
  • New pull requests
  • Status updates
  • Comments
  • Code reviews

Collaborate on PR channels:

  • Invite PR assignee & reviewers automatically
  • Receive check suit results
  • Sync GitHub PR comments and Slack messages
  • Auto-archive when PR is closed
  • Deploy to prod when PR is approved

Trigger GitHub Actions in Slack:

To trigger a GitHub Action in Slack:

  1. Use /actioner or shortcuts, select "Run workflow."
  2. Enter the owner's name, and choose repository and workflow.
  3. Pick the branch.
    Fields will be generated dynamically for selection.

Build your GitHub Copilot for Slack:

Access, modify GitHub data, and execute actions in your GitHub instance through NLP in Slack with GitHub AI code review assistant.

How to get started with GitHub Slack integration:

Install GitHub Actions workflows and GitHub pull requests from Actioner app directory.

Run GitHub workflows as ready-to-use actions in Slack

Pricing and setup





GitHub + Slack by Actioner is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation