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commercetools Cloudinary MACH extension on Azure

These instructions walk you through configuring Microsoft Azure to host the serverless microservice that integrates Cloudinary assets in your commercetools instance.


See Azure installation documentation.

Next steps

AZURE resources config

Update settings/commercetools.json


  • Subscription : the name of the Azure Subscription where resources will be deployed
  • ResourceGroup : the name of the AZure ResourceGroup where resouces will be deployed
  • KeyVaultName : the desired name for the KeyVault
  • ApplicationId : the desired name for the application (resources will be named e.g. "apim-", "func-", ...)


  • cloud_name : the name of your Cloudinary instance
  • cloud_api_key : the apiKey for your Cloudinary instance
  • cloud_api_secret : the apiSecret for your Cloudinary instance
  • property_sku : the name of the Cloudinary property you've chosen to contains the commercetools SKU


You will get all the values below when you create a new API key in commercetools.

Powershell deployment scripts

  • scripts\deploy-step1.ps1
  • Deploy function (e.g. using VS Code extension)
  • scripts\deploy-step2.ps1

If the script shows the error "The user, group or application 'name=Microsoft.ApiManagement/service;appid=;oid=;iss=' does not have secrets get permission on key vault '...'." this is caused by one or more access policy that aren't ready yet. Try to re-deploy again after a gew minutes so Azure finishes creating the required resources