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This source plugin queries media files from a Cloudinary account into CloudinaryMedia nodes in your Gatsby project.

See a live demo here

Here's a tutorial on plugin usage

If support for the gatsby-plugin-image is needed add and configure the gatsby-transformer-cloudinary plugin.


Gatsby offers the ability to develop high-performance web pages with a rich developer experience and declarative data fetching Layer with GraphQL. Cloudinary provides a robust solution to manage media assets, from storage, and optimized delivery, to media transformations. Extending the powers of Gatsby with the use of gatsby-source-cloudinary affords the best of both worlds, to allow users to store media assets on Cloudinary, leveraging Cloudinary's powerful optimization and transformation capabilities in fast sites built with Gatsby.

While Cloudinary images with on-the-fly transformations can be used during runtime in Gatsby, gatsby-source-cloudinary utilizes the build optimizations of Gatsby.


  • Store media files on Cloudinary and deliver through a secure CDN to your Gatsby site
  • Average of over 60% image optimizations using f_auto and q_auto applied by default.
  • Query Cloudinary images in Gatsby's data layer using GraphQL.
  • Utilize Cloudinary's robust transformation suite in media files on a Gatsby site.
  • Manage media assets of an application entirely on Cloudinary rather than directly in the codebase.

Looking to use the features of Gatsby-Image with Cloudinary optimized storage, transformations, and delivery? Check out the gatsby-transformer-cloudinary plugin.

Example usage

Example showing use with and without gatsby-plugin-image + [ gatsby-transformer-cloudinary. The latter will add the gatsbyImageData resolver used below.

import React from 'react';
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby';
// Optional usage of gatsby-plugin-image
import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image';

const SingleImage = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query CloudinaryImage {
      cloudinaryMedia {
          width: 300
          aspectRatio: 1
          transformations: ["e_grayscale", "c_fill"]

  const imageSrc = data.cloudinaryMedia.secure_url;
  const image = getImage(data.cloudinaryMedia);

  return (
      <img width="300" src={imageSrc} alt={'no alt :('} />
      <GatsbyImage image={image} alt="no alt :(" />

export default SingleImage;


Install the source plugin using either npm or yarn:

npm install --save gatsby-source-cloudinary
yarn add --save gatsby-source-cloudinary

Gatsby Plugin Image

To use with gatsby-plugin-image you'll need to install it along with gatsby-transformer-cloudinary.

NOTE: Currently in beta, may be used with both Gatsby v3 and Gatsby v4

npm install --save gatsby-transformer-cloudinary@beta-v4 gatsby-plugin-image
yarn add --save gatsby-transformer-cloudinary@beta-v4 gatsby-plugin-image

Cloudinary Credentials

Cloudinary offers a generous free tier which is more than enough to bootstrap projects. Obtain your cloudname, key, and secret from your cloudinary console when you signup at

Environment configuration

Store your cloudName, apiKey and apiSecret as environment variables for security. To do this, create a file in the project's root named .env. Add your environment variables in it with:


Install dotenv in your project with:

yarn add dotenv

In your gatsby-config.js file, require and configure dotenv with:


There are several options to configure dotenv to use different env files either in development or production. You can find that here.

Add the .env file to .gitignore so it's not committed.

Ensure to configure the environment variables on deployment as well.

Plugin setup

In your gatsby-config.js file, include the plugin like this:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
        apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
        resourceType: `image`,
        maxResults: 22,
    // Optional usage of gatsby-plugin-image
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [`CloudinaryMedia`],

Plugin options

You can find the plugin options in the table below.

option type required default description
cloudName string true n/a Cloud name of your Cloudinary account, can be obtained from your Cloudinary console. This should be stored and retrieved as an environment variable.
apiKey string true na/a API Key of your Cloudinary account, can be obtained from your Cloudinary console. This should be stored and retrieved as an environment variable.
apiSecret string true n/a API Secret of your Cloudinary account, can be obtained from your Cloudinary console. This should be stored and retrieved as an environment variable.
resourceType string false image This is the file type. Possible values: image, raw, video. Note: Use the video resource type for all video resources as well as for audio files, such as .mp3.
type string false all This is the storage type: upload, private, authenticated, facebook, twitter, gplus, instagram_name, gravatar, youtube, hulu, vimeo, animoto, worldstarhiphop or dailymotion.
maxResults integer false 10 Max number of resources to return
tags boolean false false If true, include the list of tag names assigned to each resource
prefix string false n/a Find all resources with a public ID that starts with the given prefix. The resources are sorted by public ID in the response.
context boolean false n/a Specifies if the context data for the image should be returned. This is useful for retrieving alt text or custom metadata in key:value pairs for an image set on Cloudinary.

With prefix, you can source only media files from a specific folder. However, you will need to specify type and resourceType in the config options.

An example prefix value is gatsby-anime-videos/. This will fetch only media files with public ids beginning with gatsby-anime-videos/*. Example: gatsby-anime-videos/naruto.mp4

The f_auto and q_auto Cloudinary transformations are applied automatically to all media queries. This optimizes the delivered media quality and format.

All media files sourced from Cloudinary are done when Gatsby creates an optimized build; hence you will need to trigger a new production build whenever new media files are added directly on Cloudinary.

How to use

Once a development server is started using gatsby develop, all media assets configured in the plugin are available as cloudinaryMedia and allCloudinaryMedia in graphQL. These can run in a Page Query or StaticQuery.

import React from 'react';
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby';

const Images = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query CloudinaryImages {
      allCloudinaryMedia {
        edges {
          node {
  const clImages = data.allCloudinaryMedia.edges;

  return (
        {, index) => (
          <div key={`${index}-cl`}>
            <img src={image.node.secure_url} />

Other Resources


Want to contribute to making this tool even better? Feel free to send in issues and pull requests on feature requests, fixes, bugs, typos, performance lapses, or any other challenge faced with using this tool.
