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Releases: ImageOptim/gifski

Improved dithering of static backgrounds

27 Jan 18:07
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File sizes of screencasts should be smaller now

40% faster

26 Jan 23:25
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If you have at least 4 CPU cores, encoding will be faster.

Stdout writing

23 Jan 13:37
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  • -o - writes to stdout, which may help with scripting and integration with non-C/Rust environments.
  • fixed outdated struct definition in gifski.h.

Fixed transparency bugs

11 Jan 12:13
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The GIF format is very weird with handling of transparency. Issues with white or green artifacts and cropped top/bottom of frames should be fixed now.

Fixed blank/messed up anims

10 Nov 11:53
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Fixed frame deduplication

01 Nov 23:56
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Transparency fix

10 Oct 20:00
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No more duplicate frames

09 Aug 23:18
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  • Identical frames are merged together (skipped)
  • More video decoding improvements
  • Lossy GIF compression is enabled by default when using quality < 100
  • gifski will automatically downscale videos that are too large for GIF (sorry, codec from 1989 is not for 4K videos)

Improved video support

09 Aug 00:46
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Binaries for macOS and Debian now come with video support built-in. (Sorry, there's still no video support on Windows, because Visual Studio compiler and tooling are still such a pain.)

cargo install gifski --features=video

Is now supported as well.

Smoother animations

30 Jan 23:36
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  • Improved handling of fps.
  • Fixed dithering bug.
  • Quality setting uses lossy LZW.