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Questions tagged [postgresql]

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system.

3 votes
1 answer

Merging PostGIS tables with billions of rows

I'm trying to create a unified high population density dataset using the Facebook "data for good" dataset. Currently their dataset is available as a raster or CSV per catagory (men, women, ...
RedM's user avatar
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ogr2ogr from PostgreSQL-Installer on Windows without PostgreSQL-Driver

I have a local installation of PostgreSQL 16 on a windows-Computer from EBD ( I am struggling with the ogr2ogr tool when exporting ...
leole's user avatar
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Connecting to database I host with QGIS Cloud

I'm interested to learn whether it is possible to use my own PostGIS database that I host with QGIS Cloud rather than keep paying for more storage from QGIS Cloud?
AWGIS's user avatar
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Plugin or external function

I want to use two tables in QGIS with which I want to achieve the following. TabA should contain project names and TabB should contain log entries, i.e. a 1:n relationship. When entering a new log ...
FlyingEagle's user avatar
4 votes
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PostGIS ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns NULL

I have problems with the ST_ClusterDBSCAN function in PostGIS. I try to group points derived from lines with a maximum distance of 15 meters from each other and a minimum cluster size of 4. This ...
mapmap's user avatar
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Save metadata from QGIS directly to PostGIS database

When I save a layer in a geopackage in QGIS, the metadata is also saved. When I look at the layersettings in the geopackage, all metadata is visible. However, when I import the layer into a PostGIS ...
MmVi's user avatar
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Improve performance of PostgreSQL query function [closed]

I have a server (pysical server, AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 8700GE (5.1Ghz)) , 64gbram, raid0 nvme) here which runs a PostgreSQL/PostGIS server serving around 60.000.000 datapoints of data like this: id::text ...
pcace's user avatar
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Layer from database taking long time to load on QGIS project

I have a layer in a PostgreSQL database that I put in a Qgis project. The problem is that it's taking a long time to load, despite having created an index for the geometry using gist and for other ...
vivjmin's user avatar
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5 votes
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How do I manage user privileges when working with a QGIS project stored in a PostGIS database?

I have set up a PostGIS database (PostgreSQL 15.5, PostGIS 3.4, QGIS 3.34 LTR) which 2 different user groups can access: editor and reader. For simplicity, let's say there are 3 schemas in the ...
geo_theo's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I edit the EWKB format to use only 4 bytes for coordinate values instead of 8 bytes in PostGIS?

I am using PostgreSQL with PostGIS to store a large amount of polygons. I want to minimize the space my polygons are taking up in my database and since all the coordinate values of the polygons I am ...
L K's user avatar
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2 votes
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Segmentation fault on ST_ConcaveHull call [closed]

I have a problem on creating a polygon for a geometry by using the ST_ConcaveHull algorithm. Following line geometry creates a segmentation fault and breaks the connection to my Java application. ...
Bora's user avatar
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1 vote
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Does PostgreSQL function concat_ws works as expected?

You find the documentation of the concat_ws PostgreSQL function here. It says this request concat_ws(',', 'abcde', 2, NULL, 22) results in this reply abcde,2,22. This example does not proves the ...
dancesWithCycles's user avatar
0 votes
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Get "not data owner" error when execute register with geodatabase even I connect with the owner user in ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro and connecting to a PostgreSQL database. I have enabled the database as Enterprise Geodatabase and it automatically creates a user "sde" for my PostgreSQL database. ...
kgs-tliu's user avatar
1 vote
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ogr2ogr gives an overflow error

I'm trying to use ogr2ogr to import shapefile data in my PostgreSQL database. The MAC command line I use for this is export PGPASSWORD=xxx* ogr2ogr -skipfailures -nln xx_table -f PostgreSQL PG:"...
Thomas's user avatar
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ERROR 999999: Something unexpected caused the tool to fail && Error - Failed to execute (Manage Vector Tile Cache)

I'm trying to publish a web layer (which data come from a postgresql VIEW) in the arcgis entreprise portal. The web layer is published succesfully however the features are not visible in the portal, I ...
Jamal Samlani's user avatar

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